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Everything posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. if this is true it's very sad day for Puntland chiefs ,, this was the only chief in puntland who was able to oppose and say no to the Imam. he is also very young chief with bright ideas.
  2. Xudeedi hadaan waayey illeen waa somalia!. good to have you back sx. this was Horrific incedent when it happen ! i couldn't believe this way dhaqaaday was able to do anything this. but he did it and got a way with it . shame on her adeerkeeda he is/was simply a puppet for the triangle.
  3. lol OOyaaye! wuuu yahay kaas walee... i like his calaacal laakiin...he is funny.
  4. lol@10- Xaawaleey City, which team do you play for though?.
  5. some Somalis will tell you still we are not doqoniin African ah just like any other black Africans for that matter , how come otherwise we destroy this beautiful city to ruins.
  6. so it's true that Sharif invited Ethios to come and invade again! that is totally brainless on the part of the former Sheikh.. his so called Government will lose the support of ordinary man in the street and mark my words Alshabaab will many sympathizers they don't have before. nin buka boqol tali ma maqashay?. somalia iska ba'aday!.
  7. He is optimist and he may be right,, but i do agree with you one thing Mr. FATB, you are not one those he mention above! you are simply infected with Raja dhig.5.0 virus.
  8. so what? don't get me wrong i'm not hayaay i arkaay !!. safe journey laakin.
  9. so what? don't get me wrong i'm not hayaay i arkaay !!. safe journey laakin.
  10. in Al-shabaab books yes it's allowed, but I do believe that is not intention here,, it's simply a body guard protecting his Boss at prayer congregation. me thinking.
  11. I'm going to Mogadishu in Dec too ,but mine is not pleasure trip like yours!as I'm going to work there. i have never been there before nor i know any one in the city! , so i will not be of any help on your site seen and nightlife tour in Mogadishu.
  12. What happen to you JB i thought inaad nin reer magaal ah ahayd ? waa maxay ******tu?? Shame on you , you are disgrace wallee.
  13. Good news for reer Waamo , was working in Jubada hoose when Alshabaab qabsatay those areas, no one can imagine how much those people hated and wanted Alshabaab out of their Towns except view pa pets i knew!
  14. nemo;751745 wrote: My first choice would be someone who is competent to lead a uncivilised nation, rules based on pure sharia (not al-kabaab style), balanced, not tribilist, wants the best for the nation and not his lil tuulo, independent from foreigners whether be Africans or UN. If you know anyone like this then IM IN Very ambitious, laakin you are not making justice to your first choice by keeping Sharif's pic over there. nothing against our Commander in chief , he simply doesn't qualify.
  15. war ninku ileen wuu cawaranyahay, hadaan fahmiwaayey waxa qaldan,,, markii waxlaguu sheegaad waxgarataa. no thanks XX for this.
  16. Sit back, do nothing and watch till lunatics ruin what is left in our society, is that what you suggest people ? i think their plan is very ambitious but feasible , as they said very journey starts with........ if you can't help and be a part of the change we so badly need, just shut up for heaven's sake.
  17. u kaadsha reer jaamac dheerow, what mooge mean to say is ninku faroole iyo puntland ayuu daba dhigtay ayaantan, which is true.
  18. Inajaad ma xataa dumaashidaa? , you are disgrace war xishoo waxyohoow.
  19. There we go, the same mentality that deluded your uncle (Imaamka) into two unnecessary wars in Galgala and Galkayo, and the same mindset that is going destroy Puntland for good, don’t you even listen to Puntland elders verdict on the fighting they never mention Alshabaab mase Faroole’s FM baad dhegaysataa! They concluded it was between Uncle Foroole and Garsoor residents (reer!), the same applies to Galgala, after all chest beating Alshabaab clearing thing, He (Faroole) finally sat down and agreed with some sort of a peace deal with clan elders from Galgala how ****** that is ? you tell me. I think it’s high time we stop this Islamist Alshabaab mantra and address the Clan grievances in Puntland.
  20. we shall wait and see , may be they (Galgala News) are right. I personally don't believe Faroole will ever leave office .
  21. ehhehe@Iranian flag sticker!. why does it matter which passport ay dhoofeen caruurtaas xaawa taakooy?
  22. Great initiative , indeed there must be alternate lifestyle than piracy for young men in Puntland.