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Posts posted by sYric-STiPHuLLa

  1. i understand what your talking about specially the part pertaining to the soul...i love how you put that into a story it was peoticlly beautifull(or whateverlol) my ppoint is...i don't have a scripture backing on this i understand islam the soul wants worly possessions always craves and is tempted and as you follow it's tempting and follow this corrupted path the qalbi is sponged on darkness dot by dot (u heard of this) it's only then that you realize true deppression in my understanding the good has been stripped from your heart and you don't feel the common happines in the simple pleasures of life such as a calm walk in the park '. a breezy afternoon down by the beach, a sound silence we all like when we're reading something..the peace and serene u never feel while in this sstage..

    on this path u must repent to allah all your sins and pray five times a day and read the quran daily...insha'allah allah will guide you for we are all his slaves and his beloved ones truely shall find there ultimate happines..


    i hope this helped you..i myself am trying to reason with things but we shouldn't really rationalize things the quran is cannot be rationalized i hope you understand this we can obviously say that if i drop this ball it will bounce but's not like that with the quran you must really focus and take this idea of rationlizing away for it's the kufars way of thinking.."i must see it to believe it" no ..


    p.s this has no scriptural backing for i'm not that educated but as i've learned from all the lectures i';ve went to as a kid and all those days of dugsi..this is based on that and what i know of it has no specific verses in the quran.CORRECT ME IF I'M

  2. YO THAT's actually tru ...but the studies dr.khan stated are here in minnesotat i think somebody should clarify this before we all start thinkin it's worldwide..which it could be..did any of ya'll look into it?? anywayzz my point is that one my freinds mother developed diabetes and it's hard for the somalis specially when something like this is just quickly increasing and when we got the growing notion or idea "what can a doctor do for me" it's all in the hands of allah true . which i also see somalis, but allah also told us to take good care of ourselves and being in arrogant towards this is just going to make things worse..anywayzz that's why we should be able to step up and dignify ourselves by getting the right sources and putting a stop to this..i know theres many health organizations,federal funds out there that would gladly give you the grant money to spend on research and towards the goal of ultimately helping ourselves and our does no good to sit around talk about it, and lounge around that idea...we should take a step and do what is neccasary..for the love of my people...stay

  3. yo find a new a freind and boyfreind abaaayo...starting with me....gimme a lil 411 on you i happen to a b a


    i feel yo poem's really nice...good to know we have some poetic sense in us once in a


    yesterdays history tommorows the future...todays a gift that's why they call it a present.....that's enuff!!!i feel ya luv..stay up keep ya head don't let cho head down for nobody......aight holla

  4. yo find a new a freind and boyfreind abaaayo...starting with me....gimme a lil 411 on you i happen to a b a


    i feel yo poem's really nice...good to know we have some poetic sense in us once in a


    yesterdays history tommorows the future...todays a gift that's why they call it a present.....that's enuff!!!i feel ya luv..stay up keep ya head don't let cho head down for nobody......aight holla

  5. yo find a new a freind and boyfreind abaaayo...starting with me....gimme a lil 411 on you i happen to a b a


    i feel yo poem's really nice...good to know we have some poetic sense in us once in a


    yesterdays history tommorows the future...todays a gift that's why they call it a present.....that's enuff!!!i feel ya luv..stay up keep ya head don't let cho head down for nobody......aight holla

  6. yo find a new a freind and boyfreind abaaayo...starting with me....gimme a lil 411 on you i happen to a b a


    i feel yo poem's really nice...good to know we have some poetic sense in us once in a


    yesterdays history tommorows the future...todays a gift that's why they call it a present.....that's enuff!!!i feel ya luv..stay up keep ya head don't let cho head down for nobody......aight holla

  7. if u want to go out with a african man or and african american its ur choice but i will tell u one thing these men go out with them for the ***** and that is not fair to the african american girls they have feelings too like we do

    that's the funniest shyt i ever heard..feelings ahahhahaaha what the flluck......ohhh mann....u right about the thing tho'iz all about the nookie

    i got an idea why don't you start a national B.A.R.I.Sinc..

    Blackwomen.And.Relationship.Interracial.Somaliguysincorperate....B.A.R.I.Sinc.. funpicjuly2.gif

  8. if u want to go out with a african man or and african american its ur choice but i will tell u one thing these men go out with them for the ***** and that is not fair to the african american girls they have feelings too like we do

    that's the funniest shyt i ever heard..feelings ahahhahaaha what the flluck......ohhh mann....u right about the thing tho'iz all about the nookie

    i got an idea why don't you start a national B.A.R.I.Sinc..

    Blackwomen.And.Relationship.Interracial.Somaliguysincorperate....B.A.R.I.Sinc.. funpicjuly2.gif

  9. if u want to go out with a african man or and african american its ur choice but i will tell u one thing these men go out with them for the ***** and that is not fair to the african american girls they have feelings too like we do

    that's the funniest shyt i ever heard..feelings ahahhahaaha what the flluck......ohhh mann....u right about the thing tho'iz all about the nookie

    i got an idea why don't you start a national B.A.R.I.Sinc..

    Blackwomen.And.Relationship.Interracial.Somaliguysincorperate....B.A.R.I.Sinc.. funpicjuly2.gif

  10. if u want to go out with a african man or and african american its ur choice but i will tell u one thing these men go out with them for the ***** and that is not fair to the african american girls they have feelings too like we do

    that's the funniest shyt i ever heard..feelings ahahhahaaha what the flluck......ohhh mann....u right about the thing tho'iz all about the nookie

    i got an idea why don't you start a national B.A.R.I.Sinc..

    Blackwomen.And.Relationship.Interracial.Somaliguysincorperate....B.A.R.I.Sinc.. funpicjuly2.gif


    tupac is alive!!!!




    I'm new on this board and just wanted to give my opinion, I think 2pac is alive and will return on Sept. 13, 2003!!!!! The reason I say this is because if you listen to his music and gone on to certain site and you will see all the weird stuff to prove he is alive like the #7!!!!! For one year I thought that 2pac was dead until I opened my eyes and saw the facts right in front of me proving that he is alive!!!!!!


    Here is a little prove to let you read that 2pac is alive and will return Sept. 13, 2003!! Just to let you know it is very long and I got this off of another website!


    The Plot:


    This whole plot is about making a difference. And to make a difference in this world, you need cash. Pac didn't want to be like every other rapper that talked about making change, he actually wanted to do it. Weeks before his (fake) death, he was holding rallies to get minorities to vote. In his last interview, he talked of having a political party, and you need cash for that. Sure he was making money now(and I believe Pac was getting paid....don't believe everything you read), but you need a lot of money to have a political party. Now Pac is getting that money. Everything he is on, turns to gold. He is making loot now. You see, I believe Suge and Pac's moms, is in on this too. They staging this little war to make it look real. I also believe Suge and Pac knew Deathrow was going down. Thats why everybody leaving. Nobody is that stupid to not know that the Feds are watching. Suge knew this and he has a plan. He is gonna drop all the blame on David Kenner. Everyone says Suge was just the muscle, and David was the real head of Deathrow. Even C. DeLorres Tucker says this. Suge and Pac will hook in the future, I am sure. I also in no way, believe Suge set Pac up. Why would you drive in the car with a man who will be shot at that many times. And Suge insisted that Pac ride with him. Why would Suge take the chance of being wounded seriously. This is common sense. If you got a hit on someone, don't be standing right next to the guy. These people who would of shot Pac would have to be thugs, not Marksman. Cops don't even have that good of aim. I also believe that Pac letting people know that he was recieving death threats(he brought extra bodyguards with him to the set of Gang Related, and let the director know he was recieving threats.), it could be used as a reason for faking his death. He can gain sympathy. And if he went to jail for that, you thought the L.A. Riots were bad, and that was over some junkie named Rodney. This is Tupac. He would be a political prisoner, and would be out

    fast. They let Geromino Pratt out last year.


    Bad Boy:


    This one is scary. Could Pac really of had Biggie killed? I hope not, but it is kind of strange how there are 6 gunshots(6 months after Tupacs death, Biggie died.) on Bomb First, and you don't hear him diss Biggie no more in the rest of DK7. This would be good on the side of Pac if he wanted to unite the Hip Hop Nation. All that would be standing in his way, would be Puffy, and without Biggie, Puffy won't have the respect of the East Coast rappers.(which is evident today) This makes it easier for Pac to unite everyone. Remember its not about East or West. Which side are you on? Once again I hope it is not true(I like Biggie), but as Machiavelli explains, you can't just defeat your enemies, you must destroy them, give them no chance for retaliation.(Thats just a summary)




    Why all these damn 7's. When pac and the white dude ask about sandwiches, the cook points up to the menu. Pac and the guy gaze at the board. (they look at it weird if ya ask me) Then the camera goes to the menu(they actually highlight the menu as if it symbolizes something) All the L's on the menu are replaced with upside-down 7's. And you can tell that they are 7's(check it out for yourself) Then after seeing the picture of Pac and the guy on TV, the cook looks back and Pac and the guy, disappeared.


    Gang Related:


    1. In the beginning of the movie, Pac and Belushi wait in Rm. 7.


    2. The bum in the movie, was missing for 7 years.


    3. Tupac's badge number is 115(1+1+5=7) Now in what movie or TV show, do you get to see the badge number, or even get to clearly see the badge period. How come we only see Pac's numbers too. Why not Belushi's. Also the slogan of the movie is, "The Best Place To Hide, Is Behind A Badge." On the soundtrack, they have this slogan and the badge showing.


    Thug Luv


    1. Bizzy after his verse and before Pac, says, "He's alive, He alive"


    a. Why would they do that? Why would they change their album name to Art Of War. A title of Machiavelli's book. They are down with the plot. They know what is up.


    Ain't Mad At Cha & Toss Em Up


    1.Why was Ain't Mad At Cha the last video made by Tupac, and he dies in it, then his next video is Toss Em Up, by Makaveli. Then he breaks a mirror(7 years).


    1a. I believe this was planned. He breaks a mirror for no reason. Unless this shows that he is cursed with having to be in hideout for 7 years, then he gets to come back in 2003.




    Who is the producer Simon? In the bible, Simon helped Jesus carry the cross. Who was helping Pac with his burden?...Suge Knight. What's Joshua Dream? Joshua in the Bible, dreamed of Jesus rising from the dead. Why did Pac have Exit Tupac-Enter Makaveli? Cuz he is a new person. Tupac was killed off.


    Ambitionz Az A Ridah:


    1. "Payoff the block, evade the cops, cuz I know they coming for me. I've been hesitant to reappear, been away for years, now I'm back, my adversaries been reduced to tears, question my methods?"


    1a. That night in Las Vegas, no one seemed to have seened a damn thing. No matter how bad he wants to put an end to this this Puffy crap, he won't. Its not the right time. When he finally does, his enemies will flee, but many will question his methodsand why he faked his death to unite, what he calles the "Nigga Kingdom."


    Ain't Hard 2 Find:


    1a. The title is his way of challenging us to find him.


    2. "I heard rumor I died, mudered in cold blood dramatized. Pictures of me in my final stages, you know mam cried, but that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted, Like I no longer existed, mysteriously missing, But I'm worldwide baby, I ain't hard 2 find..."


    2a. This sound like Las Vegas to me. He was murdered in cold blood, the picture him in the final stage, is that fake autopsy pic, and his mama cried, but its fiction, like a drama movie(dramatized!!!)


    3."You tried to play me, now homicide is my only payment."


    3a. Biggie tried to play him, now who is dead?


    4. Breaking them off on sight, stopping lives on redlights, watch them pause as I pull my strap out my drawers, and get to dumping on their ass, like the last outlaw."


    4a. Sounds like the night Biggie died. Anyone can plan to kill someone in advance. And a red light would be easy. Your ass will have to stop sometime.


    Hail Mary:


    1 When Pac says, "run, quick, see, what do we have here now? This is what happen when everyone discovered Jesus has risen from the dead. Mary Magaline was the first to discovered Jesus was gone.


    2.The guy doing the regae keeps saying running from the penitenary, which Pac would be doing right now.


    3. Check the video out. The tombstone is cracked, and pac enemies are killed while guy in jail is enjoying it(Suge Knight).


    4. Okay this might be strecting but while the last of the Outlawz are rapping, listen to that sound that sounds like the wind. Does it say 7 yearsssssssssss?




