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Everything posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. ^^^Waan ka noqday! he is right on Sland issue ! but for Gods sake that's the job of so called P/l ministers.
  2. Gosh,, my uncle needs help! maxaa ka galay asaga ma polician baa mase waa isim? though he is not..
  3. Jacaylbaro;682201 wrote: lol,,,Reerka Passport kooda saan miyaa ?
  4. Malitia Diig miirato ah ayaa yimid Mogadisho si ay maatada ulaayaan ! that should be your thread Title Yaa Oba !
  5. i'm not big fun of Puntland , but what PLand done this time is sharafnimo No.1 Go whoever wins and loses do better next year well done Puntland iyo reerahayaga Somaliyeed VIva Somalia.
  6. One way or the other Sland will let go this Plane real soon! and hey this is not abt Puntland this is South African interest at stake and when your Waali Siiraanyo gets a call from Big Zuma that is all he cares. they were suppose to recognise Sl once remember!
  7. i'm afraid he's told not to , by who ? i don't know....but one thing i know better is the guy doesn't have an agenda what so ever! and that is one hell of a probelem for me .
  8. Originally posted by Libaahe*: Che -Guevara. I don't usually agree with you but i agree with you on this 1. you better diagree with him lad!! can three habroos make up your so called republic ? Alla maxaa qabyaalad bilaa caqli ah kugu jirta !!
  9. Hajj kiina Cuqdad maad geeyseen?? wadeeca Alla....
  10. So, Secessionists are in love with reer Maakhir lately !! These Protests if true are unnecessary ,,,,laakin maba aha waa caantaynkii reer SL.
  11. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: “ waxa la Kufsaday hablahoodii, waxaanu xaq u leeyahay inuu la dagaalamo maamul goboleedkaas raba inuu cidhib tiro ummada ku dhaqan deegaanka Sanaag Bari”. Hoga he shouldn't have mention that at all !!! ceeb
  12. Thankful, I have noticed from recent pics Faroole has changed the uniform of his personal security guards,,,,from tuute with AK47 to Suit and Ookiyaalo miraayad haad u ek!!! what could be the reason ?
  13. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I already have that ,, u just can't notice now are you the little man wearing the big Yellow suit oo siwaalan u socda madaxwaynaha hortiisa? you look Awesome JB. waad jidbaysantahay markaan!!
  14. Originally posted by The Zack: Bob, Wey is canduuro ooteen if you know what I mean. i thought my somali was perfect until i read the above :confused: can any one explain ?
  15. Look , i don't care who elected Shariif and approved mr farmajo!!! if A. yey is your uncle then i understand your concern if not just back off!.
  16. Election pledege: (I, Islaan Xabeeb will liberate the milky city of Laascaanood, I will give free health care for every retired pirate, I will transfer the capital of Somalia from Muqdisho into the great city of wind, Garowe, even if you don't vote for me I will become president over your dead bodies like my uncle did) . [/QB] alla maxaad isha ka tuurtay!! wiil hoog igadheh.
  17. ^^and you wanna make us beleive Barahlay is more peaceful than Laasqoray? get life you naive little pirate boy!
  18. Khair baa ka dhacay!!! Adeeradeen baa soo noqday!!50 years ayaan agoon ahayn !! true naah.
  19. Not sure abt the Flag part,,,, but indeed Hargaisa is A Capital in Search of a Country!! i fall in love with this city and Xera RATI!!!!
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: If Attam did not even own a car, what threat could he pose to anyone? ^We better ask this to IMam Faroole! when he shouted cuuc to the world media, what threat he was talking abt?.......... yes Atam never had luxury in his whole life, but he has the will,determination and support of his kin's men to defend his land from SSDF!!!
  21. ^^yaa kuu sheegay? the guy never had the luxury to own personal vehicle horta,,,and who will ran off on Donkey back is your Saciid DHegdheer not Atam!! he cutt off the telepone lines in the area and thinks now he can spreads all kinds of lies and none sense! that is not gonna end the resistance of local communities there nor it gonna safe SSDF from Atams !!!
  22. ^^laakin xaguu aaday sheikh maxaase loo qaban waayey ? you just listen to the Audio you gonna laught at what this guy utters!
  23. Gen.Siciid Maxamed Xirsi (Siciid Dheere""Nin Dameer saaran oo XAGAAAA u socda ayaanu aragnay waxaanu umaleenaynaa inuu ahaa Shiikh Atam""