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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^But the white dress is a jewish tradition,it looks so fake on a muslimah..alright,am being a spoil sports..Lol I was at a wedding a few weeks ago,the bride had a beautiful red dress on,she then changed half through the ceremony to a beautiful guntino,it was nicely done..with the henna and jewelry she looked fab.
  2. Malika

    Somali Men

    ^ ,your biased,wiilaal naxariis leh wey jiraan...anyway waxaa laga bariya Illahi ubaad kheyr qabta wiil ama gabadh haa noqdaan. LOL@KK,am sure that shut her up! hehe,nice one.
  3. That's easy,the answer would be the devout Ethiopian Muslim - ofcourse that is the part of the mind that is able to see through the illusion and has been able to open its heart to the acceptance of Islam..Now,unfortunately one is yet to be free of inslaved mind that is captivated by the unconscious urges and habitial thinking - this be the sense of belongness to a clan,nation etc.. This is hard - should not be,but it is hard. Conflicting and challenging for the modern Islamic world with its intertwined western/traditional ideologies.
  4. ^ , its very late where you are - this must be a very profitable meeting dee..Lol
  5. ^A business meeting at night? Hmmmm..sound suspicious,maa adeerahay baad uu tashaneysaan?? :mad: @ Che ,he cant be. Wakaan leyahay he is bored at work - I mean pimps never sound or look bored.. Waraan Habo?
  6. Hello folks! Oh,the crew must have gone home or are still celebrating Eid - meeshuu waa cidla. Mr Gheele,what is it you do? - Somali baan ahay, being nosy is in my
  7. The Somali name "Jeidha" likewise refers to small yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares ) and hardtail scad (Megalaspis cordyla ). source: Check out the above link - and do your own homework.
  8. Ms Moon Congratulations! Dont stress too much about the wedding day iyo the meher - waxaa kuu sugeyaa oo uu bahaan all your energy is the actual marriage. Good luck and May Allah bless your union,with happiness,prosperity and well being..Ameen
  9. nuune's comment reek of sexism and ageism - such an old fashioned and narrow minded concept that was.
  10. ^bless.. ,Eid Mubarak mdogo wangu. At least this morning there wasnt frost and fog - I hate the winter. *back to my tea and croissant* - wishing it was the weekend.
  11. This Monday (Nov 15, 2010) is the best day of the year in the Hijri calendar: The Day of Arafah. To do our best on this special occasion, here are some highly recommended good deeds: 1- Making Dua: "Best Dua is the Dua of Arafah Day" -Collected by At-Tirmithi 2- Fasting: "It expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year." -Collected by Muslim 3- Making Thikr: "The best that I've said and the prophets on the day of Arafah is Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulk wa lahul-hamd wa huwa ala kulli shayin qadeer" -Authenticated by Al-Albani Warm wishes to all of you on Eid ul-Adha. May Allah grant all our wishes and answer to all of our prayers - Ameen.
  12. ^Walked right into that,didnt I? - 'The Golden City' - bala iga hela..go figure ,a place where age restriction is mandatory. I better retire. ps.This is Che's territory,he fought hard for it - adigu if you want to be acknowledge here you got to kill the lion[Ngonge],to be on the equal status of Che.. God am tired - I seem to write for the sake of it..
  13. Etta James - classic!
  14. ^ ..hehe,nah! let me help you understand what the sly fox was trying to do - mark his territory..hehe,general section is Che's domain magaratee,marka you cant just come in and try to be clever. *waves@ Che*
  15. Che - three is a crowd the saying goes - dee hewadaa uga bax wilka. What was the word again? Never mind
  16. ^ ,so xiin and co.will be writing letters to complain?..Lol
  17. ^God forbid we were of the black race.. :rolleyes:
  18. ^gabdha been baa laguu shukansadaa,run walaguu daqaa - the holes in his story could be the 'spiced up been' 23yr university drop out banker/sucessful businessman - ceesh calaa! Wacdaraha - aduunka, goodluck suggested by juxa,look around you. I am sure your family/friends would know someone.
  19. ^ ,You lost that privilenge 20yrs ago.Beerigii anuu wadaan leheen ayaa magaca laa illaliin jiree - in the late 70's Nyerere kicked out all those whom where not Tanzanian nationality aka citizens. The Somali goverment sent its own plane to come and take its people - btw those even born/bred in TZ opted to go home. We used to have embassies that will beat its chest for the sake of 'somalis' - hadhaa waxaa hadhee 'community leaders'..heh, most of them are jokers,with no engagement with the said community anyway due to the rifts within the community or else - here in UK its the greed that is the drive,rather community cohesion/work etc. It's a white man's world yaa xiin.
  20. Malika

    Cost of Hajj

    ^Money talks in Kenya - kitambulisho can be bought ,just make sure those your dealing with are legit - daad laa garanayo. Goodluck.
  21. Hello Juxa! go girl,go xalwo in the library. CL - send penda and laduu my way plz. I have been thinking of chapati all morning,now cant wait to get home and cook - with a side dish of dengu and rosted meat..yummy!
  22. Aaaw CL,party and me? I have retired darling. Lol@window shop, not that I know of dear,will investigate..heh am assuming its the take away turned mafrish joint..heh Che - Wishing you the best Habo.
  23. Malika

    Cost of Hajj

    ^By ID you mean passport? As far as I know its around $3500 -$4000 and there are various agents that organise the trip. They will sort out the visa and all the other arrangements - perhaps its worth contacting them.
  24. ^Hello dear ,yes pleanty of rest - cafimadkuu waa qaali ogow! do take care of yourself.. Oh dear! JB sometimes waa a loose Nuune,kweli - dawa ya moto ni moto.