    1. When the guy in the beginning says,"unless the lord does return in the next 7 days...." after 7 days, listen for Pac to say,"7 years", and then right after he says this you hear, "don't start that blasphemy", and then again louder. He also starts to say follow me. He will return in 2003. He will be a leader.


    2. "I'm comtemplating thoughts, wondering the thought to go, Brotha getting shot coming back resurrected."


    2a. He is plottin and wondering where to hide. He says he will get shot and come back. Year 2003.


    3. "I leave this here and hope God can see my heart is pure, is heaven just another door?"


    3a. Its like he is asking God's approval, hoping God will see he means good by faking his death.


    Life of an Outlaw:


    1. "Why explain the game, niggaz ain't listening."


    1a. In other songs he says the world is a game.(listen to Staring Through My Rearview") He has figure the game out, but others don't hear him.


    2. "Mercy to this madman screaming kamikaze in tongue."


    2a. This is the second time kamikaze was mentioned(in Bomb First). Kamikaze are these japanese pilots who would kill themselves by crashing their planes into you. Basically making themselves into a missle. Pac decided to take himself out of the game, move to another level. He is telling us, but we don't understand. He screaming it in tongue.(I understand you Pac)


    3. "believe in me and you will see the victory. A warrior in jewels. Can you picture me?"


    3a. I believe in him, and I can see the victory to be won in 2003. He might not win the election, but it is a start. It will be a victory in defeat.


    4. "I play for keeps, arrange the whole crime scene."


    4a. Was this an arranged crime(Tupac's faked death)? Was this a setup? Part of the plot? The Outlaws were left at the crime scene while Suge and Pac drove around.


    5. "To plan @#%$, 6 months in advanced to what we plotted. Approved to go on swole, now we got it."


    5a. Feb 13-Mar 13, Mar 13-Apr 13, Apr 13-May 13, May 13-June 13, June 13-July 13, July 13-Aug 13, all these months, represent the 6 months in advanced. All Eyes On Me dropped on Feb 13. Aug 13-Sept 13, is what they plotted(Tupac's faked death).




    1. "A million things run through my mind, You ain't gotta be in jail to be doing time."(Remember this tune)


    1a. This lyric and the chorus tells me he is watching time go by in his own personal jail, thinking and it makes him Krazy. I'll be Krazy too watching Puffy blowup, and still suck. Small price to pay for a man with a great plot.


    2. I don't know much about the 3 day theory, except to say something will happen in 1999. Christ died on Friday, and rose on Sunday. Hence 3 days.


    White Man's World:


    1. "My time away just made perfection. You think I'd die?"


    1a. He is predicting what his plot would do. How being awy will make perfection. He will be richer for sure. And when he returns to unite the black race, we will be stronger than ever. He also asks if you thought he would of died. Apparently so.


    2. "Will we make it to better times(tomorrow?)"


    2a. Now he sounds like he is hoping that we make it while he is gone. Will we make it to his perfection, his better times?


    Hold Ya Head:


    1. "Switched my name to Makaveli, had the rap game closed."


    1a. Now that he switched his name, he is pass rap. Tupac was the rapper. Makaveli the revolutionary. He even said before, "@#%$ the rap game, this is M.O.B.(Money Over *****es). That goes back to his plot to get richer.


    2. "Got a cell at the penn for me waiting, is this my fate."


    2a. It sounds like he is answering and asking a question at the same time. He has a cell for him waiting if he returns, but is he really going to be sent there. Is it his fate to be in jail? Again, think about L.A. Riots. With his death threats, people would be on his side. They will argue he had no choice, but to fake his death.


    3. "Running from the police til they capture me, and my AIM is to spread more smiles then tears."


    3a. Right now he is evading the authorities. And when he says he aims to spread more smile then tears, he is saying that his faked death will cause some tears, but when he returns he will get more smiles. Like Rain turning to Sunshine.


    4. "Plus nobody knows my soul, watching time pass through the glass of my drop top, Hold Ya Head!"


    4a. Nobody will understand him, and why he faked his death. Or that while in death, he will still be critized, because no one really understood him. He is an Lost Soul. And now he is watching time pass through the hourglass(like the one they had in the Master P video, "I Miss My Homies."...UGHHHHHHHHHHHH)


    Against All Odds:


    1. He gives Tupac Amaru Shakur, a 21 gun salute.


    Lost Souls:


    1. "Just wait till the Rain(tears) turn to sunshine(smiles)"


    1a. You get it.


    Never Had A Friend Like Me Suge and Pac were said to always sing this song in the studio.)


    1. "And you wonder if these white judges like us, Just stay strong, we'll appeal, nigga you'll be free, Down wit cha to the very end."


    1a. Sounds like Suge situation now.


    2. Listen to the chorus of this song.


    2a. Pac was riding with Suge that night. They both had the same enemies. And nobody will no where they will be(at least Pac)


    3. "Me and you against the nation, whispering while we conversating, cuz niggaz died over information, How much can we take, expect us all to wait, the world ain't ready for us yet, so lets make Clinton pay.


    3a. First off he is talking about President Clinton, not the faculty(listen to the whole song, he mentions the president again.) Pac and Suge were plotting in secret and now we must wait for Pac to return, cuz its not time. Clinton has to pay for these hard times now.




    1. Listen to the intro. Pac tells us to smile through all this bullshit(his faked death). He tells us things are gonna happen in the future, thats going to make it hard to smile. But we got to keep going, make it to his better times.


    2. The video is creepy. Pac is crucified, but then set free, and walks away.


    Niggaz Done Changed:


    1. "I've been shot and murdered, can't tell you word for word, but best believed that niggaz gonna get what they deserved."


    1a. This I do not believe is the New York shooting. He told us what happen there and he even mention the names of the guys that did it, so for me it has to be Las Vegas. He can't tell us exactly what happen here. Too bad Biggie wasn't listening.(Puffy beware).


    Made Niggaz:


    1. "@#%$ em all let em understand my plot to get richer, much more than 6 figures..."


    1a. I'm trying Pac. This is for the non-believers. He knows he needs more than 6 figures to get a political party, and it wasn't going to happen with him alive. Now with him dead he got people who would not usually buy his album, buying it. Mo money, Mo money, Mo Money!!!


    2. "Picture the scenery, for now you gonna have to imagine. Call me a prophet cuz I predicted what was going to happen."


    2a. We have to picture Tupac, cuz FOR NOW(why for now, cuz he is gone, but will return). Then he says he is a prophet. What did he predict. Could he be the same Outlaw in the song, "Life of an Outlaw", that talked about planning @#%$ in advanced. hmmmmmmmm


    3. "I be gettin the paper snatching, at those whose be paper snatching, will emerge like crack in the 80's."


    3a. Whose doing the paper snatching? I think it is the man with a plot to get richer. Will he emerge from his hideout.


    Staring Through My Rearview:


    1. "Staring at the world through my rearview, just looking back at the world, from another level, ya know what I mean."


    1a. Do you know what he means? He's just chilling right now, watching us where no one can touch him. Remember in "White Man's World", he talks of walking off the planet only if we choose too. He chose to for now.


    2. "Multiple gunshots fill the block, the fun stops, niggaz is callin cops, people shot, nobody stop, I wonder when the world stop caring last night, two kids shot, while the whole block staring..."


    2a. This sounds like the night in Las Vegas, except that pac substitutes him and Suge with Two kids. My man Dark Vendetta says thats a metaphor..


    3. "Tell me, will my enemies flee when they see me."


    3a. If you were Puffy, what would you do, if Pac returned?


    4. "LISTEN, through the intermission, search your heart for a plan, and we turning bad boys to grown men, its on again."


    4a. Intermission(now til 2003). Bad Boy(Puffy and who ever else on his side). And why does Pac say its on again. For that to be, the war had to stop(right now it is stopped). But why would Pac say that unless he plotted his death, only to return. 2003 it will be on again.


    5. "I'm seeing nothing my dreams coming true,..." 5a. His plot is working.


    6. Now you see him, now you don't, some niggaz be here for the moment, then they gone, what happen to them, well lets see, it seems to be a mystery."


    6a. C'mon that speaks for itself.


    7. Listen to him speak at the end. He put his mind to his plot and he did it. Now he's on another level.


    Autopsy Photos:


    First off, how did Cathy Scott get a picture. She says they are locked up, but somehow this one slipped out. If you gonna show me a pic, show me one showing a face. Its also like she expects people to doubt the realness of the pic, cuz she tries to explain that we can clearly see his tatoos. She expects no one to believe her. She says it has to be him, cuz we can see the tatoo.

    Anybody who works in movies can make this pic. If you had a good computer and you good with it, you could make it. Her whole book is phony. The death certificate say Pac is 6ft, and weighs 215. I don't think so. And nobody puts 50 lbs of blood in someone. I bet Pac had this photo made so he can slow down the alive rumors, cuz at first there wasn't one done, then everyone start saying he is alive and now we have an autopsy. hmmmmmm


    Lack of photos:


    How come late at night in New York where nothing big is going on at the time, a photographer can get a picture of Pac giving him the finger, while being put in the ambulance. Yet not one photographer, media person, or even a tourist,(this is Las Vegas) get one pic of Tupac. Someone got a pic of him sitting in a car with Suge, but no one got one when it matter. You think the Pic

    of him alive would be worth something, how much you think a pic of him shot would cost. All we get is a pic of his car, and his entourage on a curb, Cmon.


    Why so fast:


    How are you gonna have a autopsy and a cremation in less then 24 hours after death. Let alone, this was a murder victim. That is unreal, but now we have no body. Also why did Pac make all those videos, songs, guest appearances, and movies, so fast. Cuz anything with his name on it now, means Mo Money.


    Political Party:


    I believe Pac will return in 2003, right in time for the election campaign for 2004. Also did you notice thatJesse jackson and Al Sharpton were both at the hospital, when Pac supposely was shot.Jesse got experience with politics and so does Al. They can help pac out, and find a candidate for his party.(Pac can't run, he won't be 35 and he is a convicted felon).


    Orlando Anderson:


    I see his situation in 2 ways. Either Pac just choose him to fight, to make it look like someone had a reason to kill him, or he was in on Pac's plot. I mean how come he ain't dead yet. I'm sure it is a lot easier to kill him, then Biggie. I don't care how much you stay in the house. And for those that say that Pac took off his vest cuz he felt safe, is bull. If the fight with Orlando was legit(which it wasn't) why would he feel safe. Orlando is a gang member. Orlando even tried to help Suge out, but some question that, so after the trail he changed his story.




    Why all these 7's. Its not a coindence. Its too many for that to be. Pac put them there for clues, to let us know he will return. Why does everything to do with his death has a 7 to it. C'mon, he had to die at 4:03. why not 4:04. It wouldn't work. Now his mom the person who is suppose to stop the alive rumor add another 7. In the video, "I wonder If Heaven Got a Getto," she has

    it where Pac arrive on Sept 14, in a place like Arizona or even Mexico, and then she goes to 6 days later. Another 7 days. What is her reason for this? She knows what she did.


    Strange Songs (sayin that 2pac is alive):


    * Ambitionz Az A Ridah


    Just listen to the whole song and pretend that he is saying this after his "death".. Alot of things he says makes sense. "I've been hesitant to re-apear, but i'll wait for years"

    "Blast me but they didn't finish, didn't diminish, my powers, so now i'm back to be a mother ****in menace." "But i'm back REINCARNATED" "For money, i'll have these mother ******s buried" (could this mean Biggie?) "My history will prove up in it, REVENGE on the niggas that played me, and all the cowards that was down with it"


    * Million Dollar Spot (E-40, feat. 2pac) (1:43 - 1:47)


    Pac raps "Fans can't comprehend my ghetto slang, so I evade and plot and plan a life of better things..."


    * Staring Through My Rearview




    * Only Fear of Death (2:39 - 2:49)


    Pac raps "Never when I die I'll be back, reincarnated as a mutha****in' mac, Eleven cause in heaven there's no shortage on G's, I'm tellin you now you ********** 's don't know me."


    *Made Niggaz (3:27 - 3:32)


    Pac raps "Gettin lessons from niggaz in penetentries, game, wonderin if their plot will help me survive several centuries."


    * Made Niggaz (0:59 - 1:05)


    2pac raps "@#%$'em all, let'em understand my PLOT to get richer, much more than 6 fugures, a mother ****in Made Nigga".


    * Made Niggaz (1:12 - 1:14)


    2pac raps "I got a plot to get richer, so take my picture". Well they took his final pic didn't they.?


    * You always hear him mention (especially in "All eyez on Me") about getting SHOT 5 TIMES and surving.


    * You hear him say alot that "You can't kill me" and stuff like that.


    • Ambitions as a Ridah Verse 1:


    Now these money hungry *****es gettin' suspicious started ploten and planin'

    on schemes


    Again he mention plott’n and scheming......


    • Ambitionz as a Ridah Verse 3:


    payoff tha block evade tha cops cause I know they comin' for me I been

    hesitant to reappear been away for years now i'm back my adversaries been reduced to tears


    Notice he rapped about I been hesitant to reappear, been away for years now

    I’m back.... Now we’re did he go?? he was gone?? Unless he’s rapp’n about tha’ faking his death.... payoff tha’ block, payoff who?? evade tha’ cops, cops can’t find him???

    that’s just me though...??


    • Ain’t hard to find Verse 1:


    tupac raps about...

    I heard a rumour I died, murdered in cold blood dramatizedPicutes of me in my final stage, You know Mama cried But that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted Like I know longer existed, mysteriously missing


    It seems these theory of Makaveli being alive maybe means he’s mysteriously

    missing, but that’s just me though...??


    • "White Man's World" 3rd verse


    Time so tell me why You changed choosing new direction

    In a blink of an eye My time away just made perfection

    You think I'd die Not gonna cry


    I notice tha' part where it say My time away just made perfection... and You

    think I'd die.... This is just me, but its sound like when he say time away just made

    pefection does this mean that tha' plott'n of his death went down to perfection???

    You know I mean the 7 day theory? if its true tha' faking of his death was perfected... and when it says "You think I'd die"

    Could that mean that he's saying that we all thought he died??? again that’s

    just me though..?


    • "Life of an Outlaw" Verse 2


    Who should I call when I'm shot and bleedin.

    Indeed the possibility has part a chase in cream.

    Dope got me hatin fiends. Scheam wit my team, just a chosen few.

    Does this reflect that Dr. Dre wasn’t down wit’ Makaveli that he didn’t

    want to be part of the scheme...??? that’s just me though...?


    • "Life of an Outlaw" Verse 2


    Niggas ain't ready for the wrath of the outlaws. Never surrender.

    Death is for a son to stay free. I'm thugged out. @#%$ the world

    cuz this is how they made me. Scarred but still breathin.


    Makaveli wanted to get away from tha’ limelight and rap game ....

    Is Death a way for a son to stay free... especially if he’s thugged out?

    And was he scarred, but still breathing cuz he’s living..... that’s just me though...?


    • "Blasphemy" Verse 2


    I'm contemplating plots wondering which door to go Brotha getting shot

    Coming back resurrected It's just that raw @#%$ Nigga check it

    Makaveli is plotting tha’ plan to get rich again ... Brotha’ geting shot...

    Coming back resurrected.... does this mean he’ll be back... that’s just me



    • "Life Of An Outlaw"


    On the song "Life Of An Outlaw" one of 2pac's fellow rappers says "To

    plan @#%$. 6 months in advaced to what we plotted.Approved to go on

    swole and now I got it."


    Now I think that, that means that 2pac had planed faking his death

    in advaced so he could sit back and relax while all his money came

    rollin' in from his record sales.


    This is some prove that 2pac is alive and will return on Sept. 13, 2003!!!!!!


    Hope you enjoyed this I did!






    tupac is alive!!!!




    I'm new on this board and just wanted to give my opinion, I think 2pac is alive and will return on Sept. 13, 2003!!!!! The reason I say this is because if you listen to his music and gone on to certain site and you will see all the weird stuff to prove he is alive like the #7!!!!! For one year I thought that 2pac was dead until I opened my eyes and saw the facts right in front of me proving that he is alive!!!!!!


    Here is a little prove to let you read that 2pac is alive and will return Sept. 13, 2003!! Just to let you know it is very long and I got this off of another website!


    The Plot:


    This whole plot is about making a difference. And to make a difference in this world, you need cash. Pac didn't want to be like every other rapper that talked about making change, he actually wanted to do it. Weeks before his (fake) death, he was holding rallies to get minorities to vote. In his last interview, he talked of having a political party, and you need cash for that. Sure he was making money now(and I believe Pac was getting paid....don't believe everything you read), but you need a lot of money to have a political party. Now Pac is getting that money. Everything he is on, turns to gold. He is making loot now. You see, I believe Suge and Pac's moms, is in on this too. They staging this little war to make it look real. I also believe Suge and Pac knew Deathrow was going down. Thats why everybody leaving. Nobody is that stupid to not know that the Feds are watching. Suge knew this and he has a plan. He is gonna drop all the blame on David Kenner. Everyone says Suge was just the muscle, and David was the real head of Deathrow. Even C. DeLorres Tucker says this. Suge and Pac will hook in the future, I am sure. I also in no way, believe Suge set Pac up. Why would you drive in the car with a man who will be shot at that many times. And Suge insisted that Pac ride with him. Why would Suge take the chance of being wounded seriously. This is common sense. If you got a hit on someone, don't be standing right next to the guy. These people who would of shot Pac would have to be thugs, not Marksman. Cops don't even have that good of aim. I also believe that Pac letting people know that he was recieving death threats(he brought extra bodyguards with him to the set of Gang Related, and let the director know he was recieving threats.), it could be used as a reason for faking his death. He can gain sympathy. And if he went to jail for that, you thought the L.A. Riots were bad, and that was over some junkie named Rodney. This is Tupac. He would be a political prisoner, and would be out

    fast. They let Geromino Pratt out last year.


    Bad Boy:


    This one is scary. Could Pac really of had Biggie killed? I hope not, but it is kind of strange how there are 6 gunshots(6 months after Tupacs death, Biggie died.) on Bomb First, and you don't hear him diss Biggie no more in the rest of DK7. This would be good on the side of Pac if he wanted to unite the Hip Hop Nation. All that would be standing in his way, would be Puffy, and without Biggie, Puffy won't have the respect of the East Coast rappers.(which is evident today) This makes it easier for Pac to unite everyone. Remember its not about East or West. Which side are you on? Once again I hope it is not true(I like Biggie), but as Machiavelli explains, you can't just defeat your enemies, you must destroy them, give them no chance for retaliation.(Thats just a summary)




    Why all these damn 7's. When pac and the white dude ask about sandwiches, the cook points up to the menu. Pac and the guy gaze at the board. (they look at it weird if ya ask me) Then the camera goes to the menu(they actually highlight the menu as if it symbolizes something) All the L's on the menu are replaced with upside-down 7's. And you can tell that they are 7's(check it out for yourself) Then after seeing the picture of Pac and the guy on TV, the cook looks back and Pac and the guy, disappeared.


    Gang Related:


    1. In the beginning of the movie, Pac and Belushi wait in Rm. 7.


    2. The bum in the movie, was missing for 7 years.


    3. Tupac's badge number is 115(1+1+5=7) Now in what movie or TV show, do you get to see the badge number, or even get to clearly see the badge period. How come we only see Pac's numbers too. Why not Belushi's. Also the slogan of the movie is, "The Best Place To Hide, Is Behind A Badge." On the soundtrack, they have this slogan and the badge showing.


    Thug Luv


    1. Bizzy after his verse and before Pac, says, "He's alive, He alive"


    a. Why would they do that? Why would they change their album name to Art Of War. A title of Machiavelli's book. They are down with the plot. They know what is up.


    Ain't Mad At Cha & Toss Em Up


    1.Why was Ain't Mad At Cha the last video made by Tupac, and he dies in it, then his next video is Toss Em Up, by Makaveli. Then he breaks a mirror(7 years).


    1a. I believe this was planned. He breaks a mirror for no reason. Unless this shows that he is cursed with having to be in hideout for 7 years, then he gets to come back in 2003.




    Who is the producer Simon? In the bible, Simon helped Jesus carry the cross. Who was helping Pac with his burden?...Suge Knight. What's Joshua Dream? Joshua in the Bible, dreamed of Jesus rising from the dead. Why did Pac have Exit Tupac-Enter Makaveli? Cuz he is a new person. Tupac was killed off.


    Ambitionz Az A Ridah:


    1. "Payoff the block, evade the cops, cuz I know they coming for me. I've been hesitant to reappear, been away for years, now I'm back, my adversaries been reduced to tears, question my methods?"


    1a. That night in Las Vegas, no one seemed to have seened a damn thing. No matter how bad he wants to put an end to this this Puffy crap, he won't. Its not the right time. When he finally does, his enemies will flee, but many will question his methodsand why he faked his death to unite, what he calles the "Nigga Kingdom."


    Ain't Hard 2 Find:


    1a. The title is his way of challenging us to find him.


    2. "I heard rumor I died, mudered in cold blood dramatized. Pictures of me in my final stages, you know mam cried, but that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted, Like I no longer existed, mysteriously missing, But I'm worldwide baby, I ain't hard 2 find..."


    2a. This sound like Las Vegas to me. He was murdered in cold blood, the picture him in the final stage, is that fake autopsy pic, and his mama cried, but its fiction, like a drama movie(dramatized!!!)


    3."You tried to play me, now homicide is my only payment."


    3a. Biggie tried to play him, now who is dead?


    4. Breaking them off on sight, stopping lives on redlights, watch them pause as I pull my strap out my drawers, and get to dumping on their ass, like the last outlaw."


    4a. Sounds like the night Biggie died. Anyone can plan to kill someone in advance. And a red light would be easy. Your ass will have to stop sometime.


    Hail Mary:


    1 When Pac says, "run, quick, see, what do we have here now? This is what happen when everyone discovered Jesus has risen from the dead. Mary Magaline was the first to discovered Jesus was gone.


    2.The guy doing the regae keeps saying running from the penitenary, which Pac would be doing right now.


    3. Check the video out. The tombstone is cracked, and pac enemies are killed while guy in jail is enjoying it(Suge Knight).


    4. Okay this might be strecting but while the last of the Outlawz are rapping, listen to that sound that sounds like the wind. Does it say 7 yearsssssssssss?




    1. When the guy in the beginning says,"unless the lord does return in the next 7 days...." after 7 days, listen for Pac to say,"7 years", and then right after he says this you hear, "don't start that blasphemy", and then again louder. He also starts to say follow me. He will return in 2003. He will be a leader.


    2. "I'm comtemplating thoughts, wondering the thought to go, Brotha getting shot coming back resurrected."


    2a. He is plottin and wondering where to hide. He says he will get shot and come back. Year 2003.


    3. "I leave this here and hope God can see my heart is pure, is heaven just another door?"


    3a. Its like he is asking God's approval, hoping God will see he means good by faking his death.


    Life of an Outlaw:


    1. "Why explain the game, niggaz ain't listening."


    1a. In other songs he says the world is a game.(listen to Staring Through My Rearview") He has figure the game out, but others don't hear him.


    2. "Mercy to this madman screaming kamikaze in tongue."


    2a. This is the second time kamikaze was mentioned(in Bomb First). Kamikaze are these japanese pilots who would kill themselves by crashing their planes into you. Basically making themselves into a missle. Pac decided to take himself out of the game, move to another level. He is telling us, but we don't understand. He screaming it in tongue.(I understand you Pac)


    3. "believe in me and you will see the victory. A warrior in jewels. Can you picture me?"


    3a. I believe in him, and I can see the victory to be won in 2003. He might not win the election, but it is a start. It will be a victory in defeat.


    4. "I play for keeps, arrange the whole crime scene."


    4a. Was this an arranged crime(Tupac's faked death)? Was this a setup? Part of the plot? The Outlaws were left at the crime scene while Suge and Pac drove around.


    5. "To plan @#%$, 6 months in advanced to what we plotted. Approved to go on swole, now we got it."


    5a. Feb 13-Mar 13, Mar 13-Apr 13, Apr 13-May 13, May 13-June 13, June 13-July 13, July 13-Aug 13, all these months, represent the 6 months in advanced. All Eyes On Me dropped on Feb 13. Aug 13-Sept 13, is what they plotted(Tupac's faked death).




    1. "A million things run through my mind, You ain't gotta be in jail to be doing time."(Remember this tune)


    1a. This lyric and the chorus tells me he is watching time go by in his own personal jail, thinking and it makes him Krazy. I'll be Krazy too watching Puffy blowup, and still suck. Small price to pay for a man with a great plot.


    2. I don't know much about the 3 day theory, except to say something will happen in 1999. Christ died on Friday, and rose on Sunday. Hence 3 days.


    White Man's World:


    1. "My time away just made perfection. You think I'd die?"


    1a. He is predicting what his plot would do. How being awy will make perfection. He will be richer for sure. And when he returns to unite the black race, we will be stronger than ever. He also asks if you thought he would of died. Apparently so.


    2. "Will we make it to better times(tomorrow?)"


    2a. Now he sounds like he is hoping that we make it while he is gone. Will we make it to his perfection, his better times?


    Hold Ya Head:


    1. "Switched my name to Makaveli, had the rap game closed."


    1a. Now that he switched his name, he is pass rap. Tupac was the rapper. Makaveli the revolutionary. He even said before, "@#%$ the rap game, this is M.O.B.(Money Over *****es). That goes back to his plot to get richer.


    2. "Got a cell at the penn for me waiting, is this my fate."


    2a. It sounds like he is answering and asking a question at the same time. He has a cell for him waiting if he returns, but is he really going to be sent there. Is it his fate to be in jail? Again, think about L.A. Riots. With his death threats, people would be on his side. They will argue he had no choice, but to fake his death.


    3. "Running from the police til they capture me, and my AIM is to spread more smiles then tears."


    3a. Right now he is evading the authorities. And when he says he aims to spread more smile then tears, he is saying that his faked death will cause some tears, but when he returns he will get more smiles. Like Rain turning to Sunshine.


    4. "Plus nobody knows my soul, watching time pass through the glass of my drop top, Hold Ya Head!"


    4a. Nobody will understand him, and why he faked his death. Or that while in death, he will still be critized, because no one really understood him. He is an Lost Soul. And now he is watching time pass through the hourglass(like the one they had in the Master P video, "I Miss My Homies."...UGHHHHHHHHHHHH)


    Against All Odds:


    1. He gives Tupac Amaru Shakur, a 21 gun salute.


    Lost Souls:


    1. "Just wait till the Rain(tears) turn to sunshine(smiles)"


    1a. You get it.


    Never Had A Friend Like Me Suge and Pac were said to always sing this song in the studio.)


    1. "And you wonder if these white judges like us, Just stay strong, we'll appeal, nigga you'll be free, Down wit cha to the very end."


    1a. Sounds like Suge situation now.


    2. Listen to the chorus of this song.


    2a. Pac was riding with Suge that night. They both had the same enemies. And nobody will no where they will be(at least Pac)


    3. "Me and you against the nation, whispering while we conversating, cuz niggaz died over information, How much can we take, expect us all to wait, the world ain't ready for us yet, so lets make Clinton pay.


    3a. First off he is talking about President Clinton, not the faculty(listen to the whole song, he mentions the president again.) Pac and Suge were plotting in secret and now we must wait for Pac to return, cuz its not time. Clinton has to pay for these hard times now.




    1. Listen to the intro. Pac tells us to smile through all this bullshit(his faked death). He tells us things are gonna happen in the future, thats going to make it hard to smile. But we got to keep going, make it to his better times.


    2. The video is creepy. Pac is crucified, but then set free, and walks away.


    Niggaz Done Changed:


    1. "I've been shot and murdered, can't tell you word for word, but best believed that niggaz gonna get what they deserved."


    1a. This I do not believe is the New York shooting. He told us what happen there and he even mention the names of the guys that did it, so for me it has to be Las Vegas. He can't tell us exactly what happen here. Too bad Biggie wasn't listening.(Puffy beware).


    Made Niggaz:


    1. "@#%$ em all let em understand my plot to get richer, much more than 6 figures..."


    1a. I'm trying Pac. This is for the non-believers. He knows he needs more than 6 figures to get a political party, and it wasn't going to happen with him alive. Now with him dead he got people who would not usually buy his album, buying it. Mo money, Mo money, Mo Money!!!


    2. "Picture the scenery, for now you gonna have to imagine. Call me a prophet cuz I predicted what was going to happen."


    2a. We have to picture Tupac, cuz FOR NOW(why for now, cuz he is gone, but will return). Then he says he is a prophet. What did he predict. Could he be the same Outlaw in the song, "Life of an Outlaw", that talked about planning @#%$ in advanced. hmmmmmmmm


    3. "I be gettin the paper snatching, at those whose be paper snatching, will emerge like crack in the 80's."


    3a. Whose doing the paper snatching? I think it is the man with a plot to get richer. Will he emerge from his hideout.


    Staring Through My Rearview:


    1. "Staring at the world through my rearview, just looking back at the world, from another level, ya know what I mean."


    1a. Do you know what he means? He's just chilling right now, watching us where no one can touch him. Remember in "White Man's World", he talks of walking off the planet only if we choose too. He chose to for now.


    2. "Multiple gunshots fill the block, the fun stops, niggaz is callin cops, people shot, nobody stop, I wonder when the world stop caring last night, two kids shot, while the whole block staring..."


    2a. This sounds like the night in Las Vegas, except that pac substitutes him and Suge with Two kids. My man Dark Vendetta says thats a metaphor..


    3. "Tell me, will my enemies flee when they see me."


    3a. If you were Puffy, what would you do, if Pac returned?


    4. "LISTEN, through the intermission, search your heart for a plan, and we turning bad boys to grown men, its on again."


    4a. Intermission(now til 2003). Bad Boy(Puffy and who ever else on his side). And why does Pac say its on again. For that to be, the war had to stop(right now it is stopped). But why would Pac say that unless he plotted his death, only to return. 2003 it will be on again.


    5. "I'm seeing nothing my dreams coming true,..." 5a. His plot is working.


    6. Now you see him, now you don't, some niggaz be here for the moment, then they gone, what happen to them, well lets see, it seems to be a mystery."


    6a. C'mon that speaks for itself.


    7. Listen to him speak at the end. He put his mind to his plot and he did it. Now he's on another level.


    Autopsy Photos:


    First off, how did Cathy Scott get a picture. She says they are locked up, but somehow this one slipped out. If you gonna show me a pic, show me one showing a face. Its also like she expects people to doubt the realness of the pic, cuz she tries to explain that we can clearly see his tatoos. She expects no one to believe her. She says it has to be him, cuz we can see the tatoo.

    Anybody who works in movies can make this pic. If you had a good computer and you good with it, you could make it. Her whole book is phony. The death certificate say Pac is 6ft, and weighs 215. I don't think so. And nobody puts 50 lbs of blood in someone. I bet Pac had this photo made so he can slow down the alive rumors, cuz at first there wasn't one done, then everyone start saying he is alive and now we have an autopsy. hmmmmmm


    Lack of photos:


    How come late at night in New York where nothing big is going on at the time, a photographer can get a picture of Pac giving him the finger, while being put in the ambulance. Yet not one photographer, media person, or even a tourist,(this is Las Vegas) get one pic of Tupac. Someone got a pic of him sitting in a car with Suge, but no one got one when it matter. You think the Pic

    of him alive would be worth something, how much you think a pic of him shot would cost. All we get is a pic of his car, and his entourage on a curb, Cmon.


    Why so fast:


    How are you gonna have a autopsy and a cremation in less then 24 hours after death. Let alone, this was a murder victim. That is unreal, but now we have no body. Also why did Pac make all those videos, songs, guest appearances, and movies, so fast. Cuz anything with his name on it now, means Mo Money.


    Political Party:


    I believe Pac will return in 2003, right in time for the election campaign for 2004. Also did you notice thatJesse jackson and Al Sharpton were both at the hospital, when Pac supposely was shot.Jesse got experience with politics and so does Al. They can help pac out, and find a candidate for his party.(Pac can't run, he won't be 35 and he is a convicted felon).


    Orlando Anderson:


    I see his situation in 2 ways. Either Pac just choose him to fight, to make it look like someone had a reason to kill him, or he was in on Pac's plot. I mean how come he ain't dead yet. I'm sure it is a lot easier to kill him, then Biggie. I don't care how much you stay in the house. And for those that say that Pac took off his vest cuz he felt safe, is bull. If the fight with Orlando was legit(which it wasn't) why would he feel safe. Orlando is a gang member. Orlando even tried to help Suge out, but some question that, so after the trail he changed his story.




    Why all these 7's. Its not a coindence. Its too many for that to be. Pac put them there for clues, to let us know he will return. Why does everything to do with his death has a 7 to it. C'mon, he had to die at 4:03. why not 4:04. It wouldn't work. Now his mom the person who is suppose to stop the alive rumor add another 7. In the video, "I wonder If Heaven Got a Getto," she has

    it where Pac arrive on Sept 14, in a place like Arizona or even Mexico, and then she goes to 6 days later. Another 7 days. What is her reason for this? She knows what she did.


    Strange Songs (sayin that 2pac is alive):


    * Ambitionz Az A Ridah


    Just listen to the whole song and pretend that he is saying this after his "death".. Alot of things he says makes sense. "I've been hesitant to re-apear, but i'll wait for years"

    "Blast me but they didn't finish, didn't diminish, my powers, so now i'm back to be a mother ****in menace." "But i'm back REINCARNATED" "For money, i'll have these mother ******s buried" (could this mean Biggie?) "My history will prove up in it, REVENGE on the niggas that played me, and all the cowards that was down with it"


    * Million Dollar Spot (E-40, feat. 2pac) (1:43 - 1:47)


    Pac raps "Fans can't comprehend my ghetto slang, so I evade and plot and plan a life of better things..."


    * Staring Through My Rearview




    * Only Fear of Death (2:39 - 2:49)


    Pac raps "Never when I die I'll be back, reincarnated as a mutha****in' mac, Eleven cause in heaven there's no shortage on G's, I'm tellin you now you ********** 's don't know me."


    *Made Niggaz (3:27 - 3:32)


    Pac raps "Gettin lessons from niggaz in penetentries, game, wonderin if their plot will help me survive several centuries."


    * Made Niggaz (0:59 - 1:05)


    2pac raps "@#%$'em all, let'em understand my PLOT to get richer, much more than 6 fugures, a mother ****in Made Nigga".


    * Made Niggaz (1:12 - 1:14)


    2pac raps "I got a plot to get richer, so take my picture". Well they took his final pic didn't they.?


    * You always hear him mention (especially in "All eyez on Me") about getting SHOT 5 TIMES and surving.


    * You hear him say alot that "You can't kill me" and stuff like that.


    • Ambitions as a Ridah Verse 1:


    Now these money hungry *****es gettin' suspicious started ploten and planin'

    on schemes


    Again he mention plott’n and scheming......


    • Ambitionz as a Ridah Verse 3:


    payoff tha block evade tha cops cause I know they comin' for me I been

    hesitant to reappear been away for years now i'm back my adversaries been reduced to tears


    Notice he rapped about I been hesitant to reappear, been away for years now

    I’m back.... Now we’re did he go?? he was gone?? Unless he’s rapp’n about tha’ faking his death.... payoff tha’ block, payoff who?? evade tha’ cops, cops can’t find him???

    that’s just me though...??


    • Ain’t hard to find Verse 1:


    tupac raps about...

    I heard a rumour I died, murdered in cold blood dramatizedPicutes of me in my final stage, You know Mama cried But that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted Like I know longer existed, mysteriously missing


    It seems these theory of Makaveli being alive maybe means he’s mysteriously

    missing, but that’s just me though...??


    • "White Man's World" 3rd verse


    Time so tell me why You changed choosing new direction

    In a blink of an eye My time away just made perfection

    You think I'd die Not gonna cry


    I notice tha' part where it say My time away just made perfection... and You

    think I'd die.... This is just me, but its sound like when he say time away just made

    pefection does this mean that tha' plott'n of his death went down to perfection???

    You know I mean the 7 day theory? if its true tha' faking of his death was perfected... and when it says "You think I'd die"

    Could that mean that he's saying that we all thought he died??? again that’s

    just me though..?


    • "Life of an Outlaw" Verse 2


    Who should I call when I'm shot and bleedin.

    Indeed the possibility has part a chase in cream.

    Dope got me hatin fiends. Scheam wit my team, just a chosen few.

    Does this reflect that Dr. Dre wasn’t down wit’ Makaveli that he didn’t

    want to be part of the scheme...??? that’s just me though...?


    • "Life of an Outlaw" Verse 2


    Niggas ain't ready for the wrath of the outlaws. Never surrender.

    Death is for a son to stay free. I'm thugged out. @#%$ the world

    cuz this is how they made me. Scarred but still breathin.


    Makaveli wanted to get away from tha’ limelight and rap game ....

