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Everything posted by Malika

  1. @ Ngonge.. Poster, I hope we have helped you broaden your mind, so not to look and judge a 'whole' people upon a few individuals you have met. As for us taking a chill pill - dont worry we aren't bothered, we can chew and spit you without a care in the world, you actually got off easy here. -
  2. I for one is so disappointed in how weddings are organised now days - I miss the old wedding ceremonies back home[in East Africa] where by the night was spent dancing to traditional dances, the xer fur was an entertainment night, the gelbiis was the walk of pride and honour..naga daa waxaan hadhaa socooneysoo is just sad..absolutely sad. So yeah, am for maintaining tradition - even though we understand that culture changes with time, can we hold on to some of our Nomadic traditions?
  3. ^Yeap, I think they should be limited to a certain number per month for certain individuals - sometimes its like their on steroids, double posting of the same news over and over..Lool
  4. sorry nuune, xaal qaadoo hee - which is your nearest Dhahabshiil? Ngonge, this one sounds like a Salwar Khameez wearing dullard..lool Juxa, unfortunately there are a minority oo ajanabii isku bareeren to the point they have become a point of discussion - kuu kale naa waan kaa maqlee waxaan iyo waxyoo kaa daraan subhanallah!
  5. Morning Faheema , this place is quiet nowdays - folks must still be recovering from whatever they have been
  6. ^By coming up with that your agreeing to the nonsense above dee. Poster, You seem to have a set perspective of women - and how they should be dealt with once they are divorced, or had a I wont even entertain your nonsense about how 'spoiled women' are allowed to mingle with 'innocent women', suppose you will have us, burn them at stake or shun them from society huh?? It's clear your from a society that expects women to not be 'seen nor heard' - so I understand your shock[LOL]. Its a shame that these women you have been talking to degraded themselves in such a manner by being so candid and disrespectful to their spouses - but that isnt a common nor 'the' norm - if that is what you were asking. ps.Either you want to be married for your little friend or for love, money whatever is non of our business -if its bothering you that much ,talk to the individual your in the relationship with - your not going to be marrying a whole society, just one individual, her values and standards do not reflect upon each one of us..kapish??
  7. Archdemos;686840 wrote: Somalis evolved from a state of statelessness to statehood, and back to statelessness again. there has never been a history of a Somali state in the minds of ordinary Somalis before the colonial period. This is a historical fact folks. What have to gain from making this stuff up? Am i not Somali. Well you tell us, waa adigaan marti iska digayaa - Are you Somali? As Blessed said, the Somali Republic was a Somali people's creation - prior to that like many other lands in Africa didnt not have the status of a nation, until the scrabble for Africa by Colonialism. ps. Somalia must have existed in some form, how else does one explain the same language spoken across the Somali -lands - There are countries like Tanzania they had to adopt Kiswahili as the national language because its populations speak more then a hundred different languages.
  8. May I ask if your daughter is the only child wearing a hijab at Nursery[kindergaten]? - I think its worth talking to the teacher of your daughter's participation in activities - e.g She needs to be taking part in the pictures for her to feel a part of the nursery setting etc. After all am assuming their is an inclusion policy, even if the image of a hijabi child might just be too much for her comfort. Here in UK , schools in the inner city with a high number of Ethnic Minority Pupils tend to 'promote' the ideal enviroment for inclusion in their brochures/prospectors etc - but when you look at those 'top' school in well to do area's you would rarery see an Ethnic Minority child, well with the exception of Chinese/Japanes children...What am saying is, your daughter could be the 'un-familiar' image for teacher or others comfort. That said - do talk to the teacher, am sure its nothing sinister[lets hope]. ps. Must remember something about schools setting[now this is a] - there is a lot done for the sake of pleasing either parents, local authorities etc and sometimes very little for the actual child they are supposed to educated - marka waxaan kuu odaani lahaa, help your daughter gain as much confidence as possible so that she 'demands' the attention she wants.
  9. Jazaka'allah Kheyr Sis - Masha'allah , I liked it.
  10. ^Eeew - sick people out there, bisinka!
  11. ^Af dabolaan waa dahab - its actually encouraged islamically not to talk too much, marka ninkaan jiid ficaan buu mareyaa - You see now if he was talking either on the phone or to someone whilst commuting he wouldnt have had this chance to wander off in his inner world - wuxuu kuu mushquulii lahaa, the stress others put upon you with their nac nac
  12. ^Salaan Sare dear! - There is nothing wrong with having an active brain dee[says me]..Lol..I would like to go to Somalia - so many ideas run through my mind for them - although I would need therapy on how to cope with them..Lol
  13. ^Your not loosing your mind - your thoughts just need to be twiked a bit toward thinking about ground breaking stuff - all those thoughts and nothing that lights the bulb?? - friend those are wasted thoughts dee..Lol:D:D ps. I share your craziness - last night, I remembered this thread as I was sitting amoung an audience of 200 muslims listening to a talk by an Imam Khalid Hussein. The thoughts that were going in my head, whilst being moved by the speech were just far off!! If I were to pen them down, I would definetly be admitted to a nut house.. Marka your not alone..
  14. After few weeks home - this week back at work has been very very trying, thanks to coffee and teenage humour. Haye maa laa faya?
  15. LOL@Riwayada - honestly if that is any reflection to the truth about marriages, waa bila FB..meshuu bila xitraan baa laa isku haye.. I never understand how people can stay together when they actually speak to one another is such a tone? - waan arkee daad saas isuulaa hadlaa it puzzles me...anyways! FB is exagurated, I mean what much can one post to be there a whole day?
  16. ^ , you remind me of an era gone by!..lool
  17. A&T, your right one thing - Nugul and you share a characteristic - there is an element of genuinity about the two of you. I like Nugul, she has no pretence about her [my opinion].. Nugul, if you go to your settings , you will find means of changing your avatar - you can select from various that are available.
  18. Tears rolled down her cheecks, in despair at the audacity of Hanad eratic behaviour - How could he accuse me of witchcraft, when I was merely showing him how much I loved him... How could he?? ...She silently weeped.
  19. ^Bisinka - dirac is a freedress, am sure it will suit and fit her...So you do this often? Send 'friends' a traditional clothing parcel? Ngonge - loool.
  20. ^ :D , when was this conversation? recently or few years ago?
  21. ^Loool - kadab! bee iga tahay, I need to know what is the 'trendy' dirac now days - am clueless!
  22. ^From Sunday train fares are going up too - indeed,its better to start walking..looool ps.Gabdho - what is the latest dirac ? colour,material etc.. I am going to a wedding and cant remember the last time I bought a dirac and more so what is the 'trend'!
  23. the above exchanges were highly entertaining.. Ngonge, saxibkaa lamaa weydiinin how he knew the sizes of the bedrooms? lol
  24. ^ , xitiraan qiimo badaan baa noo dexeeysaa M.Mukhtar - ps.You suggest I become a home wreaker? inadeer maa saas baad ii necebtahay? I am disappointed cousin - maa aniga aa gabadha reer heblah aa ii daheysaa guri reereed jeebi? pss. Yaaa tol ii ahay meeshaani! Ninkan xaal haa laa iga qaado - jokes!