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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Oh is the lies like a passifier, so to help them sleep well at night? waan daayee.
  2. ^Gaartee - there is an unavailable sign on his forehead .. - He is a good friend - dee miya qofkasta laa 'hit' gareneyaa miya? ps.Sanaad wacan oo wanaagsan to you too inadeer.
  3. 2010 was an exceptional year for me - I pray and hope 2011 will be too..With that I wish you all a blessed, prosperity and happy New Year.
  4. ^Indeed that was a memorable quote by Xaji Xiin - am sure he is just taking a breather from SOL[its the holidays dee], and will be back to sort out that A&T..
  5. ^I am stuck in doors, embraced by idleness - these threads keep me amused to some extent. .. Sayid need to focus on the bigger fish[Ngonge] and leave the spectactors alone..loool, dadki kale buu muraan laa gale bisinka!..
  6. ^Now you make me feel sorry for him - maa aragtee Ngonge is like those popular kids in school, so many followers..
  7. Sayid*Somal;683302 wrote: Take note Malika - this is how you do back up it doesn't take much - other than lots of LOOOOOOOOOOOLs and worst to the effect of 'funniest', 'best' etc Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool - erm who am I backing up?
  8. ^Adios, indeed...dont let the door hit you on your way out - party popper was your posts. A&T, Sir Xiin is gracing you with his silence dee get the message -
  9. There were no Somalis on that boat - Russiankuu baa Somali afkoodu kaa damaan wayee - lakiin cida ee hayeen waa tima jiliic.
  10. FREE AL MU'MINAAT & TAYYIBUN SISTERS SEMINAR: RAISING A NATION! INSPIRATIONAL LECTURES TO BE DELIVERED: -Mothers Who Raised Nations -The Forgotten Obligation -Key To A Victorious Ummah LECTURES DELIVERED BY: (speakers will be fully segregated from the female audience) Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem (Umm Al Qura University in Makkah Saudi Arabia) Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem graduated from the prestigious Umm Al Qura University in Makkah, Saudi Arabia in 1998. At present Shaykh Assim is an Imam of a Masjid in Jeddah, a role which he has held for the past 19 years, where the Shaykh delivers the weekly Friday sermons and lectures on various Islamic Sciences. Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem also participates regularly on both Islamic radio and television programs to spread the authentic teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. The Shaykh also had close personal contact for several years with the great scholar Shaykh Salih Ibn Uthaymeen (ra). Ustadh Shaqur Rehman (Egypt/Saudi Arabia) Ustadh Shaqur Rehman studied in Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia whilst teaching English in various universities and institutions. Ustadh Shaqur Rehman is Hafidh ul Qur'an and holds Ijazats in recitation of the Qur'an and various Islamic Sciences including Aqeedah and Fiqh. The Ustadh is currently a course instructor for the Tayyibun Institute. Ustadh Abu 'Abdissalaam (Dar Al Hadith Al Khairiyyah in Makkah Saudi Arabia) Ustadh Abu 'Abdissalam is a graduate from Dar Al Hadith Al Khayriyyah in Makkah Saudi Arabia. During the course of his studies he studied under many of the prominent scholars of our time and acquired Ijazas for all of the six major books of Hadith (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Na'sai and Ibn Majah). In addition, he also has Ijazas for the Sharh of Aqidah Tahawiyyah of Ibn Abdil Izz al-Hanafi, Shaykh Muhammmad Amin al Harari's Sharh of Muqadimmah of Muslim and Nuzhat An-Nazr Sharh Nukhbat al-Fikr of Ibn Hajar. EVENT ALSO INCLUDES: -Free Al Mu'minaat Gift Chocolates -Hot Food Stalls -Bazaar -Information Stalls -Presentations -Separate Facilities for Mothers with Children EVENT DATE, DOORS OPEN AND EVENT CLOSE: Saturday 1st January 2011, Doors Open 10.30am & Event Close: 3pm EVENT TAKING PLACE AT: The Brady Arts and Community Centre, 192-196 Hanbury Street, London E1 5HU
  11. ^Atleast its not God this time holding you back. .. I am a great believer of destiny - opportunity and networking. My so called education wasnt what got me the job nor promotions - aye! its who I knew and know. Lool.
  12. Malika


    Nugul you need to seek help from a counselor - sometimes its worth talking to someone that wont be judging nor commenti on your thoughts,they will just listening to you. Your being hard on yourself - take it easy. Life isnt supposed to be that hard nor that confusing, just chill. Analyse the things that are making you worry, deal with them in a rational manner - I would even suggest you see your GP - just talk to him/her about your feelings. You sound anxious - you dont want live life feeling in constant worry of 'what might be' and what might not be. Insha'allah kheyr.
  13. Malika


    ^Ooops. Nevermind.
  14. ^Surely there is a distinguished difference between SA apatheid regime to Siad's dictartorship regime- help me understand the connection..adigu raali aha without quoting Bob Marley..Lol.
  15. It seems just the Somaliland websites report this - other source miyaad hestaa?
  16. ^Edit your post dear - it was Khadija RA - a lot to be learned from her.
  17. It's what countries are made off and it is one of the things SL uses to fortify its nationhood, saaxib. It is not and has never been a case of "our dead are better or more important than your dead". Nationhood or tribalism - a fine line when it comes to Somali conflicts. Dont you agree? - Perception, perception, sometimes its exagurated and that is where I have an issue with..
  18. ^Suffering from 'flu' or is it just boredom - waan kala sari kari; I know yaa ii seexaani cawaan, oh dear! Alright Sayid, aniga dinacaagaa ayaan soo istageeya after all we are neighbours[from neighbouring villages] or was that Ngonge..hmmm - the unfortunate is maxaa kaa yaqaan gabay iyo sidhaa loo tiriyo - but we can
  19. Huh? How do their approve? LOL@got yours after the battle with Sayid - poor Sayid.
  20. Juxa nice to see you dear - and Alhamdulillah! waa sidhuu Ngonge daahee Sadaqa bixii. ps.Just got up - toloow yaa cawaa ii seexaan doona. pss.Boys the poetry section is that way >>>>>>> psss. CL I dont even know what they are for - am assuming the more you post the more they are? fiiri Ngonge's.
  21. ^Morning Mpendwa - mac mac. I do hope she is alright - we havent seen her this week. ps.I have come down with the flu - hate it!
  22. JB why assume yours is the pain worth feeling guilty about? Nagamaa xigtiid that genocide, those whom perished were Somalis and those that perished in the aftermath were Somalis and those that continue to perish are Somalis - marka walaal waxbaa haa iska digiin ineey taaduu kaa dubaantahay teenu iyo taan hadhaa soo coota.. Mr Somalia, your responses are uncalled for aboowe - this tit for tat mentality isnt helping. Nagaa dayaa foolxumadaan aad meshaan kaa wadataan.