    Is Death a way for a son to stay free... especially if he’s thugged out?

    And was he scarred, but still breathing cuz he’s living..... that’s just me though...?


    • "Blasphemy" Verse 2


    I'm contemplating plots wondering which door to go Brotha getting shot

    Coming back resurrected It's just that raw @#%$ Nigga check it

    Makaveli is plotting tha’ plan to get rich again ... Brotha’ geting shot...

    Coming back resurrected.... does this mean he’ll be back... that’s just me



    • "Life Of An Outlaw"


    On the song "Life Of An Outlaw" one of 2pac's fellow rappers says "To

    plan @#%$. 6 months in advaced to what we plotted.Approved to go on

    swole and now I got it."


    Now I think that, that means that 2pac had planed faking his death

    in advaced so he could sit back and relax while all his money came

    rollin' in from his record sales.


    This is some prove that 2pac is alive and will return on Sept. 13, 2003!!!!!!


    Hope you enjoyed this I did!






    tupac is alive!!!!




    I'm new on this board and just wanted to give my opinion, I think 2pac is alive and will return on Sept. 13, 2003!!!!! The reason I say this is because if you listen to his music and gone on to certain site and you will see all the weird stuff to prove he is alive like the #7!!!!! For one year I thought that 2pac was dead until I opened my eyes and saw the facts right in front of me proving that he is alive!!!!!!


    Here is a little prove to let you read that 2pac is alive and will return Sept. 13, 2003!! Just to let you know it is very long and I got this off of another website!


    The Plot:


    This whole plot is about making a difference. And to make a difference in this world, you need cash. Pac didn't want to be like every other rapper that talked about making change, he actually wanted to do it. Weeks before his (fake) death, he was holding rallies to get minorities to vote. In his last interview, he talked of having a political party, and you need cash for that. Sure he was making money now(and I believe Pac was getting paid....don't believe everything you read), but you need a lot of money to have a political party. Now Pac is getting that money. Everything he is on, turns to gold. He is making loot now. You see, I believe Suge and Pac's moms, is in on this too. They staging this little war to make it look real. I also believe Suge and Pac knew Deathrow was going down. Thats why everybody leaving. Nobody is that stupid to not know that the Feds are watching. Suge knew this and he has a plan. He is gonna drop all the blame on David Kenner. Everyone says Suge was just the muscle, and David was the real head of Deathrow. Even C. DeLorres Tucker says this. Suge and Pac will hook in the future, I am sure. I also in no way, believe Suge set Pac up. Why would you drive in the car with a man who will be shot at that many times. And Suge insisted that Pac ride with him. Why would Suge take the chance of being wounded seriously. This is common sense. If you got a hit on someone, don't be standing right next to the guy. These people who would of shot Pac would have to be thugs, not Marksman. Cops don't even have that good of aim. I also believe that Pac letting people know that he was recieving death threats(he brought extra bodyguards with him to the set of Gang Related, and let the director know he was recieving threats.), it could be used as a reason for faking his death. He can gain sympathy. And if he went to jail for that, you thought the L.A. Riots were bad, and that was over some junkie named Rodney. This is Tupac. He would be a political prisoner, and would be out

    fast. They let Geromino Pratt out last year.


    Bad Boy:


    This one is scary. Could Pac really of had Biggie killed? I hope not, but it is kind of strange how there are 6 gunshots(6 months after Tupacs death, Biggie died.) on Bomb First, and you don't hear him diss Biggie no more in the rest of DK7. This would be good on the side of Pac if he wanted to unite the Hip Hop Nation. All that would be standing in his way, would be Puffy, and without Biggie, Puffy won't have the respect of the East Coast rappers.(which is evident today) This makes it easier for Pac to unite everyone. Remember its not about East or West. Which side are you on? Once again I hope it is not true(I like Biggie), but as Machiavelli explains, you can't just defeat your enemies, you must destroy them, give them no chance for retaliation.(Thats just a summary)




    Why all these damn 7's. When pac and the white dude ask about sandwiches, the cook points up to the menu. Pac and the guy gaze at the board. (they look at it weird if ya ask me) Then the camera goes to the menu(they actually highlight the menu as if it symbolizes something) All the L's on the menu are replaced with upside-down 7's. And you can tell that they are 7's(check it out for yourself) Then after seeing the picture of Pac and the guy on TV, the cook looks back and Pac and the guy, disappeared.


    Gang Related:


    1. In the beginning of the movie, Pac and Belushi wait in Rm. 7.


    2. The bum in the movie, was missing for 7 years.


    3. Tupac's badge number is 115(1+1+5=7) Now in what movie or TV show, do you get to see the badge number, or even get to clearly see the badge period. How come we only see Pac's numbers too. Why not Belushi's. Also the slogan of the movie is, "The Best Place To Hide, Is Behind A Badge." On the soundtrack, they have this slogan and the badge showing.


    Thug Luv


    1. Bizzy after his verse and before Pac, says, "He's alive, He alive"


    a. Why would they do that? Why would they change their album name to Art Of War. A title of Machiavelli's book. They are down with the plot. They know what is up.


    Ain't Mad At Cha & Toss Em Up


    1.Why was Ain't Mad At Cha the last video made by Tupac, and he dies in it, then his next video is Toss Em Up, by Makaveli. Then he breaks a mirror(7 years).


    1a. I believe this was planned. He breaks a mirror for no reason. Unless this shows that he is cursed with having to be in hideout for 7 years, then he gets to come back in 2003.




    Who is the producer Simon? In the bible, Simon helped Jesus carry the cross. Who was helping Pac with his burden?...Suge Knight. What's Joshua Dream? Joshua in the Bible, dreamed of Jesus rising from the dead. Why did Pac have Exit Tupac-Enter Makaveli? Cuz he is a new person. Tupac was killed off.


    Ambitionz Az A Ridah:


    1. "Payoff the block, evade the cops, cuz I know they coming for me. I've been hesitant to reappear, been away for years, now I'm back, my adversaries been reduced to tears, question my methods?"


    1a. That night in Las Vegas, no one seemed to have seened a damn thing. No matter how bad he wants to put an end to this this Puffy crap, he won't. Its not the right time. When he finally does, his enemies will flee, but many will question his methodsand why he faked his death to unite, what he calles the "Nigga Kingdom."


    Ain't Hard 2 Find:


    1a. The title is his way of challenging us to find him.


    2. "I heard rumor I died, mudered in cold blood dramatized. Pictures of me in my final stages, you know mam cried, but that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted, Like I no longer existed, mysteriously missing, But I'm worldwide baby, I ain't hard 2 find..."


    2a. This sound like Las Vegas to me. He was murdered in cold blood, the picture him in the final stage, is that fake autopsy pic, and his mama cried, but its fiction, like a drama movie(dramatized!!!)


    3."You tried to play me, now homicide is my only payment."


    3a. Biggie tried to play him, now who is dead?


    4. Breaking them off on sight, stopping lives on redlights, watch them pause as I pull my strap out my drawers, and get to dumping on their ass, like the last outlaw."


    4a. Sounds like the night Biggie died. Anyone can plan to kill someone in advance. And a red light would be easy. Your ass will have to stop sometime.


    Hail Mary:


    1 When Pac says, "run, quick, see, what do we have here now? This is what happen when everyone discovered Jesus has risen from the dead. Mary Magaline was the first to discovered Jesus was gone.


    2.The guy doing the regae keeps saying running from the penitenary, which Pac would be doing right now.


    3. Check the video out. The tombstone is cracked, and pac enemies are killed while guy in jail is enjoying it(Suge Knight).


    4. Okay this might be strecting but while the last of the Outlawz are rapping, listen to that sound that sounds like the wind. Does it say 7 yearsssssssssss?




    1. When the guy in the beginning says,"unless the lord does return in the next 7 days...." after 7 days, listen for Pac to say,"7 years", and then right after he says this you hear, "don't start that blasphemy", and then again louder. He also starts to say follow me. He will return in 2003. He will be a leader.


    2. "I'm comtemplating thoughts, wondering the thought to go, Brotha getting shot coming back resurrected."


    2a. He is plottin and wondering where to hide. He says he will get shot and come back. Year 2003.


    3. "I leave this here and hope God can see my heart is pure, is heaven just another door?"


    3a. Its like he is asking God's approval, hoping God will see he means good by faking his death.


    Life of an Outlaw:


    1. "Why explain the game, niggaz ain't listening."


    1a. In other songs he says the world is a game.(listen to Staring Through My Rearview") He has figure the game out, but others don't hear him.


    2. "Mercy to this madman screaming kamikaze in tongue."


    2a. This is the second time kamikaze was mentioned(in Bomb First). Kamikaze are these japanese pilots who would kill themselves by crashing their planes into you. Basically making themselves into a missle. Pac decided to take himself out of the game, move to another level. He is telling us, but we don't understand. He screaming it in tongue.(I understand you Pac)


    3. "believe in me and you will see the victory. A warrior in jewels. Can you picture me?"


    3a. I believe in him, and I can see the victory to be won in 2003. He might not win the election, but it is a start. It will be a victory in defeat.


    4. "I play for keeps, arrange the whole crime scene."


    4a. Was this an arranged crime(Tupac's faked death)? Was this a setup? Part of the plot? The Outlaws were left at the crime scene while Suge and Pac drove around.


    5. "To plan @#%$, 6 months in advanced to what we plotted. Approved to go on swole, now we got it."


    5a. Feb 13-Mar 13, Mar 13-Apr 13, Apr 13-May 13, May 13-June 13, June 13-July 13, July 13-Aug 13, all these months, represent the 6 months in advanced. All Eyes On Me dropped on Feb 13. Aug 13-Sept 13, is what they plotted(Tupac's faked death).




    1. "A million things run through my mind, You ain't gotta be in jail to be doing time."(Remember this tune)


    1a. This lyric and the chorus tells me he is watching time go by in his own personal jail, thinking and it makes him Krazy. I'll be Krazy too watching Puffy blowup, and still suck. Small price to pay for a man with a great plot.


    2. I don't know much about the 3 day theory, except to say something will happen in 1999. Christ died on Friday, and rose on Sunday. Hence 3 days.


    White Man's World:


    1. "My time away just made perfection. You think I'd die?"


    1a. He is predicting what his plot would do. How being awy will make perfection. He will be richer for sure. And when he returns to unite the black race, we will be stronger than ever. He also asks if you thought he would of died. Apparently so.


    2. "Will we make it to better times(tomorrow?)"


    2a. Now he sounds like he is hoping that we make it while he is gone. Will we make it to his perfection, his better times?


    Hold Ya Head:


    1. "Switched my name to Makaveli, had the rap game closed."


    1a. Now that he switched his name, he is pass rap. Tupac was the rapper. Makaveli the revolutionary. He even said before, "@#%$ the rap game, this is M.O.B.(Money Over *****es). That goes back to his plot to get richer.


    2. "Got a cell at the penn for me waiting, is this my fate."


    2a. It sounds like he is answering and asking a question at the same time. He has a cell for him waiting if he returns, but is he really going to be sent there. Is it his fate to be in jail? Again, think about L.A. Riots. With his death threats, people would be on his side. They will argue he had no choice, but to fake his death.


    3. "Running from the police til they capture me, and my AIM is to spread more smiles then tears."


    3a. Right now he is evading the authorities. And when he says he aims to spread more smile then tears, he is saying that his faked death will cause some tears, but when he returns he will get more smiles. Like Rain turning to Sunshine.


    4. "Plus nobody knows my soul, watching time pass through the glass of my drop top, Hold Ya Head!"


    4a. Nobody will understand him, and why he faked his death. Or that while in death, he will still be critized, because no one really understood him. He is an Lost Soul. And now he is watching time pass through the hourglass(like the one they had in the Master P video, "I Miss My Homies."...UGHHHHHHHHHHHH)


    Against All Odds:


    1. He gives Tupac Amaru Shakur, a 21 gun salute.


    Lost Souls:


    1. "Just wait till the Rain(tears) turn to sunshine(smiles)"


    1a. You get it.


    Never Had A Friend Like Me Suge and Pac were said to always sing this song in the studio.)


    1. "And you wonder if these white judges like us, Just stay strong, we'll appeal, nigga you'll be free, Down wit cha to the very end."


    1a. Sounds like Suge situation now.


    2. Listen to the chorus of this song.


    2a. Pac was riding with Suge that night. They both had the same enemies. And nobody will no where they will be(at least Pac)


    3. "Me and you against the nation, whispering while we conversating, cuz niggaz died over information, How much can we take, expect us all to wait, the world ain't ready for us yet, so lets make Clinton pay.


