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Everything posted by Malika

  1. So many confused youngsters,so easy to be targeted as 'terrorist wanabe's' due to their confused state. Every word that come out of these confused kids is taken literary by proffesionals its a real worrying trend..Criminalising them is what it is - if it wasnt for them being 'black' its for them being 'terrorists'. :confused:
  2. @ Cara - funny woman. Daud - There is a difference between Dowry and Mehr - Dowry is not Islamic it's just a culture custom [so not so important,do not feel obliged to fulfil this unnecessary custom] - but Mehr is Islamic and compulsory thus paying it is Important and a must. Discuss this with your local Imaam, ask him to be the go betweener - Insha'allah khery.
  3. Nina, Check mine out - I take this opportunity to invite KK to my pad.
  4. ^ JB,the girl would have been a lucky so and so - earthshaking experience ah!.. Astagfirullah.
  5. They should ban JB in Borama,marku kaa soo noqdee baa dulki gariree.. Hadhuu nuune oodhani he is 22 ,ileen odeyaal baa tihiin.
  6. I know Ngonge,just the thought of being so hopeless one would risk their lives on the open sea is what saddened me. I am in a 'sad mood' today - this news is nothing new,we have heard and seen worse I suppose.
  7. ^ ,didn't know we were topic of discussion in some Asian forums..lool - belayo!
  8. ^Oh yeah - a four days weekend brilliant! - we will just be going back after the easter break..ah! *throw salt over her body* CL, its an illusion to those who are free,but its a reality to those oppressed dear,I suggest a day in a women refuge - you will leave appreciating the freedom of mind/spirit and body one takes for granted.
  9. ^I am a free woman - isnt that something to be proud of? Oh yeah - the big freeze will be upon us by the end of the week - lets hope its on friday,so we could have a long weekend at home..Lol anticipating school closure and all! whoopiiee
  10. ^I require a certain state of mind to reply to that thread - am in the troll mood now.LOL
  11. ^It wasnt Somali children,it was Muslim children - their whole attitude was rather off putish - so much anger is destructive.
  12. Does it matter if he is a drunk/homeless/somali/non-somali - the man saved a life!
  13. ^I like that - isnt Islam simply beautiful. Sayid,I watched it for abit,it was tasteless -but from an incident at my school last friday it raises a question - at what do we preach to our children.
  14. ^Yeah,the worry is will schools spend the money accordingly - especially when some feel too much is already done for 'migrants'...its a battle.
  15. ^ yep to cause great What's new?
  16. ^ ,for being stuborn,hardheaded female - for being proud and self assured - maa sii wadaa?
  17. Afternoon folks! CL mac mac - long time no see woman,what havoc have you been causing?? I love being Somali.
  18. ^Says the man that chants 'clan is everything' Will come back to your argument that Somalis do not have a clannish mentality - I disagree with you.One has to just pop round the politic section to observe the clannish mentality. Meanwhile Ngonge define for me - clannish mentality -
  19. ^He is another attention seeker,deg haa uu digiin. Hopefully this will be a new begining for him - off the streets and to a better life.
  20. ^Insha'allah nin kheyr leh illahi haa kuu for my brother,alhamdulillah he is much more then money and looks - he is among kuwi illahi laga duceyoo[baryo]. [i am biase,,kkkk] Your confusing qimahaa lacaqta iyo qimahaa qofka - there are alot of fools with pleanty of money out there,but a few gems without any money to offer,and by marrying the gem without money doesnt make one easy nor cheap.
  21. ^ , I see you edited your post.. I am anti weddings anyway,all that money wasted on supposedly 'special day'..aah! Bahamas ama sychells baan iska adii laha for two weeks..hehe I am sure the sister would have a wonderful day, no matter what she wears, or where the wedding was held..