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Everything posted by sYric-STiPHuLLa

  1. GOOD listen to scarface..good post scar<<< ONE
  2. GOOD listen to scarface..good post scar<<< ONE
  3. as much as i respect your question honey ....i have to ask what's this ongoing topics about pre'marital relationships 'pre marriege 'pre dating'? what not leading to...get to the point why are you guys circling it? which is it okay to have an intimate relationship b4 marriege ? honey to answer your question u prolly know better than me the islamic principles regarding this..if people decide to date and have that westernized type relationship where physical and sexual encounters are involved no! it's prohibited in islam (duh) but here's the "CATCH" do modern day somalis feel comfortable with that (boyfreind/girlfreind) ideology take a good guess "yes" if you ask me we're ignoring teachings and personal morals when we try and adjust towards this type of "conjunct_crowd" ... the issue should be more focused on why we do this. why we leave our morals behind when we face these issues. it's okay to court a grl but have her as your girlfreind and de'virginize THE sister HMM i don't know " what do you think " is it permissable> and most grls will probably reply and say "i won't let it go that far" .. well your sending the brother the wrong signals when you dress in thigh high skirts and glamorous make up " you look good sis" but at the end of the day you refuse to go too far with him raising more confusion :confused: " i thought we were far enough in our relationship where we would both be comfortable to each other "sexually". but then ..then ya'll start thinkin like what"? is it okay when they both shouldn't of took that path or direction. ..when we're doing this what messege are we sending to our younger generations.who we see these days acting wild and out of control what ground do we stand on when were trying to tell them this and that is "wrong" .ASK YOURSELVES <>what is right and what is wrong/? huh.. are we in a position to lay down our own morals and obligations staying true to this westernization? all the scholarly people please join in this discussion. that's just me plotting down my ideas .>>. honey i dont' know if i answered your question but i do hope i lead ya'll in my level of thinking towards this let's have an adult discussion about this..><<< thanks for reading ONE LOVE MA'people..
  4. as much as i respect your question honey ....i have to ask what's this ongoing topics about pre'marital relationships 'pre marriege 'pre dating'? what not leading to...get to the point why are you guys circling it? which is it okay to have an intimate relationship b4 marriege ? honey to answer your question u prolly know better than me the islamic principles regarding this..if people decide to date and have that westernized type relationship where physical and sexual encounters are involved no! it's prohibited in islam (duh) but here's the "CATCH" do modern day somalis feel comfortable with that (boyfreind/girlfreind) ideology take a good guess "yes" if you ask me we're ignoring teachings and personal morals when we try and adjust towards this type of "conjunct_crowd" ... the issue should be more focused on why we do this. why we leave our morals behind when we face these issues. it's okay to court a grl but have her as your girlfreind and de'virginize THE sister HMM i don't know " what do you think " is it permissable> and most grls will probably reply and say "i won't let it go that far" .. well your sending the brother the wrong signals when you dress in thigh high skirts and glamorous make up " you look good sis" but at the end of the day you refuse to go too far with him raising more confusion :confused: " i thought we were far enough in our relationship where we would both be comfortable to each other "sexually". but then ..then ya'll start thinkin like what"? is it okay when they both shouldn't of took that path or direction. ..when we're doing this what messege are we sending to our younger generations.who we see these days acting wild and out of control what ground do we stand on when were trying to tell them this and that is "wrong" .ASK YOURSELVES <>what is right and what is wrong/? huh.. are we in a position to lay down our own morals and obligations staying true to this westernization? all the scholarly people please join in this discussion. that's just me plotting down my ideas .>>. honey i dont' know if i answered your question but i do hope i lead ya'll in my level of thinking towards this let's have an adult discussion about this..><<< thanks for reading ONE LOVE MA'people..