    3a. First off he is talking about President Clinton, not the faculty(listen to the whole song, he mentions the president again.) Pac and Suge were plotting in secret and now we must wait for Pac to return, cuz its not time. Clinton has to pay for these hard times now.




    1. Listen to the intro. Pac tells us to smile through all this bullshit(his faked death). He tells us things are gonna happen in the future, thats going to make it hard to smile. But we got to keep going, make it to his better times.


    2. The video is creepy. Pac is crucified, but then set free, and walks away.


    Niggaz Done Changed:


    1. "I've been shot and murdered, can't tell you word for word, but best believed that niggaz gonna get what they deserved."


    1a. This I do not believe is the New York shooting. He told us what happen there and he even mention the names of the guys that did it, so for me it has to be Las Vegas. He can't tell us exactly what happen here. Too bad Biggie wasn't listening.(Puffy beware).


    Made Niggaz:


    1. "@#%$ em all let em understand my plot to get richer, much more than 6 figures..."


    1a. I'm trying Pac. This is for the non-believers. He knows he needs more than 6 figures to get a political party, and it wasn't going to happen with him alive. Now with him dead he got people who would not usually buy his album, buying it. Mo money, Mo money, Mo Money!!!


    2. "Picture the scenery, for now you gonna have to imagine. Call me a prophet cuz I predicted what was going to happen."


    2a. We have to picture Tupac, cuz FOR NOW(why for now, cuz he is gone, but will return). Then he says he is a prophet. What did he predict. Could he be the same Outlaw in the song, "Life of an Outlaw", that talked about planning @#%$ in advanced. hmmmmmmmm


    3. "I be gettin the paper snatching, at those whose be paper snatching, will emerge like crack in the 80's."


    3a. Whose doing the paper snatching? I think it is the man with a plot to get richer. Will he emerge from his hideout.


    Staring Through My Rearview:


    1. "Staring at the world through my rearview, just looking back at the world, from another level, ya know what I mean."


    1a. Do you know what he means? He's just chilling right now, watching us where no one can touch him. Remember in "White Man's World", he talks of walking off the planet only if we choose too. He chose to for now.


    2. "Multiple gunshots fill the block, the fun stops, niggaz is callin cops, people shot, nobody stop, I wonder when the world stop caring last night, two kids shot, while the whole block staring..."


    2a. This sounds like the night in Las Vegas, except that pac substitutes him and Suge with Two kids. My man Dark Vendetta says thats a metaphor..


    3. "Tell me, will my enemies flee when they see me."


    3a. If you were Puffy, what would you do, if Pac returned?


    4. "LISTEN, through the intermission, search your heart for a plan, and we turning bad boys to grown men, its on again."


    4a. Intermission(now til 2003). Bad Boy(Puffy and who ever else on his side). And why does Pac say its on again. For that to be, the war had to stop(right now it is stopped). But why would Pac say that unless he plotted his death, only to return. 2003 it will be on again.


    5. "I'm seeing nothing my dreams coming true,..." 5a. His plot is working.


    6. Now you see him, now you don't, some niggaz be here for the moment, then they gone, what happen to them, well lets see, it seems to be a mystery."


    6a. C'mon that speaks for itself.


    7. Listen to him speak at the end. He put his mind to his plot and he did it. Now he's on another level.


    Autopsy Photos:


    First off, how did Cathy Scott get a picture. She says they are locked up, but somehow this one slipped out. If you gonna show me a pic, show me one showing a face. Its also like she expects people to doubt the realness of the pic, cuz she tries to explain that we can clearly see his tatoos. She expects no one to believe her. She says it has to be him, cuz we can see the tatoo.

    Anybody who works in movies can make this pic. If you had a good computer and you good with it, you could make it. Her whole book is phony. The death certificate say Pac is 6ft, and weighs 215. I don't think so. And nobody puts 50 lbs of blood in someone. I bet Pac had this photo made so he can slow down the alive rumors, cuz at first there wasn't one done, then everyone start saying he is alive and now we have an autopsy. hmmmmmm


    Lack of photos:


    How come late at night in New York where nothing big is going on at the time, a photographer can get a picture of Pac giving him the finger, while being put in the ambulance. Yet not one photographer, media person, or even a tourist,(this is Las Vegas) get one pic of Tupac. Someone got a pic of him sitting in a car with Suge, but no one got one when it matter. You think the Pic

    of him alive would be worth something, how much you think a pic of him shot would cost. All we get is a pic of his car, and his entourage on a curb, Cmon.


    Why so fast:


    How are you gonna have a autopsy and a cremation in less then 24 hours after death. Let alone, this was a murder victim. That is unreal, but now we have no body. Also why did Pac make all those videos, songs, guest appearances, and movies, so fast. Cuz anything with his name on it now, means Mo Money.


    Political Party:


    I believe Pac will return in 2003, right in time for the election campaign for 2004. Also did you notice thatJesse jackson and Al Sharpton were both at the hospital, when Pac supposely was shot.Jesse got experience with politics and so does Al. They can help pac out, and find a candidate for his party.(Pac can't run, he won't be 35 and he is a convicted felon).


    Orlando Anderson:


    I see his situation in 2 ways. Either Pac just choose him to fight, to make it look like someone had a reason to kill him, or he was in on Pac's plot. I mean how come he ain't dead yet. I'm sure it is a lot easier to kill him, then Biggie. I don't care how much you stay in the house. And for those that say that Pac took off his vest cuz he felt safe, is bull. If the fight with Orlando was legit(which it wasn't) why would he feel safe. Orlando is a gang member. Orlando even tried to help Suge out, but some question that, so after the trail he changed his story.




    Why all these 7's. Its not a coindence. Its too many for that to be. Pac put them there for clues, to let us know he will return. Why does everything to do with his death has a 7 to it. C'mon, he had to die at 4:03. why not 4:04. It wouldn't work. Now his mom the person who is suppose to stop the alive rumor add another 7. In the video, "I wonder If Heaven Got a Getto," she has

    it where Pac arrive on Sept 14, in a place like Arizona or even Mexico, and then she goes to 6 days later. Another 7 days. What is her reason for this? She knows what she did.


    Strange Songs (sayin that 2pac is alive):


    * Ambitionz Az A Ridah


    Just listen to the whole song and pretend that he is saying this after his "death".. Alot of things he says makes sense. "I've been hesitant to re-apear, but i'll wait for years"

    "Blast me but they didn't finish, didn't diminish, my powers, so now i'm back to be a mother ****in menace." "But i'm back REINCARNATED" "For money, i'll have these mother ******s buried" (could this mean Biggie?) "My history will prove up in it, REVENGE on the niggas that played me, and all the cowards that was down with it"


    * Million Dollar Spot (E-40, feat. 2pac) (1:43 - 1:47)


    Pac raps "Fans can't comprehend my ghetto slang, so I evade and plot and plan a life of better things..."


    * Staring Through My Rearview




    * Only Fear of Death (2:39 - 2:49)


    Pac raps "Never when I die I'll be back, reincarnated as a mutha****in' mac, Eleven cause in heaven there's no shortage on G's, I'm tellin you now you ********** 's don't know me."


    *Made Niggaz (3:27 - 3:32)


    Pac raps "Gettin lessons from niggaz in penetentries, game, wonderin if their plot will help me survive several centuries."


    * Made Niggaz (0:59 - 1:05)


    2pac raps "@#%$'em all, let'em understand my PLOT to get richer, much more than 6 fugures, a mother ****in Made Nigga".


    * Made Niggaz (1:12 - 1:14)


    2pac raps "I got a plot to get richer, so take my picture". Well they took his final pic didn't they.?


    * You always hear him mention (especially in "All eyez on Me") about getting SHOT 5 TIMES and surving.


    * You hear him say alot that "You can't kill me" and stuff like that.


    • Ambitions as a Ridah Verse 1:


    Now these money hungry *****es gettin' suspicious started ploten and planin'

    on schemes


    Again he mention plott’n and scheming......


    • Ambitionz as a Ridah Verse 3:


    payoff tha block evade tha cops cause I know they comin' for me I been

    hesitant to reappear been away for years now i'm back my adversaries been reduced to tears


    Notice he rapped about I been hesitant to reappear, been away for years now

    I’m back.... Now we’re did he go?? he was gone?? Unless he’s rapp’n about tha’ faking his death.... payoff tha’ block, payoff who?? evade tha’ cops, cops can’t find him???

    that’s just me though...??


    • Ain’t hard to find Verse 1:


    tupac raps about...

    I heard a rumour I died, murdered in cold blood dramatizedPicutes of me in my final stage, You know Mama cried But that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted Like I know longer existed, mysteriously missing


    It seems these theory of Makaveli being alive maybe means he’s mysteriously

    missing, but that’s just me though...??


    • "White Man's World" 3rd verse


    Time so tell me why You changed choosing new direction

    In a blink of an eye My time away just made perfection

    You think I'd die Not gonna cry


    I notice tha' part where it say My time away just made perfection... and You

    think I'd die.... This is just me, but its sound like when he say time away just made

    pefection does this mean that tha' plott'n of his death went down to perfection???

    You know I mean the 7 day theory? if its true tha' faking of his death was perfected... and when it says "You think I'd die"

    Could that mean that he's saying that we all thought he died??? again that’s

    just me though..?


    • "Life of an Outlaw" Verse 2


    Who should I call when I'm shot and bleedin.

    Indeed the possibility has part a chase in cream.

    Dope got me hatin fiends. Scheam wit my team, just a chosen few.

    Does this reflect that Dr. Dre wasn’t down wit’ Makaveli that he didn’t

    want to be part of the scheme...??? that’s just me though...?


    • "Life of an Outlaw" Verse 2


    Niggas ain't ready for the wrath of the outlaws. Never surrender.

    Death is for a son to stay free. I'm thugged out. @#%$ the world

    cuz this is how they made me. Scarred but still breathin.


    Makaveli wanted to get away from tha’ limelight and rap game ....

    Is Death a way for a son to stay free... especially if he’s thugged out?

    And was he scarred, but still breathing cuz he’s living..... that’s just me though...?


    • "Blasphemy" Verse 2


    I'm contemplating plots wondering which door to go Brotha getting shot

    Coming back resurrected It's just that raw @#%$ Nigga check it

    Makaveli is plotting tha’ plan to get rich again ... Brotha’ geting shot...

    Coming back resurrected.... does this mean he’ll be back... that’s just me



    • "Life Of An Outlaw"


    On the song "Life Of An Outlaw" one of 2pac's fellow rappers says "To

    plan @#%$. 6 months in advaced to what we plotted.Approved to go on

    swole and now I got it."


    Now I think that, that means that 2pac had planed faking his death

    in advaced so he could sit back and relax while all his money came

    rollin' in from his record sales.


    This is some prove that 2pac is alive and will return on Sept. 13, 2003!!!!!!


    Hope you enjoyed this I did!






    tupac is alive!!!!




    I'm new on this board and just wanted to give my opinion, I think 2pac is alive and will return on Sept. 13, 2003!!!!! The reason I say this is because if you listen to his music and gone on to certain site and you will see all the weird stuff to prove he is alive like the #7!!!!! For one year I thought that 2pac was dead until I opened my eyes and saw the facts right in front of me proving that he is alive!!!!!!


    Here is a little prove to let you read that 2pac is alive and will return Sept. 13, 2003!! Just to let you know it is very long and I got this off of another website!


    The Plot:


    This whole plot is about making a difference. And to make a difference in this world, you need cash. Pac didn't want to be like every other rapper that talked about making change, he actually wanted to do it. Weeks before his (fake) death, he was holding rallies to get minorities to vote. In his last interview, he talked of having a political party, and you need cash for that. Sure he was making money now(and I believe Pac was getting paid....don't believe everything you read), but you need a lot of money to have a political party. Now Pac is getting that money. Everything he is on, turns to gold. He is making loot now. You see, I believe Suge and Pac's moms, is in on this too. They staging this little war to make it look real. I also believe Suge and Pac knew Deathrow was going down. Thats why everybody leaving. Nobody is that stupid to not know that the Feds are watching. Suge knew this and he has a plan. He is gonna drop all the blame on David Kenner. Everyone says Suge was just the muscle, and David was the real head of Deathrow. Even C. DeLorres Tucker says this. Suge and Pac will hook in the future, I am sure. I also in no way, believe Suge set Pac up. Why would you drive in the car with a man who will be shot at that many times. And Suge insisted that Pac ride with him. Why would Suge take the chance of being wounded seriously. This is common sense. If you got a hit on someone, don't be standing right next to the guy. These people who would of shot Pac would have to be thugs, not Marksman. Cops don't even have that good of aim. I also believe that Pac letting people know that he was recieving death threats(he brought extra bodyguards with him to the set of Gang Related, and let the director know he was recieving threats.), it could be used as a reason for faking his death. He can gain sympathy. And if he went to jail for that, you thought the L.A. Riots were bad, and that was over some junkie named Rodney. This is Tupac. He would be a political prisoner, and would be out

    fast. They let Geromino Pratt out last year.


