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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Waaw - Ngonge you have outdone yourself here. You trully underestimate the desire, the ambition and vision of the SSC people - your post is condescening and misinformed - You think you know all about the people of SSC by reading some websites huh? ..mate you are clueless, its so obvious that I dont know where to begin and where to end - so to shorten up my response , I say this to you..STUFF AND NONSENSE. LOL.. *walks of singing to Sado -
  2. ^ Maaddeey, karibu - you finally made it through the red tapes huh?..
  3. The day of calamity aa - bisinka! Sayid marmar baa waxaaguu 150miles per hr uu socdaan...
  4. ^, it means dont give your self an evil eye - ill yeneen kuguu Loool@Ngonge - Xaji and his Konfurian
  5. ^Okay.. masha'allah dhe! haa iis cawriin. pssst@Ngonge what is a weyrax?
  6. ^Lol - changing the topic hayee, maxaa Abwaan uu soo gelisee halkaan - pleanty is riding on Abwaan - indeed Viva Somaliweyne!
  7. ^, yours. @Ngonge, Oh no but can hear the ticking so loudly, its deafning.. - I just go through phases with my obsessions, I would drive two miles to go buy cheesecake at - that could be read many ways..oh well. I am gearing myself to go face an irrate mother on a review meeting - when did we became so imposing that we forget how lucky we are?
  8. @Sayid Waxaa madaxaa kaa buxaa soo daa hee - pg rated lakiin. Hello Ngonge, juxa and Wyre - what a nick! - what does it mean? My addiction to food moves from cheesecakes to Olives - is my body telling me something?..hehe
  9. Lool - waryareen anigu iyo inabtigaay hoos hoos baa runtaa iisuu diibeynee - naga deex baxa..Lol
  10. Malika

    Bloody Women..

    ^What sort of neighbourhood do you live in Val? .. ps. You seem to have got the knack at peering out the window..hehehe..
  11. AYOUB;693880 wrote: ^ Dee mujaahidintii kacaanka diiday baynu nahay. Dee ragaasii aad sheegysee naa "Mujaahidiintii Qaraankaa" ayee didaan yihiin - fair enough?
  12. AYOUB;693849 wrote: Hadhagii ururadii kacaankii dumay weli ku riyooda baa isu hiilinaya ila tahay:) Yacnii macnaa MOD. :) Bal maxaa isu keenay Zack, Taleexi iyo gooni? Maxaa isku keenaa adigu iyo Ngonge, iyo JB maalin walibaa aad isku hilisaan? :o The hypocrisy of Somali politics
  13. ^Awaiting the outcome of the meeting - one doesnt need to be a genius to read between the line of the tittle of the meeting. Baal noo soo sheeg hadhee wax cusuub laa sheego.
  14. ^huh@thousands of homeless in host countries?? - What has that got to do with anything we are discussing? There is significant difference between our host countries which are wealthy/developed to our poor, war torn country yakhii. There is no comparison between the homeless in London to the thirsty, hungry, under siege Somali in Somalia. I still think your missing the point with this cartoon and pysche behind it - let me try to explain again - Somalis have never been about individualism, especially in times of need. I pray this positive cultural-social norm stays on despite all the changes that will come with time and circumstances Somalis find themselve in. I have a feeling you have no back ground knowledge of how Somalis operate, if you did you would have understood AA's dig in this cartoon. puntland: yes, give man a fish he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish - you set him free..indeed. Now how to do you propose that happens without a goverment [stability], whilst thristy due to natural circumstance, or even whilst dodging bullets? Ngonge, your arrogancy is noted - kulaha SSC is a joke..:rolleyes:
  15. A_Khadar;693784 wrote: Yaa intaa fahansiiya qaar badan oo halkan ku jira. I sometimes wonder why a single one of them hailed from s/land never condemn this aggression.. War odayaal ,waxgarad iyo culima malaha miyaa? They are blinded by their sheer arrogancy - their comments even now ooze with arrogancy, self importancy and yet wonder why anyone would pick up a gun to fight them.
  16. Chimera as usual is arguing for the sake of, you have heard the saying "Charity begins at home" - for every Hamdi, Hana iyo tii kale aad shegysee, twenty of their direct cousins are thirsty, hungry and under siege back home - so extravagant dressing for a night to a ****** extravagant wedding is trully a waste of money. Daqaankii baa dadkii kaa tageen wallahi - to give has been the fundamental thing to do of Somalis, let alone it being an obligation of a Muslim to help his brothers - actually to be lucky enough to be here and not there is something one should be grateful for by giving to those less fortunate.
  17. ^Maa aniga meel kale waax kaa soo deydey lahaa aanan eheen Zanzibar..Lol - The beauty of Zanzibar is the Islamic culture too, marka living in Paradise whilst hearing the adhaan waa alhamdulillah. So your serious - maa kuu raadiyaa a little paradise? I can be your house sitter,markaa kaa maqantahay
  18. ^Your right - islamahaa aan kuu arkii jiree in their sanduuq - karfan, cadaar, cudbiigii..marka inaan iis diyariinoo wayee..Insha'allah Nabadeey abaaye, anigu waan baxee - better get some work, when am at home wax baa maa qabtoo - the day goes fast.
  19. nuune, waa xagee meeshu? - I can get you a cheaper "paradise"..Lol
  20. Juxa - have you sorted your burial finances? Illahi waxaan kaa bariyaa to not take me whilst am here, I dont want to die here. nuune, buried in space aa? war noo sii sheeg meshaad qasinadii lacagtaa aad digtee, it will cost you know - anagu koleybaa wont be able to afford that..lool A&T meyee beriyahan, waan uu xisoodee.
  21. Even death has become expensive now - Lool, burial rates have gone up across UK. Inflation to the grave - bisinka!
  22. ^Indeed - waa nimcoo Alle! - When I was growing up, dreamed of living in 'African Village' in Mogadishu - Xamar was the place to be in those days...