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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Nicely put dear. Lol Ngonge – saxib you want me to give you the minutes of the meetings, the agenda for the long and short term plans of SSC? Dee maa hayo! Lakiin waxaan kuu hayaa is the first hand observations of the momentum within the community. I believe this latest incident has truly re awaken the community to take responsibility not only on military basis but that of seeking its own self determination in all matters of governing within its own territories. They refuse to continue being the “disputed over” region between SL and PL – but strongly and rightly so desire to self governor. SSC self determination process isn’t going to be a smooth sailing[folks know that], as those ‘claiming’ these territories have had twenty years to the claim entitlement to these territories – despite the non consent of the territories residents . I personally would like to see a diplomatic means to solving these conflicts - but again can SL afford to tar its image as " Africans secret democracy" ? By actually addressing the issue of dispute to the UN and other International Organisations? Will the international community see SL in the same eye, if known that its holding a gun barrel on some of those they share the region/land so to achieve its own self determination? Hmmm.
  2. Poster - maxaa kaa shaan iyo tobaan what Janet gets up to - Nevertheless kudos to her I say! a toy boy billioneir aa? Kudos to her indeed. She has a body and a face of a twenty something- by the way she is only 44yr old hottie..loool
  3. MMA, baal kuu qubysoo 'salty water' - just so that my jealousy not to harm you..Lol , I crave the African lifestyle.
  4. Ngonge my dear friend , SL was born out of a fight for freedom on the grounds of liberty and equality, and on the grounds that every people must have the right to determine for themselves the conditions under which they would be GOVERNED – maa bentaay miyaa? Furthermore they made a conscious decision to secession and claim the boundaries inheritated from colonialism – within which they felt was appropriate for safeguarding the life and liberty of its inhabitants – Now this is only possible if all its habitants within those borders shared the movement to secession but alas! It isn’t the case – and that is not because they reject development and progress as you put it but it stems from the near history , it will be foolish to ignore history. History my friend holds an insight into the recent and forgoing conflict - as it seems to repeat itself by the way SL feels the only way to bring everyone under its authority is to use force – that just says a lot. Kuwii iis raceen, don’t need to be held at gun point to be Slanders, kuwii dideen naa seem to be harassed and threaten. As they say statehood and unity can only be general acceptance by the participants. You and I know in the case of SL and SSC there lacks unity in agreement to secession, despite the few men here and there that joined the SL movement that doesn’t mean the whole people of those areas have accepted secession, and those who have done are seen as traitors[Your friend Xaabsade is one of them]– This lack of Unity in agreement to secession is what the problem is. It has nothing to do with the waterhole they are fighting over today. What is fought over is the right to self determination – which is to remain A region within Greater Somalia. As for development and progress my dear friend in time it will come, like SL knocked on many doors to be where it is today in terms of donors [falling over themselves to give], in time SSC will also have the same donors falling over themselves – after all, whatever is given to SL was determined also for SSC – They will ask for their cut dee. Haa uu biqiin taasi.
  5. LOL@Val - you know in Dar es salaam there were many street cats, since the Chinese kuu soo batee magaladii bisadihii baa laa
  6. ^Is it random houses ama xafaad xafaad bee uu gubeyaan?
  7. ^Long time no see woman, intee jirtee? Hope all is good.. Indeed, alhamdulillah.
  8. ^With words like ,kuwaasii, iyagii , kuwii - they say alot about these folks who insist SSC folks should join them.
  9. Ngonge’s version of democracy involves “bribing, nudging in the right direction” – after all his SL is said to be a democratic movement seeking recognition to successes. Alas! Not too those who disagree , they better shut up, move along because democracy doesn’t count anymore – forceful, bribing,manipulation and aggression is the way forward to fulfil its own agenda of succession. ps.You might not mean to sound condescending or insulting but your suggestions are – they paint a picture of a people whom have no say in their own decisions – who lack principles – and that my dear friend is where your wrong. pss. Just to remind you, SL is not a nation, it has no borders to secure and even so, surely it need not to use force to secure them right? waa ii noo berito - anticipating to read your piece.
  10. ^NG is contradicting his own mantra here on SOL , Clan is everything - those folks fighting with SSC folks are of certain clan, the army sent are of the same certain clan, the leader of SL is of that same certain clan - coincidence? or typical Somali response?
  11. Somalina, define bu.ll.shi.t? I was joking with my earlier comment, regardless of who is fighting in Somalia, its Somali blood that is going to spill.- I would like to naively say, why oh why but that will be lazy thinking - one must first understand, then accept and seek solution. I for one do not believe that solution will come from outside, this remains to be a Somali problem that needs understanding, then accepting the realities - and so forth. Our conflicts come in various shapes and forms - so dismissing them as isnt really giving them the scrutinity they deserve. Baal kuu noqoo your first post and add the conflicts between those various groups - it will perhaps give us more room to analyse where and what is the problems.
  12. Somalina it would be ; Somalis vs UN
  13. ^My bad, perhaps not a public holiday in Kenya but is in Tanzania.
  14. :rolleyes: ^Really? the flag ruined Somalia? selective memory , I would say. Why did you select the avatar you have? - see the similiarity with the flag?
  15. Afternoon folks! So much going on in the world..
  16. ^ Maulid Nabi is a public holiday in East African - I miss those days, competiting on Loool@MMA, bees adaa kuguu oog Che marku yimadoo -lol
  17. ^She doesnt want Duke's Adeer iyo Abti ineey heshiyaan..Lol [ Somalina, am teasing]
  18. ^Has he got contract to go to South Sudani miyaa? War ninka maadnaa, I was thinking of the same line of business , revive my old man's business perhaps..war summerka ayaan soo degi , Insha'allah. ps.Check your PM, lets not spill all our business ideas on the main dee..Lool
  19. ^Why not just be MMA's guest?.. ,I only go to places where I can get free accomodation..hehe
  20. LOL@nuune& MMA, you know am a poor civil servant, got to see where my two pounds would take me..loool Che, there are places you can stay for a few dollars a night - not everyone is rich in Eastleigh.
  21. nuune, haye - step into my office, bring the quotes and charts with Bilaal - indeed, seeing elders and children begging was hard to observe.
  22. ^Lol, my hosts insisted I stayed at their place in Lavington, anigu koleybaa waan iska rabi laha to see Eastleigh at night - . Next time I come, I will hide in Eastleigh just so too get the 'whole' experience of the place..heh
  23. MMA, I visited Eastleigh during the day - drove round in the night, but slept else where....Lol@ ask nuune, maa saas baa?
  24. ^I know - especially how unstable Africa is, so much is invested in other countries. Tanzania baa waa sidhaa - the Somalis have transformed an area in Dar es salaam called Kariakoo with high raising blocks waad naxeysaa - the amount of money they spend on buying the lands baa kaa sii daraan. Anyways , Goodluck to them.. So tell us, is there room for investment in your venture? []