    Bad Boy:


    This one is scary. Could Pac really of had Biggie killed? I hope not, but it is kind of strange how there are 6 gunshots(6 months after Tupacs death, Biggie died.) on Bomb First, and you don't hear him diss Biggie no more in the rest of DK7. This would be good on the side of Pac if he wanted to unite the Hip Hop Nation. All that would be standing in his way, would be Puffy, and without Biggie, Puffy won't have the respect of the East Coast rappers.(which is evident today) This makes it easier for Pac to unite everyone. Remember its not about East or West. Which side are you on? Once again I hope it is not true(I like Biggie), but as Machiavelli explains, you can't just defeat your enemies, you must destroy them, give them no chance for retaliation.(Thats just a summary)




    Why all these damn 7's. When pac and the white dude ask about sandwiches, the cook points up to the menu. Pac and the guy gaze at the board. (they look at it weird if ya ask me) Then the camera goes to the menu(they actually highlight the menu as if it symbolizes something) All the L's on the menu are replaced with upside-down 7's. And you can tell that they are 7's(check it out for yourself) Then after seeing the picture of Pac and the guy on TV, the cook looks back and Pac and the guy, disappeared.


    Gang Related:


    1. In the beginning of the movie, Pac and Belushi wait in Rm. 7.


    2. The bum in the movie, was missing for 7 years.


    3. Tupac's badge number is 115(1+1+5=7) Now in what movie or TV show, do you get to see the badge number, or even get to clearly see the badge period. How come we only see Pac's numbers too. Why not Belushi's. Also the slogan of the movie is, "The Best Place To Hide, Is Behind A Badge." On the soundtrack, they have this slogan and the badge showing.


    Thug Luv


    1. Bizzy after his verse and before Pac, says, "He's alive, He alive"


    a. Why would they do that? Why would they change their album name to Art Of War. A title of Machiavelli's book. They are down with the plot. They know what is up.


    Ain't Mad At Cha & Toss Em Up


    1.Why was Ain't Mad At Cha the last video made by Tupac, and he dies in it, then his next video is Toss Em Up, by Makaveli. Then he breaks a mirror(7 years).


    1a. I believe this was planned. He breaks a mirror for no reason. Unless this shows that he is cursed with having to be in hideout for 7 years, then he gets to come back in 2003.




    Who is the producer Simon? In the bible, Simon helped Jesus carry the cross. Who was helping Pac with his burden?...Suge Knight. What's Joshua Dream? Joshua in the Bible, dreamed of Jesus rising from the dead. Why did Pac have Exit Tupac-Enter Makaveli? Cuz he is a new person. Tupac was killed off.


    Ambitionz Az A Ridah:


    1. "Payoff the block, evade the cops, cuz I know they coming for me. I've been hesitant to reappear, been away for years, now I'm back, my adversaries been reduced to tears, question my methods?"


    1a. That night in Las Vegas, no one seemed to have seened a damn thing. No matter how bad he wants to put an end to this this Puffy crap, he won't. Its not the right time. When he finally does, his enemies will flee, but many will question his methodsand why he faked his death to unite, what he calles the "Nigga Kingdom."


    Ain't Hard 2 Find:


    1a. The title is his way of challenging us to find him.


    2. "I heard rumor I died, mudered in cold blood dramatized. Pictures of me in my final stages, you know mam cried, but that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted, Like I no longer existed, mysteriously missing, But I'm worldwide baby, I ain't hard 2 find..."


    2a. This sound like Las Vegas to me. He was murdered in cold blood, the picture him in the final stage, is that fake autopsy pic, and his mama cried, but its fiction, like a drama movie(dramatized!!!)


    3."You tried to play me, now homicide is my only payment."


    3a. Biggie tried to play him, now who is dead?


    4. Breaking them off on sight, stopping lives on redlights, watch them pause as I pull my strap out my drawers, and get to dumping on their ass, like the last outlaw."


    4a. Sounds like the night Biggie died. Anyone can plan to kill someone in advance. And a red light would be easy. Your ass will have to stop sometime.


    Hail Mary:


    1 When Pac says, "run, quick, see, what do we have here now? This is what happen when everyone discovered Jesus has risen from the dead. Mary Magaline was the first to discovered Jesus was gone.


    2.The guy doing the regae keeps saying running from the penitenary, which Pac would be doing right now.


    3. Check the video out. The tombstone is cracked, and pac enemies are killed while guy in jail is enjoying it(Suge Knight).


    4. Okay this might be strecting but while the last of the Outlawz are rapping, listen to that sound that sounds like the wind. Does it say 7 yearsssssssssss?




    1. When the guy in the beginning says,"unless the lord does return in the next 7 days...." after 7 days, listen for Pac to say,"7 years", and then right after he says this you hear, "don't start that blasphemy", and then again louder. He also starts to say follow me. He will return in 2003. He will be a leader.


    2. "I'm comtemplating thoughts, wondering the thought to go, Brotha getting shot coming back resurrected."


    2a. He is plottin and wondering where to hide. He says he will get shot and come back. Year 2003.


    3. "I leave this here and hope God can see my heart is pure, is heaven just another door?"


    3a. Its like he is asking God's approval, hoping God will see he means good by faking his death.


    Life of an Outlaw:


    1. "Why explain the game, niggaz ain't listening."


    1a. In other songs he says the world is a game.(listen to Staring Through My Rearview") He has figure the game out, but others don't hear him.


    2. "Mercy to this madman screaming kamikaze in tongue."


    2a. This is the second time kamikaze was mentioned(in Bomb First). Kamikaze are these japanese pilots who would kill themselves by crashing their planes into you. Basically making themselves into a missle. Pac decided to take himself out of the game, move to another level. He is telling us, but we don't understand. He screaming it in tongue.(I understand you Pac)


    3. "believe in me and you will see the victory. A warrior in jewels. Can you picture me?"


    3a. I believe in him, and I can see the victory to be won in 2003. He might not win the election, but it is a start. It will be a victory in defeat.


    4. "I play for keeps, arrange the whole crime scene."


    4a. Was this an arranged crime(Tupac's faked death)? Was this a setup? Part of the plot? The Outlaws were left at the crime scene while Suge and Pac drove around.


    5. "To plan @#%$, 6 months in advanced to what we plotted. Approved to go on swole, now we got it."


    5a. Feb 13-Mar 13, Mar 13-Apr 13, Apr 13-May 13, May 13-June 13, June 13-July 13, July 13-Aug 13, all these months, represent the 6 months in advanced. All Eyes On Me dropped on Feb 13. Aug 13-Sept 13, is what they plotted(Tupac's faked death).




    1. "A million things run through my mind, You ain't gotta be in jail to be doing time."(Remember this tune)


    1a. This lyric and the chorus tells me he is watching time go by in his own personal jail, thinking and it makes him Krazy. I'll be Krazy too watching Puffy blowup, and still suck. Small price to pay for a man with a great plot.


    2. I don't know much about the 3 day theory, except to say something will happen in 1999. Christ died on Friday, and rose on Sunday. Hence 3 days.


    White Man's World:


    1. "My time away just made perfection. You think I'd die?"


    1a. He is predicting what his plot would do. How being awy will make perfection. He will be richer for sure. And when he returns to unite the black race, we will be stronger than ever. He also asks if you thought he would of died. Apparently so.


    2. "Will we make it to better times(tomorrow?)"


    2a. Now he sounds like he is hoping that we make it while he is gone. Will we make it to his perfection, his better times?


    Hold Ya Head:


    1. "Switched my name to Makaveli, had the rap game closed."


    1a. Now that he switched his name, he is pass rap. Tupac was the rapper. Makaveli the revolutionary. He even said before, "@#%$ the rap game, this is M.O.B.(Money Over *****es). That goes back to his plot to get richer.


    2. "Got a cell at the penn for me waiting, is this my fate."


    2a. It sounds like he is answering and asking a question at the same time. He has a cell for him waiting if he returns, but is he really going to be sent there. Is it his fate to be in jail? Again, think about L.A. Riots. With his death threats, people would be on his side. They will argue he had no choice, but to fake his death.


    3. "Running from the police til they capture me, and my AIM is to spread more smiles then tears."


    3a. Right now he is evading the authorities. And when he says he aims to spread more smile then tears, he is saying that his faked death will cause some tears, but when he returns he will get more smiles. Like Rain turning to Sunshine.


    4. "Plus nobody knows my soul, watching time pass through the glass of my drop top, Hold Ya Head!"


    4a. Nobody will understand him, and why he faked his death. Or that while in death, he will still be critized, because no one really understood him. He is an Lost Soul. And now he is watching time pass through the hourglass(like the one they had in the Master P video, "I Miss My Homies."...UGHHHHHHHHHHHH)


    Against All Odds:


    1. He gives Tupac Amaru Shakur, a 21 gun salute.


    Lost Souls:


    1. "Just wait till the Rain(tears) turn to sunshine(smiles)"


    1a. You get it.


    Never Had A Friend Like Me Suge and Pac were said to always sing this song in the studio.)


    1. "And you wonder if these white judges like us, Just stay strong, we'll appeal, nigga you'll be free, Down wit cha to the very end."


    1a. Sounds like Suge situation now.


    2. Listen to the chorus of this song.


    2a. Pac was riding with Suge that night. They both had the same enemies. And nobody will no where they will be(at least Pac)


    3. "Me and you against the nation, whispering while we conversating, cuz niggaz died over information, How much can we take, expect us all to wait, the world ain't ready for us yet, so lets make Clinton pay.


    3a. First off he is talking about President Clinton, not the faculty(listen to the whole song, he mentions the president again.) Pac and Suge were plotting in secret and now we must wait for Pac to return, cuz its not time. Clinton has to pay for these hard times now.




    1. Listen to the intro. Pac tells us to smile through all this bullshit(his faked death). He tells us things are gonna happen in the future, thats going to make it hard to smile. But we got to keep going, make it to his better times.


    2. The video is creepy. Pac is crucified, but then set free, and walks away.


    Niggaz Done Changed:


    1. "I've been shot and murdered, can't tell you word for word, but best believed that niggaz gonna get what they deserved."


    1a. This I do not believe is the New York shooting. He told us what happen there and he even mention the names of the guys that did it, so for me it has to be Las Vegas. He can't tell us exactly what happen here. Too bad Biggie wasn't listening.(Puffy beware).


    Made Niggaz:


    1. "@#%$ em all let em understand my plot to get richer, much more than 6 figures..."


    1a. I'm trying Pac. This is for the non-believers. He knows he needs more than 6 figures to get a political party, and it wasn't going to happen with him alive. Now with him dead he got people who would not usually buy his album, buying it. Mo money, Mo money, Mo Money!!!


    2. "Picture the scenery, for now you gonna have to imagine. Call me a prophet cuz I predicted what was going to happen."


    2a. We have to picture Tupac, cuz FOR NOW(why for now, cuz he is gone, but will return). Then he says he is a prophet. What did he predict. Could he be the same Outlaw in the song, "Life of an Outlaw", that talked about planning @#%$ in advanced. hmmmmmmmm


    3. "I be gettin the paper snatching, at those whose be paper snatching, will emerge like crack in the 80's."


    3a. Whose doing the paper snatching? I think it is the man with a plot to get richer. Will he emerge from his hideout.


    Staring Through My Rearview:


    1. "Staring at the world through my rearview, just looking back at the world, from another level, ya know what I mean."


    1a. Do you know what he means? He's just chilling right now, watching us where no one can touch him. Remember in "White Man's World", he talks of walking off the planet only if we choose too. He chose to for now.


    2. "Multiple gunshots fill the block, the fun stops, niggaz is callin cops, people shot, nobody stop, I wonder when the world stop caring last night, two kids shot, while the whole block staring..."


