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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Lol..Taleexi, your getting soft in your 'mature' aged brother - iska dicii, iska dicii baan kuleyahay, whats this about getting along eeh?..Lool
  2. ^Get Abo to do some calls... As a kid, that was what I wanted to be 'an ambassador' - we lived near the Somali embassy and other embassies - their life styles appealed to me very much...indeed
  3. ^You only need to know someone that knows someone - I dont think I have seen anywhere job vacancies for the Somali Goverment - horta miye jirta such a thing? Abwaan so your the man in Mogadishu now huh? Juje xagu kuu dambeyee isagu naa? There a few Solers lurking about the corridors of Villa Somalia - Apo, what job would you be able to do ?
  4. ^Really, was that taught at the 'cave' school of man?
  5. Nin for once, had done what most men forget why they got married at first - a wife isn't a piece of meat oo add marba dinic uu jideysaa - she is a person that you need to work hard to connect with beyond the intimacy times... Although, I noticed on his chart after 30 days, every aspect of his life was dwindling, so perhaps all in moderation. Contacting each other once a day whilst at work is enough, if he had to call me more than once it better be something important - lol, praying together is a great plus to any marriage, iska baa daa intimate time at any give waqti...marka in moderation, hadhii kale walakala daleyaa. Stoic, my sijui brother, whats this about coming home and watching tv...eeh? You come in, you chill a bit[i grant you need time to chill after a long day at work] - after chilling, you go in the kitchen help with dinner/bathing the baby/tucking the baby in bed, so you can spend the rest of the evening with the -one - that - must - be - obeyed....
  6. ^Qaadiro - is the after effect of the drug, psychotic bee kaa digtaa.. I hear you on, no government can force someone to value their life. I tell younger sisters, if a dude is chewing kaa caraar even if he is a 'weekend chewer' time will come when he starts chewing on Wednesdays, then Mondays....before you know it, nin walaan baa guriga kuhaysaan.
  7. ^Haatu, doesn't know as a student he is exempt from paying tax.. This wasnt good news to many Somali families - as long as the issues of Khat doesnt effect their families/lives dee maxaa kaa gale some qaxontii.. ps. Many women have reported the increasing aggressive behavior of their husband the day after chewing.
  8. ^Oops...saw xaji's name assumed it was the politic section.. warya nuune, stop dancing and do you
  9. ^How do you manage 6th form and two part time jobs? Haha - neither is paying any income tax or national @ Ngonge
  10. I am surprised this thread is still open - giving platform to nacnac iyo simple mindness wasn't what SOL was about..anyway.....
  11. Thanks sisters, alhamdulillah feeling much better today...
  12. ^Am stuck at home sick - marka, old thread ayaan iskala bashaleyee only to find young nuune doing his thing..hehe
  13. ^In time nuune, responsibility aan kaa bixii kariin baa UK ii dige..I am preparing, insha'allah for that eventuality of doing what I have always wanted to do - rehabilitation of our young..
  14. ^Loool,waxaa beriga so qortee made my afternoon - qosol ayaa iga damatee..You indeed, was Haye, sidhii aad uu tirjiboneysee - they taught you a lesson or two by the looks of it, wakaan aad kaa baqaneysaa now..hehehe
  15. I am good with directions too - I see a place once and that is enough... Also, folks find it easy to talk to me, telling more than I need to know most of the times - I should have been a paid counselor.
  16. Oh the things you find in the archieves..lool nuune, haye - illa berigasii imisaa soo tirjibisee? kulaha tirjiboyiin baan sameneyee- xasiid baad bless nuune @ 17..ha ha ha
  17. Naxar , your hard hearten, there is no age limit in missing and loving one's hoyo! Qurbo marka yimii maxaan hestaan uu degeysaan jiire - setting my self off almost every night...
  18. Malika

    Wearing white

    I am against big weddings and all that fuss including the wearing of a white dress , so on my small and intimate wedding day - I wore a silky green dirac which was complemented by gold jewelry, against my black/red henna patterns..
  19. ^Loooool..tsk , tsk..that is typical work place gossip - You should have heard me yesterday, gossiping with the school nurse and remembering I sounded like your 'bariis cuuney' Morning folks! The white stuff need to go now - at first I thought it looked really beautiful, the fields, the trees, buildings..hadhaa am feed up! ps.You know people that are millionaire? war xage kaa shaqeysaa, so I can pretend am lost and wander in..
  20. I wonder how much Abshir has made with this project - illen there is money to be made from 'Somali Issues'
  21. ^baal adigu ii sheeg , how is entering by arm force translate to 'wanting' - when SL folks made the decision to seccesed, did you guys hold guns on each others heads? Maya soo mahaa - marka how again do you or others justify the actions of your goverment/army to force its way into towns and villages of people that had not express interest in being part of SL? ps.Dhigu sidhuu ii kacii waaye, when my town, my people are under siege ? Ps. it makes no difference, who was leading the army - its still holding folks hostage by a barrel of a gun - illa halkaan miyaa ii fahantee?
  22. Carafaat;911524 wrote: Wishfull thinking. Not the first time Xiin predicts the downfall of Somaliland, and everytime SL managed to control more of its territority. You call intimidation, rape and murder - 'control' of its territory? ps. I dont acknowledge Sool, Sanag and **** as part of SL territory ...just so you know.
  23. ^ Magacaa iska soo bedeel, as its clear your not a wadani - how are you to justify the means SL is entering and 'holding' folks in town across Sool region? Please dont give credit to the turn coats - they hold no influence to any sane Khaatumie..