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Everything posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. I'm against these Protests, not because the i support the session but because the policy of laba canlayn is the best policy for the time being.
  2. Hargaisa Tax payers money building Dhahar by me this is welcome news . don't know what Slanders would call it though,,ee dalka ayeeynu dhisaynaaaaaa!!!
  3. what was north Somalia called by then?
  4. miyaad is yeelyeelshay mase waa kaa dhab Awoowe? it mean a camel liver btw.
  5. it's good that your target was Eithos this time around .was afraid you massacre poor maryoolay as you usually do!. so well done maadeey intaas yaanan kaala bakhayline.
  6. Dictoore; with all names why Inajaad?
  7. burahadeer;776618 wrote: Gloves taken off,you wanted war & you get it,Case close.Talking is what you all good at...for 20 yrs now! War kan ma oga miyaa in ciidankii Qaranka lajabiyey?
  8. oday buufis ku dhacay iga dheh. i know some one who is just like that , laakin asagu waa jaahil!!!
  9. i knew these two XX and Oodeyweyne were none sense as always, but JB use to seem smart sometimes and some one who can read between the lines, and since he is in Somalia he understands the context more than the other fellas. so i really expected from my beloved JB to simple grasp this is waa Durbaan guuldaro. But for love of Laalaa Land any thing can happen to people!.
  10. war wiiilka daa haduu ku yiri qaadiradii baa igaba'aday let him be reborn unionist!! waa confused fella laakin!!.
  11. I may not Agree with everything in the report , but the truth is, pirate's ransom money had a direct effect good & bad in Somalia's economy generally and Puntland in particular!! it doesn't matter if imam Faroole disputes with . Yes i was there in 2008 pirates peak days and I'm still around , I also happen to know people who are in the business , life has changed really pretty quickly for some , a lot of second Toyota land cruisers were bought by people who can't drive and new buildings were built by people who have never own one and would have never own if not with the pirate fortune, did i mention girls?! beautiful girls have immigrated from far away places from Djibouti, Hargaisa to Kigilka shanaad. A lot of locally made khamri was smuggled by greedy businessmen from Ethiopia. having said that , during this period, before and still there are honest Honorable Somali communities with in the country and from Diaspora have invested lots of hard earned $$ in many sectors and I believe credit for the development mentioned in the report should be given to those folks.
  12. FreshPrince;773307 wrote: I see what others don't amongst my SSC clan. I assure you, this is an opportunity to live and let live. Get your lands back, take your share and live large! waa Aduunyo!.
  13. Oodweyne;773134 wrote: ^^ :D Not that I would dream of telling this particular Suldan to pipe it down (or at any rate put a sock on it); but, still for what is worth, I would strongly advice the traditional leaders of Somaliland to observe a self-imposed silence on this issue. Let the government and the houses of parliament, as well as the any other organs of the state make their case in here; for that is within their political purview, per se. Well said!! waxaasi waa Xil dhalaan gartay ayaan maqlijiray.... Shame on Suldaanka beesha , if midnimada Reer Sool iyo Cayn ay ******wdo Laascaanood fadhimayaal.!!
  14. War naga tag inaad xooraanta iska shiday oo mid reer hebel kaga tuftay ayaanu moodnay.!
  15. Liban Muse Boqor was the man in charge of the whole affair for puntland (at least i thought) now claims to be an advisor to Range Resources. something is fishy miyaa ? mase there was a change of guard and Faroole himself is the man.
  16. The Zack;771202 wrote: Arsenal now with Henry can it get any better for them? Bal weynu arki. . it did get better for Arsenal indeed, the king Henry is back !!
  17. The Zack;771202 wrote: Arsenal now with Henry can it get any better for them? Bal weynu arki. . it did get better for Arsenal indeed, the king Henry is back !!
  18. Dr_Osman;772074 wrote: Interesting video!!! and their were some very valid points made what are the valid points in this crap? yaa Dictoore
  19. AYOUB;771617 wrote: The name of the party is UTP U=Unholy. T=Trinity (Omar, Osman and Isseh). There's a dispute as to what P stands for. ;)
  20. The lady in pic with the kids and the Ball is my neighbor in New Bosaso and i had the opportunity to ask her what is with ball Baaye? do you know what she said Dr. that was a show Yaakhay, and BTW she doesn't know she is up there!!!ooooooooops a violation of her privacy shall i say?
  21. Say that to Imam Faroole and you will be jailed forever!.
  22. I want to have a word with the owner of this , , when did Medhishi became Somaliland?
  23. then i think a simple narration of how events unfold, and also your picture so you be recognized by Soler from other Faaraxs on the street , that would be enough Nin Yaabanow!.
  24. Nin Yaabanow , I hope I'm not out of line here but i think I read once you saying"i was jailed once" and i think it was in the very thread so why don't you post your own pics and the reasons why the shit happen? that is if this applies also to former cons!!. if you can't do it leave alone those lowlifes.