    2a. This sounds like the night in Las Vegas, except that pac substitutes him and Suge with Two kids. My man Dark Vendetta says thats a metaphor..


    3. "Tell me, will my enemies flee when they see me."


    3a. If you were Puffy, what would you do, if Pac returned?


    4. "LISTEN, through the intermission, search your heart for a plan, and we turning bad boys to grown men, its on again."


    4a. Intermission(now til 2003). Bad Boy(Puffy and who ever else on his side). And why does Pac say its on again. For that to be, the war had to stop(right now it is stopped). But why would Pac say that unless he plotted his death, only to return. 2003 it will be on again.


    5. "I'm seeing nothing my dreams coming true,..." 5a. His plot is working.


    6. Now you see him, now you don't, some niggaz be here for the moment, then they gone, what happen to them, well lets see, it seems to be a mystery."


    6a. C'mon that speaks for itself.


    7. Listen to him speak at the end. He put his mind to his plot and he did it. Now he's on another level.


    Autopsy Photos:


    First off, how did Cathy Scott get a picture. She says they are locked up, but somehow this one slipped out. If you gonna show me a pic, show me one showing a face. Its also like she expects people to doubt the realness of the pic, cuz she tries to explain that we can clearly see his tatoos. She expects no one to believe her. She says it has to be him, cuz we can see the tatoo.

    Anybody who works in movies can make this pic. If you had a good computer and you good with it, you could make it. Her whole book is phony. The death certificate say Pac is 6ft, and weighs 215. I don't think so. And nobody puts 50 lbs of blood in someone. I bet Pac had this photo made so he can slow down the alive rumors, cuz at first there wasn't one done, then everyone start saying he is alive and now we have an autopsy. hmmmmmm


    Lack of photos:


    How come late at night in New York where nothing big is going on at the time, a photographer can get a picture of Pac giving him the finger, while being put in the ambulance. Yet not one photographer, media person, or even a tourist,(this is Las Vegas) get one pic of Tupac. Someone got a pic of him sitting in a car with Suge, but no one got one when it matter. You think the Pic

    of him alive would be worth something, how much you think a pic of him shot would cost. All we get is a pic of his car, and his entourage on a curb, Cmon.


    Why so fast:


    How are you gonna have a autopsy and a cremation in less then 24 hours after death. Let alone, this was a murder victim. That is unreal, but now we have no body. Also why did Pac make all those videos, songs, guest appearances, and movies, so fast. Cuz anything with his name on it now, means Mo Money.


    Political Party:


    I believe Pac will return in 2003, right in time for the election campaign for 2004. Also did you notice thatJesse jackson and Al Sharpton were both at the hospital, when Pac supposely was shot.Jesse got experience with politics and so does Al. They can help pac out, and find a candidate for his party.(Pac can't run, he won't be 35 and he is a convicted felon).


    Orlando Anderson:


    I see his situation in 2 ways. Either Pac just choose him to fight, to make it look like someone had a reason to kill him, or he was in on Pac's plot. I mean how come he ain't dead yet. I'm sure it is a lot easier to kill him, then Biggie. I don't care how much you stay in the house. And for those that say that Pac took off his vest cuz he felt safe, is bull. If the fight with Orlando was legit(which it wasn't) why would he feel safe. Orlando is a gang member. Orlando even tried to help Suge out, but some question that, so after the trail he changed his story.




    Why all these 7's. Its not a coindence. Its too many for that to be. Pac put them there for clues, to let us know he will return. Why does everything to do with his death has a 7 to it. C'mon, he had to die at 4:03. why not 4:04. It wouldn't work. Now his mom the person who is suppose to stop the alive rumor add another 7. In the video, "I wonder If Heaven Got a Getto," she has

    it where Pac arrive on Sept 14, in a place like Arizona or even Mexico, and then she goes to 6 days later. Another 7 days. What is her reason for this? She knows what she did.


    Strange Songs (sayin that 2pac is alive):


    * Ambitionz Az A Ridah


    Just listen to the whole song and pretend that he is saying this after his "death".. Alot of things he says makes sense. "I've been hesitant to re-apear, but i'll wait for years"

    "Blast me but they didn't finish, didn't diminish, my powers, so now i'm back to be a mother ****in menace." "But i'm back REINCARNATED" "For money, i'll have these mother ******s buried" (could this mean Biggie?) "My history will prove up in it, REVENGE on the niggas that played me, and all the cowards that was down with it"


    * Million Dollar Spot (E-40, feat. 2pac) (1:43 - 1:47)


    Pac raps "Fans can't comprehend my ghetto slang, so I evade and plot and plan a life of better things..."


    * Staring Through My Rearview




    * Only Fear of Death (2:39 - 2:49)


    Pac raps "Never when I die I'll be back, reincarnated as a mutha****in' mac, Eleven cause in heaven there's no shortage on G's, I'm tellin you now you ********** 's don't know me."


    *Made Niggaz (3:27 - 3:32)


    Pac raps "Gettin lessons from niggaz in penetentries, game, wonderin if their plot will help me survive several centuries."


    * Made Niggaz (0:59 - 1:05)


    2pac raps "@#%$'em all, let'em understand my PLOT to get richer, much more than 6 fugures, a mother ****in Made Nigga".


    * Made Niggaz (1:12 - 1:14)


    2pac raps "I got a plot to get richer, so take my picture". Well they took his final pic didn't they.?


    * You always hear him mention (especially in "All eyez on Me") about getting SHOT 5 TIMES and surving.


    * You hear him say alot that "You can't kill me" and stuff like that.


    • Ambitions as a Ridah Verse 1:


    Now these money hungry *****es gettin' suspicious started ploten and planin'

    on schemes


    Again he mention plott’n and scheming......


    • Ambitionz as a Ridah Verse 3:


    payoff tha block evade tha cops cause I know they comin' for me I been

    hesitant to reappear been away for years now i'm back my adversaries been reduced to tears


    Notice he rapped about I been hesitant to reappear, been away for years now

    I’m back.... Now we’re did he go?? he was gone?? Unless he’s rapp’n about tha’ faking his death.... payoff tha’ block, payoff who?? evade tha’ cops, cops can’t find him???

    that’s just me though...??


    • Ain’t hard to find Verse 1:


    tupac raps about...

    I heard a rumour I died, murdered in cold blood dramatizedPicutes of me in my final stage, You know Mama cried But that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted Like I know longer existed, mysteriously missing


    It seems these theory of Makaveli being alive maybe means he’s mysteriously

    missing, but that’s just me though...??


    • "White Man's World" 3rd verse


    Time so tell me why You changed choosing new direction

    In a blink of an eye My time away just made perfection

    You think I'd die Not gonna cry


    I notice tha' part where it say My time away just made perfection... and You

    think I'd die.... This is just me, but its sound like when he say time away just made

    pefection does this mean that tha' plott'n of his death went down to perfection???

    You know I mean the 7 day theory? if its true tha' faking of his death was perfected... and when it says "You think I'd die"

    Could that mean that he's saying that we all thought he died??? again that’s

    just me though..?


    • "Life of an Outlaw" Verse 2


    Who should I call when I'm shot and bleedin.

    Indeed the possibility has part a chase in cream.

    Dope got me hatin fiends. Scheam wit my team, just a chosen few.

    Does this reflect that Dr. Dre wasn’t down wit’ Makaveli that he didn’t

    want to be part of the scheme...??? that’s just me though...?


    • "Life of an Outlaw" Verse 2


    Niggas ain't ready for the wrath of the outlaws. Never surrender.

    Death is for a son to stay free. I'm thugged out. @#%$ the world

    cuz this is how they made me. Scarred but still breathin.


    Makaveli wanted to get away from tha’ limelight and rap game ....

    Is Death a way for a son to stay free... especially if he’s thugged out?

    And was he scarred, but still breathing cuz he’s living..... that’s just me though...?


    • "Blasphemy" Verse 2


    I'm contemplating plots wondering which door to go Brotha getting shot

    Coming back resurrected It's just that raw @#%$ Nigga check it

    Makaveli is plotting tha’ plan to get rich again ... Brotha’ geting shot...

    Coming back resurrected.... does this mean he’ll be back... that’s just me



    • "Life Of An Outlaw"


    On the song "Life Of An Outlaw" one of 2pac's fellow rappers says "To

    plan @#%$. 6 months in advaced to what we plotted.Approved to go on

    swole and now I got it."


    Now I think that, that means that 2pac had planed faking his death

    in advaced so he could sit back and relax while all his money came

    rollin' in from his record sales.


    This is some prove that 2pac is alive and will return on Sept. 13, 2003!!!!!!


    Hope you enjoyed this I did!





  15. yo mann in his new cd i hear TUPACS WEARING a iverson jersey IVY CAME OUT 96 righT PAC DIED WHEN...DID IVY COME B4 or after tupacs death..PERSONALLY I THINK THAT DUDE IS 50%DEAD%50%ALIVE...did he maker over 300 unpublished tracks b 4 he died all these cds that came out b 4 he's death..and another one is on it's way... tupac-shakur.jpg In late 1997 Cathy Scott published "The Killing of Tupac Shakur", which contained an autopsy photo of Shakur that had been leaked by a source within the Las Vegas police department.

  16. yo mann in his new cd i hear TUPACS WEARING a iverson jersey IVY CAME OUT 96 righT PAC DIED WHEN...DID IVY COME B4 or after tupacs death..PERSONALLY I THINK THAT DUDE IS 50%DEAD%50%ALIVE...did he maker over 300 unpublished tracks b 4 he died all these cds that came out b 4 he's death..and another one is on it's way... tupac-shakur.jpg In late 1997 Cathy Scott published "The Killing of Tupac Shakur", which contained an autopsy photo of Shakur that had been leaked by a source within the Las Vegas police department.

  17. yo mann in his new cd i hear TUPACS WEARING a iverson jersey IVY CAME OUT 96 righT PAC DIED WHEN...DID IVY COME B4 or after tupacs death..PERSONALLY I THINK THAT DUDE IS 50%DEAD%50%ALIVE...did he maker over 300 unpublished tracks b 4 he died all these cds that came out b 4 he's death..and another one is on it's way... tupac-shakur.jpg In late 1997 Cathy Scott published "The Killing of Tupac Shakur", which contained an autopsy photo of Shakur that had been leaked by a source within the Las Vegas police department.

  18. yo mann in his new cd i hear TUPACS WEARING a iverson jersey IVY CAME OUT 96 righT PAC DIED WHEN...DID IVY COME B4 or after tupacs death..PERSONALLY I THINK THAT DUDE IS 50%DEAD%50%ALIVE...did he maker over 300 unpublished tracks b 4 he died all these cds that came out b 4 he's death..and another one is on it's way... tupac-shakur.jpg In late 1997 Cathy Scott published "The Killing of Tupac Shakur", which contained an autopsy photo of Shakur that had been leaked by a source within the Las Vegas police department.

  19. white girl i think i seen you around are you that chick that works at bk or no aah my bad i thought you were that white chick damn...anywayzzz are u somali again...???/confused..what do u have a problem with...if you wanna wear minni skirt wear it chyck and if you in minnie_sota i would love to see ya'ass in minnie skirt ...holla ..did that answer ur question thank you very much...this is not a dilemna nelly's song dilemna should be the dilemna the video sucks tha'ts just me folks.....sorry to rain on yo wakk azzzsss parade but u is over exagerating...think b 4 u wear..and don't wear thongs to dugsi tha's just not right...wear it on your way to grandma'z house cuz you know ol wolfy here be hidin in da bushe's waiting for ya. :D .LITTLE RED wearing clothes dilemna in ta'HOOOOD ;)

  20. white girl i think i seen you around are you that chick that works at bk or no aah my bad i thought you were that white chick damn...anywayzzz are u somali again...???/confused..what do u have a problem with...if you wanna wear minni skirt wear it chyck and if you in minnie_sota i would love to see ya'ass in minnie skirt ...holla ..did that answer ur question thank you very much...this is not a dilemna nelly's song dilemna should be the dilemna the video sucks tha'ts just me folks.....sorry to rain on yo wakk azzzsss parade but u is over exagerating...think b 4 u wear..and don't wear thongs to dugsi tha's just not right...wear it on your way to grandma'z house cuz you know ol wolfy here be hidin in da bushe's waiting for ya. :D .LITTLE RED wearing clothes dilemna in ta'HOOOOD ;)