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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^meel ee kagaa degtee dintaa Islamka haye? You seem obsessed - that is unhealthy, bacdaa iska fur hee - bisinka! MMA - I tried caano iyo hiliib geel whilst in Isiolo, I didnt like the taste of the milk much but liked the meat - every evening ayaa banaankaa suugi jiree when the geel passed by, heading into badiya - I was strangely fascinated by the animals, looking forward to herding them one day..Lol
  2. Ibti for Hargeysa dear - you will be the new girl on the block, cruising with her little 4 wheel drive - lol nuune,will send you the details, meeshuu has many clients. It nice to see the sun! anticipating spring and summer..
  3. Ibti invest in a small two door four wheel drive before you go.. Morning all! nuune, gorme noo imaneysaa magaladaan yar they like "wadaad jinn saraa"..we can make some money.
  4. @ Johnny B ps. hoppas allt är bra med dig Juxa, caydaasi iyo canjeeladaasii baa lagu kibree dee - subhanallah.
  5. ^Jaza'allah Kheyr, illahi khery haku siyo - listening to him now.
  6. nuune, there seem to be a problem with the link.
  7. ^Says the voice of the privilaged.
  8. ^xaabaduu mexee eheed? Maa binadaan baa ama ? Juxa, sonkoortuu maa miid especial aa?
  9. Inaa lilaah wa ina ilayhi rajicuun - Allow u naxariiso oo janada ka waraabi. amiin
  10. Malika

    Never Let Me Go

    Oh..The hopeless romantic in me, thought this thread was your declaration for the undying love for some faraax..Lol I haven't seen the movie, but will watch it this weekend - am a sucker for sad love movies.
  11. ^:D Val you have heard of the saying - keep your friends close and your enemy even more closer .. . I knew I could trust Somalina to do a good job with the "shah"..loool astagfirullah! Now you all go and scare the Xaji away..hehe
  12. *Ibtisam;699876 wrote: Malika do you want to start such group in Europe- we will get them to fund our travels around Africa and then run away :D lol Loool - I dont mind being part of that - am tired of routines..hehe
  13. A good excuse to escape the realities of everyday life - now they will be travelling around, am sure will find followers who will be ready to fund them - nice I say!..Lool
  14. Malika

    Wake up

    She so deserved that!
  15. ^Adeero became the president of the self claimed SL dee..Lol -
  16. xaji - women section waa meeshii lagu nastoo - waa bila sanqaad..kuu soo dhoowo, Somalina wilka shah uu soo shuub hee.
  17. :D @ xaji - a healthier option baad dorateey..lool
  18. ^War taada kaa adko - wasting your valuable time hating on others wont make you a better muslim nor does it do you any favours..taasi taalo bee iga tahay.
  19. So your the ideal muslim miyaa? War orood wax isku faal and stop your nonsense. ps. She is a beautiful little girl, what she will be daan kuguu marjiirto adigu. Subhanallah!
  20. ficaan badaan abaaye - nothing new aan kuu waraamii lahaa - same ol same ol routines, welii ciyaalkii baan kuu dex jira.., I say Alhamdulillah. Sometimes part time is the way to go, especially if you have already found your feet in a position. Especially in this economic climate, if you have a good job, one need to hold on to it and just do part time courses to help climb the ladder or enhance ones knowledge.
  21. ^Morning Juxa and Kamaav! Juxa are we done with school? Masha'allah..good for you. CL yaa arkee?
  22. ^ I do understand you very well. Will be back to this later.
  23. ^Your making the assumption that PL and SL have been funding SSC areas the last two decades - as if their life line is these entitites. These entities started from scratch and so will SSC - Anyways for the time being it is just determining its right to exist as a separate state - Nothing else. It will be foolish to say it will exists without having to interact at some level with its neighbours - after all waxaa laa guu jira globalisation era - jokes aside, socio-economical interaction will be inevetable at some point, but meanwhile the quest is to secure its rights to choose and decide where its future is.
  24. ^The conflict with bore holes arent something new to Somalis in Hawd dee, so I agree with Ibti it will be ****** to demolish the watering hole just to solve a dispute that was far more then the usual water hole dispute...