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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^LOL. waad soo boodeen..heh So,how have you all been?
  2. Malika

    Somali Men

    ^ You guys are great-You fear us. I have come to the conclusion Somali men are afraid of Somali women..Lol CL,come on! You want to tell me there are other men that do go beyond their resposibilities in other communities?? Kuwaan anigu arkoo,they dont walk far behind the Somali man honestly..
  3. ^Leave Val alone,she sounds adorable-lucky man! I prefer three quater skirts with boots for winter,but have found myself wanting to rock the maxi dress&skirt/maxi cardigan look this winter..sue us!
  4. It's gone half past five and Londoners are still at work?? Yaa uu duceyee maantaa!
  5. ^Why what dear? You dont like Maxi skirts or your concern to the changes of attire for Val?..
  6. ^Like I know what Shigaar mean..Lol Too young to shop at M&S?,there are couple of black maxi skirts on their website.
  7. Malika

    Somali Men

    CL , untangle those knickers woman!
  8. ^Erm,try the SOmali shops. The Zara skirts can be born with tights underneath[Abo Cumar],plus long boots - enough to keep you warm.
  9. ^He is cute,I can see why Garowegal would forgive him..Looooool. He can sort his teeth out,its easy nowdays.
  10. ^Astagfirullah@Yikes! - They dont do themselves a favour with the chewing - indeed maxaa rag isku ciyaree..Lol KK,your not the lady that is all over him on the street here:
  11. Malika

    Somali Men

    ^Apparently so, I am told, walagaa keeni karayaa ficnantaa.I doubt it. ps.Do men continously require to be patted on the head?- why expect a woman one has married to carry on his mothers role?
  12. ^ , dont let the old wife tale give you more chest pains..Lol Good luck!
  13. ^Maa aragtee, daan uun mahee afkii oo danii baa uu buuxa,he looks like a squarrel reserving nuts... , ceebtacala!
  14. ^ Ferguson,mahaadsaniid Eedo.. I prefer this ;
  15. ^ , I prefer them. I hope the brother[who posted] is okay,wakaan amuusee.
  16. ^Am jack of all trades - as they say..Lol
  17. ^Giving too much credit to Oodweyne,adigu iyo Ngonge illen Oodweyne is your man's man huh? Wcs Wr Wb Walaal@ A&T It shows dear![the excitement]..Lol So the dread locks commando's are back home safe and sound yaah!- well done to them!
  18. ^Your not having a heart attack- your here typing your ordeal.. Is there something in your mind? - your anxious about something perhaps?? ps You said your a sports man? Hmmm- google angina pectoris symptoms- insha'allah kheyr.
  19. ^LOL..How many thread's have you opened just today?? Adrenaline rush huh? Stuff of blockbuster ii dhe!
  20. ^Lucky you,you can surf and work too,gormee wax qabataa?. Yeah,I should be retiring to bed.
  21. Timur,and meanwhile the people should starve,illa intee AS wax bereyaan soo mahaan?
  22. ^Your too sure,its not healthy.. Che&Duke,have you guys been part of any Somali organisation/s? It gets chaotic,confusing and that is just a small organisation,iska baa daa kuwan dawlad disaayaa..LOL. I can imagine what happens - all the mistrust,the fingure pointing,the tolka laa tagnoo in corners after meetings..Lol bless us! ps.Dont you people work?
  23. I need a holiday to get over a holiday! Ibti,maa aragtee..He likes me!
  24. GD @ ,this is getting serious now isnt? Your become a shadow - I hate puppy dogs. wuff wuff ,dinacaas iga mar.