  5. as much as i respect your question honey ....i have to ask what's this ongoing topics about pre'marital relationships 'pre marriege 'pre dating'? what not leading to...get to the point why are you guys circling it? which is it okay to have an intimate relationship b4 marriege ? honey to answer your question u prolly know better than me the islamic principles regarding this..if people decide to date and have that westernized type relationship where physical and sexual encounters are involved no! it's prohibited in islam (duh) but here's the "CATCH" do modern day somalis feel comfortable with that (boyfreind/girlfreind) ideology take a good guess "yes" if you ask me we're ignoring teachings and personal morals when we try and adjust towards this type of "conjunct_crowd" ... the issue should be more focused on why we do this. why we leave our morals behind when we face these issues. it's okay to court a grl but have her as your girlfreind and de'virginize THE sister HMM i don't know " what do you think " is it permissable> and most grls will probably reply and say "i won't let it go that far" .. well your sending the brother the wrong signals when you dress in thigh high skirts and glamorous make up " you look good sis" but at the end of the day you refuse to go too far with him raising more confusion :confused: " i thought we were far enough in our relationship where we would both be comfortable to each other "sexually". but then ..then ya'll start thinkin like what"? is it okay when they both shouldn't of took that path or direction. ..when we're doing this what messege are we sending to our younger generations.who we see these days acting wild and out of control what ground do we stand on when were trying to tell them this and that is "wrong" .ASK YOURSELVES <>what is right and what is wrong/? huh.. are we in a position to lay down our own morals and obligations staying true to this westernization? all the scholarly people please join in this discussion. that's just me plotting down my ideas .>>. honey i dont' know if i answered your question but i do hope i lead ya'll in my level of thinking towards this let's have an adult discussion about this..><<< thanks for reading ONE LOVE MA'people..
  6. as much as i respect your question honey ....i have to ask what's this ongoing topics about pre'marital relationships 'pre marriege 'pre dating'? what not leading to...get to the point why are you guys circling it? which is it okay to have an intimate relationship b4 marriege ? honey to answer your question u prolly know better than me the islamic principles regarding this..if people decide to date and have that westernized type relationship where physical and sexual encounters are involved no! it's prohibited in islam (duh) but here's the "CATCH" do modern day somalis feel comfortable with that (boyfreind/girlfreind) ideology take a good guess "yes" if you ask me we're ignoring teachings and personal morals when we try and adjust towards this type of "conjunct_crowd" ... the issue should be more focused on why we do this. why we leave our morals behind when we face these issues. it's okay to court a grl but have her as your girlfreind and de'virginize THE sister HMM i don't know " what do you think " is it permissable> and most grls will probably reply and say "i won't let it go that far" .. well your sending the brother the wrong signals when you dress in thigh high skirts and glamorous make up " you look good sis" but at the end of the day you refuse to go too far with him raising more confusion :confused: " i thought we were far enough in our relationship where we would both be comfortable to each other "sexually". but then ..then ya'll start thinkin like what"? is it okay when they both shouldn't of took that path or direction. ..when we're doing this what messege are we sending to our younger generations.who we see these days acting wild and out of control what ground do we stand on when were trying to tell them this and that is "wrong" .ASK YOURSELVES <>what is right and what is wrong/? huh.. are we in a position to lay down our own morals and obligations staying true to this westernization? all the scholarly people please join in this discussion. that's just me plotting down my ideas .>>. honey i dont' know if i answered your question but i do hope i lead ya'll in my level of thinking towards this let's have an adult discussion about this..><<< thanks for reading ONE LOVE MA'people..
  7. IT'S bit of BOTH....both your enviroment has a big affect on you but so do your perents if i'm correct i'm not any different from most somali peeps i was raised muslim(ofcourse) but also if i crossed certain lines in the household. i was taught a quick and discplinary nurture has an affect family has an affect..' FAMILy has a big affect..also your may grow rich you may grow poor you may grow in all types of different enviroments..all have an affect.. on you..when it' boils down to who has more affect nature or nurture well then you have to look at individuals ...some are more volnerable to their enviroment some are more fammily oriented pick...!!! NATURE VS.NURTURE ,,,I SAY A BIT OF BOTH which one has a bigger affect is probably on an individual basis....<<thats just me..sorry if i was kinda long but yeah i did paper on this..once.PEAZIshooww thanx for readin ONE LUV
  8. i don't think you guys are following the teachings of the prophet (scw) when you bring racial issues against your own brothers and sisters.. were muslim regardless if your neigbor was(i.e ARABS) Weren't there for you in you time of need.. we should do better than them and be there for them in there time of need THAT'S islam don't confuse islam with rationalism islam is not all easily rationalized "didn't you ever hear the prase treat ur neighbor as you would want to be treated" and islam teaches us to positive.. IN THIS DAY AND AGE..ISRAEL/AMERICA VS THE ARABS i dont' know about you but i still would fight alongside my arab brothers and sisters for the good of islam and for the good of my umma love...keep a clear head in these harssh times peeps..don't stray away from islam.. for you will surely regrett it.SALAAMZ
  9. quruxleey DAMN grl dont chu do your research.. good post sis...f i think ur right tooo.....wink wink..what your phone number so we can discuss this further over coffee dinner.maybe hmm > proposal yo peeps..keep yo comments comming i know ya'll tupac
  10. quruxleey DAMN grl dont chu do your research.. good post sis...f i think ur right tooo.....wink wink..what your phone number so we can discuss this further over coffee dinner.maybe hmm > proposal yo peeps..keep yo comments comming i know ya'll tupac
  11. quruxleey DAMN grl dont chu do your research.. good post sis...f i think ur right tooo.....wink wink..what your phone number so we can discuss this further over coffee dinner.maybe hmm > proposal yo peeps..keep yo comments comming i know ya'll tupac
  12. quruxleey DAMN grl dont chu do your research.. good post sis...f i think ur right tooo.....wink wink..what your phone number so we can discuss this further over coffee dinner.maybe hmm > proposal yo peeps..keep yo comments comming i know ya'll tupac
  13. WHOA....broh why so negative i understand the idea that we somalis are not all happy and lucky with out situation but what better does it make for us to put ourselves down ..??? i mean isn't that the conflict that we put ourselves down..all the time ..i ussually never see somali's giving each other the much needed love..but you know what..i don't know..let's just be positive ..reading what u wrote back there just scares me man..reality or not what do u suggest..other than the belligerence of negativity u just posted.? help me out i'm trying to it that ur straying from culture or religion due to the negative aspects of our community? i don't know what your reasoning is ONE....<<<<<<<<<<<<<BROTHER OGUN OPEN-MINDED...<
  14. to add to the thread...i'm not as educated as most of you brothers and sisters out here commenting in this thread ..but i'm in the right path towards that higher based knoweledge anywayzz to get to the point if i had to choose between freedom and equality...freedom being tha way kritikal mind put itfreedom without regulations and equality is anarchy and violence" And "Equality under a freedomless state is slavery. i would rather be in a state of freedom and fight for what i believe-in..than have to live in a communist equality state where i don't have the freedom to live out my faith and personal practices all in the name of equality where me and my neighbor can't be different from each other religiously economically and mentally..whatever.. a freedom state is most favorable an equality state alone i don't think so.. but that's what america's having trouble with in my oppinion balancing both the freedom and equality ..they favor freedom but one can't really see the freedom in the american society. where as of now every american household is a puppet for bush's BULL*sh and ''o'reily's overly conservative attitude...(by the way o'reily was behind the pepsi commercial bann of pepsi LUDACRIS promoting the product ."o'reilly claimed ludacris was a thug and stood for everthing america didn't.and urged threat to pepsi that if they kept the rap icon with there product the "agreeing public" woulnd't buy therePRODUCT) all in all EQUALITY A VERY DEBATABLE ISSUE..FREEDOM A VERY FAVORABLE ISSUE
  15. yo i got my first cousin out in london..and he's bout my age..anywayz i agree with qosalye form groups and watch yo backs..thaz about it..if they get you i KNow it's jamaicans or what not mostly but..if they do..hit em back up with even a harder's war when *sh like that happens..barwaaqo this situation A somalian gang out in london ain't a bad idea..I KNOW WE got mpls on lock.ain't nobody messing wit us...but hey it's a diff situation out in london..take care of yo.selve's..
