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Everything posted by Malika

  1. I logged on and a message appear informing me of my 'ban'! ..huh?
  2. LST - A&T yuu kuwaliin. He reminds me of naughty 14yr old boys in my class..hehe
  3. CL - mac mac kor iyo sideways too.. I know its spooky to know there are 800 people reading the nonsense we write..hehehe, anyway perhaps this is our claim to 'stardom' huh? Nuune, sidhii jiin aad shegeysee , they have given you a fitting Faheema they assume you have a picture of yourself in your profile..hehe
  4. Well done CL - felt lost without troll ps.There was 2000 folks browzing SOL xaaleytoo - scary. I need strenght to deal with a mother - has no concept of importance of education, kulaha it doesnt matter if she is failing, I dont mind if the child just sits in class as long as they are happy..happy?? how can failing be part of happiness? arrgghhh..heh
  5. ^Hello You - would have inserted a smile but too much effort with the new settings. :]]] You were saving some special PM?
  6. A&T, illlahi haa kuu dayoo - your last post made my morning, am still laughing at you - erm with you. ps.Why the need for 'friends list' some of us are anti social beings - this will elianate us.
  7. So no Troll thread - I need to complain I have burnt my fingures. I put a non microwaveable plate in the microwave - now my thumb is burnt. Juxa can I sue them? I know anigii baa nacasnimo sameyee but is there a loop hole to get a few quids? Hehehe CL - your so sweet - feeling all lost and all..I just post, dont care for new features , maa anigii baa markii horee wax eegii jiree.
  8. To you the issue is about 'qabiil,hinaas,masayr,dagaal etc - to the folk your addressing its about their lands , about having the right to be, without having to be forced to join sessionist movement.. It's clear there is much distrust, why continue to push? Knowing it will only cause more rifts and a possible civil conflicts?
  9. Loooool - cabadkaa naga We got too comfortable,maa istidhiin? Juxa -your avatar is good - waayee araag aa tahay nooh? Ngonge - You represent London as Norf does Dubai, BOB Waamo and of course Sayid Qardho -finally it is tatooed on his forehead..hehe
  10. Oh why oh why ? I feel like a I am sure we will get used to it - next time give us a warning pls. hehe I like my avatar - sweet. How come CL got a moody shaddy woman?..hehehe
  11. ^Good for you.. @ KK, am going to come back to this tomorrow - its nearly 2 am where I am - must sleep..hehe
  12. So sad -subhanallah! Will insha'allah see what one can do.
  13. ^ Your not getting off that easy,baal sug. So let me get this straight your saying men can be refurbished of their 'standard' so remains in the market with the same price tag, but a woman cant thus being like a second hand car - she is either exchanged for a 'newer model' or 'scrapped' as she has passed her day?? - baal ii jilcii,am still confused of this devaluing of a woman cause she is a certain age or of a certain maritual status. ps.Daud,sorry we have hijacked your thread - am sure your learning alot about our customs/tradition..
  14. KK, your confusing matters dear. Mehr is mandatory,it doesnt matter if the woman is 15 or 45 - age does not determine how much one should pay. The only thing that matters is they negotiate how much he would pay and when he will pay. Ageism iyo sexism baad isku dartee abaayee waa kuu sidee - How come men are never judged like 'cars'?
  15. ^Yep,time flies wallahi. CL - poor you, buy a flask so you can carry hot soup with you.
  16. Hello Juxa - mac mac dear. CL - this year went so fast,didnt even have the time to think - I am content with life at the moment,nothing to change nor improve..Loool. I could do with visiting the gym,take up art and craft perhaps..but nah! too comfortable on my sofa..hehe As for the women section,its the women that worry me more then the men..LOL,the views are mind boggling.
  17. loool,tumekuwa sisi,insha'allah karibu kurudi. sema mambo mengine vipi?
  18. Mpenzi-nachukia winter kama nini,ya mwaka huu naona itakuwa kali sana..fanya fanya turudi Women's section is the dumping groud..Lol
  19. ^Hahahahaha..oh lord!..I would have just knee down and WCS Juxa & Ibti.. CL - I hear you..I cant believe how cold it has been..arrggghhh. I am used to hearing the 'white' kids swearing in Somali but today was exceptional - when one bursted out with 'Somalia toosoo' song..It was funny and yet moving..Lol
  20. Who is S?J ? It doesnt matter if the woman is garoob or not - there is still a requirement that he see's her Walii and pay her Mehr. Ibti's number would make a man bankrupt walle..loool
  21. KK am disappointed - that cant be the advice for grown men - perhaps pre teens iyo intii kale kaa yara Aaliyyah it is so ghetto - whats up with clutching themselves - meshuu waxbaa kamaa muqaneysoo.. anyways..
  22. ^ ,dont mind Che - so did you make it there? C&H, maa kaa daab baa you dont know Silanyo?
  23. ^Yellow! *sigh* It's sooooooo cold..anticipating some snow and a day or two off work.. What happened to the global warming nonsense! :mad: