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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Muslim husbands with more than one wife to get extra benefits as ministers recognise polygamy‏. Interesting.
  2. LOL@Cara,you reminded me of the task I hated most,anjeera qooshkeeda! All that beating of the mix,the running around with a cup looking for khamiir in the neighbourhood - whilst everyone else is chilling out- chatting or watching tv. I hated evening chores.
  3. ^ , kalun baalaga cuna Hargeysa, cilbaxdeen! Now you make me hungry,and all I am thinking is what I would cook when I go home..hmmm drolling!
  4. Good luck A&T, when you get there dont forget hmmm,so if you get the job, will it be down to the Mahdi or your abilities? Do people still do this?
  5. ^Salama Kaka Jac.. It seems so,they have finally decided to actually do work..
  6. Where are the trollers? Morning/Afternoon all! CL,uko kwenye kampeni ya CCM ninin?
  7. ^I so want to retire - wake up leisurly at 10,with a cup of tea at hand,sit on the front porch watch the waves come in and out - whist the gentle morning sun warms me up.. Better take control of the mind now,before it sends me to the nut house..
  8. Malika


    Aah[sigh]muridi - baal waxaad caabtiid noo sheeg - so we too can fly with the fairies. :confused:
  9. Hi Juxa - mac mac dear..wax aan kaa waramaa baa iska yar..Lol, same ol same ol routine leh kuu jira - I need a rescue plan. Hello F. waraan Eedo. All these Eedo's iyo Habaryar's I have at this place,if only they would do a fund raising to buy their 'waalid'[moi] a little sea side cottage in the sychells waan uu duceeyn laha!
  10. Afternoon trollers! CL,ukwapi bibiye?
  11. Alright,so the man's ability lays in if he was or not a childhood friend of the Sharif..haa gartee.
  12. ^LOL..its more worrying the kind of man ee kuu maleyeen - one that talks about skirts,xalwo iyo cake..bisinka!! ,not a very stereotypical man!
  13. It's lovely where I am..well,semi lovely. Subax wanagsan all!
  14. ^Industrial management[4yrs research] - the program is to generate cutting-edge knowledge at the intersection of engineering and management.
  15. Malika

    I am Muriidi!

    ^Dont mind him,your an original - one of a kind. Lol@farah sudani.
  16. Ferguson,eedo waan kuu ficanahay, see tahay adigu? So no one with engineering degree/masters who wants to do a phd??
  17. Sheh,that sounded horrible. I am told one should not reveal their dreams,especially bad dreams.Even good dreams one should only tell someone close to them..
  18. Masha'allah Juxa, well done girlfriend!!
  19. ^ Anyone here an engineer wanting to do a Phd? If so let me know.
  20. Malika

    Ssshhhhh Be Quite

    Pssssssst..anyone out there,know a functioning erm erm..
  21. *Trying to picture the words Ibti used markee nin amaneeysee* Yes,I can see it - NOT!
  22. ^I like your signature. Where is the Troll crew maanta?
  23. LOL@CL - actually,the idea of bombading the Somali men with praises isnt a bad idea.