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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ ,they have no means of reaching the Sheikh, so who to practice their madness at- alas! a mentally sick man, easy target. ps.Do you agree or disagree that such an enviroment can produce likeable events?
  2. Ngonge - It strange that you will dispute a claim which is supposed to happen in a WAR TORN neighbourhoods - What you think happens in such places - I mean come on! Human being in a state of 'war' are capable of any attrocity against a fellow human.
  3. Oh dear. Che, Resistance Army waa rag walaan with machete's, this isnt their style -
  4. @ Che,Aye, the words of hopelessness! - this was in reference to your Alshabaab comment ps. I know I can count on you Habo..
  5. ^Lol..Jacpher, gormee noqootee me and Malika..Lol, anigu iyo Maaddeey know each other - nagaa dex bax. LOL@Caawale. Anyway,sheydanka aan iska narno and pray we come to a resolution soon..insha'allah ps.Maaddeey, I can read what you were writing - I just tend to see your biasness toward Al-shabaab, either the story Caawale wrote was true or not..adigu markastaa your in defence of them - no matter what is reported..taasi baa anigu kuguu haye.
  6. Che You see, he keeps referencing to my sijuiness - an underhand to disqualify me from having a say on 'Somali' issues.. :eek: :cool: @ Maaddeey, war iga maa xigtiid the issues - I just find the blindly following of Alshabaab disturbing - your so convinced they are the saviours - waa binaa adaam they are bound to be not be so perfect.
  7. Che,Its probably his last tactics in arguing - if your against Shabaab then your against Islam..blah, blah and more blah! So Spain won the world cup huh?
  8. ^ ,ciid kuu fahmeysoo aan jiriin sxb. Wax iis damaa majiraan in this issue - marka continue to bask in yours & co.self-rightousness - whilst the death tolls continue - baal aan aragnee the last man standing will be who. ps.You want to tell me that every death in the city of death is reported by major news outlets?
  9. ^Your so self rightous with your support of Alshabab, they cant do wrong to you so mahaa? You want to tell me, these people do not do any thing wrong? There is not a slight possibility that what Cawaale reported is true?
  10. OMG @ Maaddeey, waad kaa sii dareeysa,subhanallah - dont be so ugly. Cawaale-tell your friend samir iyo imaan,that was horrible to read.
  11. Your here dear,no need to ask anyone to recommended you..Lol Welcome to SOL.
  12. ^ adiga igu
  13. ^Really,how many times have you been there? Dee marka waxaad tahay gabadh yar[for sheding ten years every time you go]..Lol I love Canada - in the summer times. ps.Tofino waa meel quruux noted for the next time am up there.
  14. Malika

    Ssshhhhh Be Quite

    LOL..I think the only person that knows about 'sites for free movies' is Adam aka --- isagu naa am sure he is out there celebrating Holland's win.
  15. Malika

    Ssshhhhh Be Quite

    @ Cant am heading that way>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  16. ^I dont think Somalia has shortage of 'the beacon of light/s' , its just that its shaded light - only reflecting tribalist rays. It's interesting to see a people that shows no signs of difference if educated or not - waa isku fikir. Whilst ranting forgot to congratulate the graduates!..Masha'allah,well done to them.
  17. ^ ,he is not human then,cats run away from You know your old,when you go to the sales and your only interested in Egyptian cotton bedsheets..
  18. Morning Juxa! had a good weekend? maxaa laguu bariyee? Monday,5th of July - aar aduunkaa orood badanaa!! @CL,was 1999 your coming of age year?
  19. ^ , its in your nature to be a cynic,waxbaa haa iska So..
  20. ...Cowke just look in the mirror dear,that will be enough,you dont need a thread...
  21. Is it a day care or is it a nursery school,either way its a good thing. Early years education is important. A good idea.
  22. Aaaaw! ps.Habo,why are you up so late?
  23. ^O yes,the wedding,how was it? ps.No,I havent heard about any parties,I live like a hermit dear..heh
  24. ^Maad kaa daysaan gabadha ciyal suuqnimada? Tuujiye seems to be over the honeymoon period,mar buu wadaad iska digeyee..wakaan afxumoo iyo ciyaal suuq nimo kuu noqdee..ish!