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Everything posted by Malika

  1. A&T Oh please! Your getting cocky now. It was not about 'death' that some of us objected about this said deaths - We know,many have died for the cause and many will perhaps die - but in this particular thread some of us objected the words,the language used,the boostfulness,the ugly intentions within those words..
  2. Duke,You missed me? Cuqdaad socodaa ayaa layahay! illahi amuraheeni noo sahal. Jac - dee Sayid berigaasi wuxuu ahay laba sano,he could have not condemn what Siad did - SOL naa muu jiriin -
  3. ^waaw,so this is pay back? I think there ought to be a revolution of thought in this place - enough with the daily gabbage laa isku sheegaa.
  4. ^Let him dance - he seems to find pleasure in what the amxaraa is saying.
  5. Sayid,goverment cuts are effecting supporting teams. If anything comes up will let you know -insha'allah.
  6. ^What did you see when uncle Yussuf entered Mogadishu? Hope wasnt? or was it just your were cheering for the sake of clan? Fortunately some of us dont think along those lines..The sharif for whatever his short coming, he was sucessful at some point to bring peace on the streets of Mogadishu with that he deserved my optimism* - understand? As for development and what not of everyones tuulo - No matter how much development of resources and whatnot is going on in each tuulo it still remains - SOMALIA is a failed state due to its people being divided and at war. So I dont know what is a purpose of building when one cant sleep at night in peace?? - More weapons so to hunt down your brethen? If you call that development - I pity development it self.
  7. Libaahe ,It's a public forum,if you want to spew your rubbish and may I say utter stupidy qool isku soo xiir. Uff. Place's like this just give platform to village idots..double uff.
  8. ^Yes,wala soo baatee,masha'allah!...Now go and edit -its a small town,dont want stalkers.
  9. Sayid;Then perhaps - you will need to raise awareness of how Somalis perceive injustice and justice. As I said,they or YOU will need to look into the school policies,be of behaviour,attendance,uniform etc and perhaps have a parents meeting to explain them. LOL@Ngonge Norf - suug let me ask my Nigerian friend.
  10. ^Nah-nikisema nachukia Kenya utanichukia?.. ,it was a short visit walaalo. Sayid -why not ask them of the scenerios? Then you could come up with the way of dealing with them - moving forward. ps.Perhaps have the policies translated or even explained to parents. So they understand how the school operates.
  11. ^Sayid,I have noticed schools treat white-difficult parents differently - horta do teachers seek training to do that? bloody racist..Lol
  12. scenerio of difficult somali parents - it usually tends to be their distorted view of their children. Somalis will not accept critism of their children - that tends to be the usual case. Now how should they handle it - erm..Kiss butt?..Lol I mean,be calm. praise the kid,the mother and then lay in the complain - making it seems as if your really trying to do the best for the child..[which should be the case really] but you and I know ,some kids really should be whooped. is that helpful?
  13. Hello OZ! mambo? Ngonge,it depends really. There are times they are in their right to make a fuss - one cant always be in support of teachers or the system. ps.Did I mention,be prepared to be hated,if not by the kids then by the parents.
  14. Mpendwa means 'loved one' As for SOmali parents,it depends really. You got to weight the issue and how you will approach it. Give me an example of the issues.
  15. Duke,the likes of you perhaps have very little understanding of the word - 'Solidatary' .. Your world is limited to the Somali simple mentality of my tuulo,your tuulo..Cant see over the horizons huh?
  16. Afternoon trollers! CL mpendwa,I havent shaken off the depression of coming back -
  17. That will be the day,when Somali's will support each other on the quest for liberation and so forth. That will be the day!.. We will, we will be intaasii isku hayaan..Lol As you were gentlemen.
  18. ^ Nina,walaal as long as niyad safi aa,marka runta laa isku shegeyaa. Kheyr aan rajeneyaa - illahi cuqdadaan badan hanaga saro..waa dib wallahi ummad kala jeedsaan oo xumaan isla rabaan markastaa aa..subhanallah!
  19. I see a pattern in design in Somali huh? I wonder if the contractor is the same meel kasta?
  20. ^ Every Somali seems frustrated sis,they spred hate as means of expressing their frustration. I have seen in gatherings and whatnot. And this is what I find troubling, very troubling..thats my beef with the old man's speech. As for educating the Somalis - May Allah guide you,whilst guiding them to the truth. They/We need the truth.. As for communicating with the skinnies,I will leave that to you,anigu waan kuu wareera!
  21. Indeed. Thusly, why not war if peace cant be had? And at war we still are! If not one of mortals,its one of thoughts - negative,destructive,diviceful etc,etc.. ps.I miss that shed of optimism,one felt when Sharif came to power.
  22. LOL, are people exagurating ama? Subhanallah,hadhee jeceyl A Yussuf jannah laguu tageyaa daad badaan baa janadaa galayaha maa iistirid! Astagfirullah!
  23. Nina dear,one side your urging people to take a stand to what is going on in Somalia,on the other side your seem not to understand why people found the old man's words sour - We can not move forward if we still continue to talk the language of the 90's - and this is for also those of PL,SL and whatever other Somali lands..maaa ii fahantee. The old man's speech either twicked or else it was of division, mistrust etc..Loo maa bahnaa hadhalaahaa oo kale. If one is frustrated,as you seem and your words are of someone that cares then one will try and use language that brings people together,rather then separate. Now - where do we start? Adigu waan kuu jeeda your trying to convert GD iyo group..