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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^But dont you think this 'Somali way' has done enough damaged to Somali's relation? When do we say enough is enough? Maa iska waadeynaa for another 20yrs? Each one pointing their fingures at the other for being this or that -To me it seems destructive way of thinking,especially after all we have been through. Clan is not EVERYTHING, that is a false claim - we can force it down each others throat but most definetly it isnt EVERYTHING. It is simplicity way of thinking and reasoning - I understand perhaps Somalis only know this form of organising themselves, but there are better ways - for Godsake, aduyadii kale globalisation era ayee kujiraan Somalis naa weli wexee leyhiin this is my tuulo, that is my tuulo..
  2. Malika

    Somali Men

    Masha'allah KK, Illahi haa kuu dayoo.. KK - dont listen to them,deg haa uu digin, most of them made their own bed's and they should damn well lay in them ama haka kacaan. Qadr of Allah/nasiib waa wax kale, marriage is by choice! One make's a choice to be or not to be married. Yuusakan badaan halaa iska joojiyo!..Lol Illahi amuurahaa Somalida uu sahal! - Ameen. In my small town there has been an influx of our community,with that came all sorts of troubles - the worse,which saddens me is children ending up in foster homes - just because the adults cant get their acts together.. One feels like walking around with a whip!, iis yeel yeel badanaa dadkeeni! Pheew! Somali Psycho - I hear you. ps.As for praising,I dont know anything else apart from being a daughter,wife,sister,cousin,niece of Somali men - and they have done me proud.
  3. Originally posted by Maaddeey: quote:We have to think of our future, South is for southerens Jisaar ha noqonin, Ambulance bilaash miyaa?. Hadda kadib wixii wanaag ah ood aragto waa inaad ka mahad celisaa, haba iska yaraadeene. yaa Sheikh Maaddeey..Lol - Oops,anigu naa waa sii qarxinaya!. It must be the sheytaans are already out!..Looool
  4. Malika


    ^Ameeeen. I am glad its on friday,long weekend to celebrated it by entertaining and being entertained - Love Eid! Eid Mubarak SOL family.
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: They even prayed in the Vatican ............ Tan gaal iyo islaamba u duceeyoo waa la aqbali la'yahay wax jiraba ,, ,Astagfirullah! - Jac,wax walan baa tahay but that was hilarious. Qosool Ibti - I am a culprit,it just moves me and before I know it my voice is raised. Naa daa hee! Ameeeeeen to the dua.
  6. Indeed @Ngonge..But the sight of 'fat cats' in salwar khameez just made it hard to appreciate their achievement.
  7. ^That short sentence did this for me - It gave me the image of a woman laying on a dusty road,her heart beating so fast,she knows -they have come for her soul.She is going to die - for that moment of pleasure with Mr Adaamu the shop keeper. He is spared ofcourse,he is a man afterall!. Oh God forgive me for I have sinned...she closes her eyes,as she felt the first and many other stones,piercing through her flesh,with each hit..she dies slowly but painfully.. Ngonge,very creative there! Each short story painted a thousand pictures in my mind. Very creative indeed.
  8. waar wiilkii aanu jaamacadda u dirnay away ? tuulada dhan aa lacag isku dardartay .. waamaxay wuxuu la kacay .. freud ,i.g.a.d. , kyoto ? .. we had to learn the hard way .. let's not put the next generation through the same process ! sol-camelmilkthreads : notes for future generations @ wuxuu la kacay- freud,kyoto..Lol,muridi on the wasted resources to the so called educated - they have failed to amount to anything. Oh,apart from writing articles after articles on websites..Lol On the money here muridi,when you say we have learned the hard way, lets spare the next generation of this self destructive engagements aka Somali politics.
  9. ^Ofcourse dee,citizenship can be bought in Africa or even else where.
  10. LOL@Sheh. I am in need of long cardigans,anyone seen them out there? @UK fashionista's.
  11. Masha'allah,congratulation Red Sea. SOL parents club is growing.
  12. Alright you two..PL iyo SL xagaa laa taga>> Ngonge,I agree with you. Sharif needs to use the mass media to reach the masses. He should not underestimate the power of it. 1.He must abandon all this tit for tat kind of talk.He needs to raise above fingure pointing and blaming this or that person. 2.He needs to eloquently address the nation, by sharing his vision - The man had a vision, an agenda when he successfully brought stability in Mogadishu in his Islamic court era. 3.Again he has got to share the passion, for what drove him to want to bring peace and stability. Argh. All I know is he has got to start speaking - for the love of God speak out! [that was just incase he read this]
  13. Hello folks..Naa CL ii daa baal..I just got run over by a hectic in Kariakoo. CL, I will be back next week, baal come and let me feed you mandazi iyo tamtamu from Patel wa Kisutu. c you folks! bloody addicted to this place, I need to go sleep. Did I mention , am pissed off due to the fact that I am coming back- couldnt find a billioneir to hold me hostage..arrrggghhhh
  14. Sakhar brother, Never knew peace came in the form of divide and conquer more so in the face of Zenawi.
  15. It is said that 'The Truth Hurts' seems so in this case. I agree with whom ever said these issues of fraud need to be addressed by those in the know within our communities, why arent the sheikhs saying anything?..waxaan waa ceeb iyo xaraam,subhanallah! I cant understand the argument,kulaha others also cheat,steal,lie blah blah..bisinka! When was it ever right to call your children *******s, your husband a boyfriend, your mother a wife??? For money? sharafta Allah hanaga ridiin!
  16. Interesting body language,observe how the two Sheikh's seem to be uncomfortable,perhaps even nervous.They seem to lack authority - siidee uu fadisteen ayaa kaa garaan kareysaa..whilst their host seems to ouze confident and authority by the way he composed himself. The first man seems to be all over the place and Sheikh Ahmed seems eager[Yes sir mode] they say, pictures speaks a thousand words..LOL
  17. brotherinsubmission[btw,what a nick!], what is your understanding of the purpose of education in modern US society? C&H calm down dear,the brother is on something. - Why was education made compulsory to every child?
  18. Just to help Jac's thread survive.. This is for CL and Ibti..
  19. Malika


    Bump! Will come back to post insha'allah.
  20. Malika

    Chicken Chips!

    ^ That is yummy, I must agree. Ngonge,that is being a parent.You get manipulated by the kids all the