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Everything posted by Malika

  1. '10 Steps to Jannah' is a lecture by Br. Yahya Ibrahim in which he lists and then explains various steps to be trodden in our quest to attain Jannah. These steps by the way are summarized by Imaam Ibn Hajar Rahimuhullah, in his commentary on Sahih al Bukhari.. part 1: Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 May Allah SWT grant us all Jannatul Firdaws...Ameen
  2. BOB - Sheikh Ahmed Ali Al-Ajmi reciting Surah Qiyamah is indeed heart warming not to add heart trembling.
  3. ^ ,salaam walaal. Wallahi,in all honest its better sometimes to refrain from making judgment of others,taa yagii baa nagaa baadatee - May Allah guide them and us,thats all we can say.. I was wrong to mention that young lady -if I really care,I should approach her sensitively without a judgemental tone - who am I to judge her in the first place. ps.Goortaan waa goor dambee at your neck of the woods maxaa Sol kuu digee?
  4. I want a son like this young man; Masha'allah!! As for reciters, Sheikh Saad ibn Sa`id Al-Ghamidi is one of my favourite. I find his voice to be calm.
  5. ^Bisinka,your supposed to make dua for her instead of cursing her. LOL@Maaddeey, is on the mission to highlight our hypocrisy..waa runtaa. May Allah guide us all - amiin
  6. ^ , thus why I like SOL, its trully diverse! Sema ni aje? [Hope all is well]
  7. Muridi - that picture is disturbing.
  8. Ameen! It's going to be hard the first week- long hours,am glad I will be on holidays.
  9. Seeker, I was battling with myself today, should I approach a young hijab wearing girl who openly express her feelings to her 'boyfriend' at the school canteen..I choose to bite my tongue and walk past as I have been for a while...I just wanted to rip that hijab off her head[that would have cost me my]..but honestly - hijab has become a fashion accessory nothing else, its misunderstood completely.. Hijab was meant to be about modesty, not only in how one dresses but at how one behaves. ps.Just watched that video.. :eek: subhanallah!
  10. Originally posted by ReccomendMe: Alshabaab wexee soo dhajiyeen that women on their period days should wear red socks! Maxaa kajira ? I wonder what the purpose of that is. H mm. Tani sigisaan cas bee wadataa and............? ,astagfirullah! I laughed hard- Ta' Reccommend. Honestly,who comes up with these rumours
  11. ^ :rolleyes: ,Lol-it has nothing to do with a faraax by the sound of it - the woman is a feminist,and is questioning religions on the grounds of the role of women in them - Which has made her to disbelieve[my understanding anyway] - The only thing she needs to find is where she fits in as a woman with or without religion.
  12. ^How are the Mullah's to be blamed? The woman is old enough to decide for herself what she wants to believe in - after all we have free will. The only problem is when people like her try to explain or blame their decision on others or the religion. She can just walk away - Ngonge,dee I dont know the girl she is ranting about -what was her emaan like prior to her sudden insurgent of intelligence..or her before her 'middle age crisis'[ :eek: ]..dee maxaa kaa oog ahay! I just wonder if this is about those who turn away from islam or is this about this particular girl - the wordings by the poster is very personal[emotional]..
  13. ^Have you shared your thoughts with her? As she is your friend after all.
  14. ^ @ back of nowhere - actually it is cloudy,a tad of wind - nevertheless its still
  15. @Jac - that was funny. CL no worries,am on the mission in nursing homes-hunting for that near death millioneir.. Morning all I love summer but hate hayfever!!
  16. ^ , I have received your salaam..[pssstt,u r who?]
  17. ^You pinch their little thighs? Mpenzi CL,miye mzima nawe je? CL - google this; and search for Drip&Chill - the clinic is in London..I might join you for this..
  18. ^ @ verifying if the cheque is really..lool Lol @ Ibti - it was a working day have boycotted weddings..but will make the exceptional of yours.. ps.I have done many of times[throw toys out],I then miss it and go out of my way to find 'needy people' - its addiction you know..Lol Afternoon ladies - am off.
  19. ^haa, whatever faleebo is..Lol Where is your charitable nature today girls, waa idinkaa cabadayaa maanta?
  20. ^ @ shoot him already..hehehe..She sounds like someone I know,just baada salaam she starts on about him,it goes on and on and tempted to tell her to commit suicide,she has no life but him Juxa...Sadaqa waaye,iska bixi am sure its not more then £10? .. , your good deed for the day dee! I saw this beauty adv- for £250 you have a drip filled with vitamins pumped directly to your blood stream for - glowing skin and youthful look! waaw..looking young and shinny is so important..Lol
  21. ^Ibti - It does dear,we are human after all..No,no dont stop being selfless-it is very rewarding to give, reach out to others etc..Sometimes we dont see the rewards,but they are there - the opening doors of opportunities,good health,good name etc..
  22. ^Your a blessed woman Juxa, odayguu adigu kuu yimi - seeking your rahma and guidance -aaw bless! It good a thing when people seek you for help - its actually an honourable position to be - cherish it dear. Afternoon all.
  23. Lol@vulnerable and defenseless - that's funny...Not,actually its a pathetic excuse,one that has been used to the point of people acting as handicaps.. :rolleyes: As for this case,its the system that is at fault not the Somali family - To house jobless people in a home worth £2 million trully shows how the system is a shamble.