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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Looooool - I knew that will bring people out..Sayid ii waraan dear? I am skeptical of full love, suspicious of half love..heh
  2. Hehehe - hmmm, that is a topic of its own
  3. Masha'allah - waa dab dhe! I dont know about half or full labadu baa shakii baan kaa qaba..Loool
  4. Wyre - miyaad kaa marmii kareysaa guur laan? It all depends, one can marry/study/work..why do people make marriage to sound like its end of all.. One's life doesnt stop progressing just because one is married, its all a matter of compromises you and your mrs would agree upon .e.g when to have kids, buy a house etc.. ps. continue working, get married and study part time - its a matter of organisation. I am sure your family will support you meanwhile, with perhaps accomodation illa inta your in a better position[after acquiring that certificate] .. Life is easy, we complicate it by creating barriers to living..hehe
  5. Afternoon Jac - ii waraan, how is sunny Hargeysa? Yeah , what is half meaning love ..Lol Meyeen dadkii meshaan camirii jireen -
  6. Subax Kheyr trollers ! Meaning full love - what does that really mean?
  7. Ayoub - girl aa? That sounds like when black men were called "boy" no matter what age they were.. Ngonge - :D
  8. Lool - Okay Ayoub , I will sit back and observe , when the pot finally overspill...Lool. Paranoid baad noqooteen, again that is a Somali trait - not used to positive, wax kasta negative baa loo qataa..heh Ngonge, now you have convinced yourself that your that important to the 'SL' cause? ..lool, am not laughing at you friend, but am admiring your sense of self.
  9. Now why would you be listening to some whisper of doubt, when you fully know - your respected and valued because of your valuable contribution, one being entertaining the likes of me. Honestly Ngonge, if you just wanted "us" to confirm how much your valued hence you having the most green stars dee maa iska tiraadi - folks its about time am doing a self evaluation - igu soo tuuraa what you all think of me..Lol You have gain respect because your wise, witty, intelligent and funny. ps. huh?? am still trying to understand how given those green stripe is being bribed to ' soften you up to get you to be a sell out?
  10. ^Usually schools will give you a list of all those that do undertake work experience students in your area in all sectors . There is Connexion too -ps , why not ask your firm to take him on for two weeks - he could do all your filing .. or better yet send him to Ngonge..Lol
  11. ^They would have tied her under a tree and redeem her a mad
  12. Lol@Sayid I actually have a slight understanding of where the young man is coming from - I remember the first time watching niiko dance and being horrified - my "Somaliland" upbringing had everything to do with it. BOB dont you bite my head too!
  13. SOL is like a play ground - Peace Action telling Ngonge to take back what he said..I can just imagine the poking on the
  14. Loooool@being a farax, one is designed to disappoint - hear, hear..Looooool:D Taleex, sounds like your buying services dee - kulaha if I
  15. Juxa - haa. Maya maruhumadii didnt have any kids - she was a young woman whom just arrived, had been married to the man for awhile - whatever triggered him illahi baa oog, but his case is being treated as a mentally ill case. Unfortunate for the girl, perhaps kabrigeedi was here... and also a lesson to the young women back home, any faraax soo deego mahaa waax laa gursadoo - psychopaths in disguised buu noqoon kara. Illahi amarkisaa.
  16. ^The psychotics are coming out by the looks of it - we had our own murder story in our town. A man brings a woman over from Ethiopia , then kills her after only three nights - strungled her, left for another town after a day, he confess it to someone, police is called, body found..Inna lillah waa inna illahi rajcuun.
  17. ^Waa sidhuu ninkuu yiri - its how one takes it - hadhaa adigu calacal baad uu qadatee , dee dadkii meshaa jooge kama xigtaan dadkaa laa sheygeyee - am sure they will find your crocodile tears amusing...
  18. ^Bila qurboo joogta maa Somalidaa dulkii joogtee laa arkii laha? For 20yrs qurboo joogtoo aa masrufeysee dadkii dulkii joogta, so they are entittled to make decisions for them - I for one is in support of local governing, a body that will run gobol kastaa - creating jobs for the locals etc. As I said before, about time - but mostly I hope these moves to empower the people to take action, will bring the development that is much needed back home. ps. kuwa qurbo joogta wayo arag wayee hee - at least they have a chance to bring 21st century to some parts of our Now bilaneey, miyaan isku raceynaa Lascanood hee?
  19. Good move - shall I add, about time too! - I wish them all the best. ps. Nassir, dee Calmadow baan dul kaa rabee inadeer - ii qalqalii dee
  20. ^No problemo! adigu iiskeen leh - horta make sure you rough yourself up, you look too good to be a qaxoonti hadhaa soo degtee..we will show you the right people, marka aad arimahaa dameysiid, aniga gurigaa laaguu siyo aniga masuul kaaqadeyaa- will supervise your sub-lets[] dee 50-50 ayaan lacagtaa uu qadaneynaa - waxagaa accountigaa kuu soo geliin..Lool
  21. They want love[they are human after all], they want understanding and acceptance. They want a lover[after all they are men with innate needs], they want a campanion[not a nagging wife] - they want a clean house, cooked food, children[well behaved+smart] - They are after all like everyone else in persue of happiness.
  22. Abtigiis;687189 wrote: Yaa inaga maqan oo baryahan la arag gabdhihii SOL? :D Let us not judge her. She could of one our own. I mean SOL.. :D - War waxaa oo lacag hadhaan xadii laha, I would be basking in the sun in Zanzibar - just a year of what she was stealing would have been enough..Lol.