  16. paul welstone his daughter and wife crashed in a wooded area by an eden praire runway...damnnnnn
  17. UHH y'all talkin liike ya'll kids..theres alot of *sh it depends if a grl is bomb and she got a lil tummy don't mean my love for her gonna it depends..don't say u ain't gonna fall in love with someone b4 u ever meet em or u in the situation..DON'T make assumptions cuzz this all dat is..grll.ASSUMIN..anywayzz my answer to dis is if' ya'll compatible .HOLLA..if ya;ll ain't PEAZE biggie..justthat..we ain't in grade school..chcyk..peace
  18. UHH y'all talkin liike ya'll kids..theres alot of *sh it depends if a grl is bomb and she got a lil tummy don't mean my love for her gonna it depends..don't say u ain't gonna fall in love with someone b4 u ever meet em or u in the situation..DON'T make assumptions cuzz this all dat is..grll.ASSUMIN..anywayzz my answer to dis is if' ya'll compatible .HOLLA..if ya;ll ain't PEAZE biggie..justthat..we ain't in grade school..chcyk..peace
  19. UHH y'all talkin liike ya'll kids..theres alot of *sh it depends if a grl is bomb and she got a lil tummy don't mean my love for her gonna it depends..don't say u ain't gonna fall in love with someone b4 u ever meet em or u in the situation..DON'T make assumptions cuzz this all dat is..grll.ASSUMIN..anywayzz my answer to dis is if' ya'll compatible .HOLLA..if ya;ll ain't PEAZE biggie..justthat..we ain't in grade school..chcyk..peace
  20. UHH y'all talkin liike ya'll kids..theres alot of *sh it depends if a grl is bomb and she got a lil tummy don't mean my love for her gonna it depends..don't say u ain't gonna fall in love with someone b4 u ever meet em or u in the situation..DON'T make assumptions cuzz this all dat is..grll.ASSUMIN..anywayzz my answer to dis is if' ya'll compatible .HOLLA..if ya;ll ain't PEAZE biggie..justthat..we ain't in grade school..chcyk..peace
  21. somalis are hard worker ..not really good hopers tho..we need hope in our lives..and as much as we travel away from islam the more faded that idea
  22. yeah got milk..? LOL I LOVE THAT COMMENT SISTER SOMALI DAMN U PUT IS SO GOOD..HEY I'M NOT ON WELFARE SO THAT WHITE DUDE CAN ASSUME ALL HE WANTS..CUZZ HE'S LIVING OFF INDIAN LAND YOU KNOW..we live in a world where everyone is trying to get over on each other..AMERICANZ deal with it..oh and i'm paying for the ticket that got me here.. seriously if 31% of the social services money goes to the united states how much do the somalis get ...i don't think it totales up to 7 million a month gimme a break that guy should go do his math..dammnit we got single mother over 40 supporting there kids and there supporting there family back in east africa.i'm gonna go drive up to owatanna and comfront that idiot ..stupid white idiot what an insult that thats not even close to being a real article that an insult..
  23. right here's actually better to live on
  24. it feels iternal to be here even tho respect is earned i'was born with the talent..a feeling a gust of wind,,a reason i stand for..i must apply this and pour out my heart my soul erasing any foul misconceptions and sending floggings to every hater in this piece .i'm here to grease out the gears that work to install within us an individual of tolerence and purity (iecamelMILK) ,,,, a rage, a blasted fuse../ i was angered and dared put into a seclusion and prepared./ came out with knives stickin out of every blood vesicle,/ a warrior destroying barriers/and sending shockwaves across minds givin reason to those who been lost/ put this fleece-on homie its a cold world/.. my words are like gravel the ending drop point once u fallen two thousand feet below sea level/ you were drowning pretending to be a thug as if on a drug/ feeling like a bug in this big world/ i'm hated for what i've stated ya'll livin in a conscipiracy over'rated/ u call those sick rhymes homie they over dated/ what can i do to get u think to ma'level/ season is fall/automn whatever/u gonna hit rock bottom/ the words of a wise man taken forgranted/ a fleeing rebell out to get ya'll devils.. i come thru like i'm a heavens sage/ a far superior inteligence hittin ya'like a blast from a twelve gauge/ "A new day and age is here an era unveling before your very eyes before your eyes but/ too bad your blind to see it" it's sick how ya'll act like a bird feeding of it's own offspring ya'll hate on yo own kind crack on yo sisters spine/ a congruent paranormal phenomena/ a mathematical agenda.. a propostrous enuenda/ send'a note tellin tha public i'm sorry for pullling the cloak off your eyes/ awoken u'll see in ya a new found glory/ ,unraveling these stories ain't a piece of cake it's a victory and defeat sour and sweet/ devouring the heat/ keepin the calm kreepin the night/stealin yo spotlight i'm here to .
  25. good thread........u guyz got going.....i might reply...