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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ There is hope then huh? Ibti -Indeed..fragility of life, I tell ya. Now am all loving and giving - untill I forget again..Loool
  2. ^Alhamdulillah anigu iyo drivalka kale baa illahi baa noo sahle wax naa maa gariin - shilkan badaan aad shegeysoo xagee kaa daceen?..war haa ii sadiin wax kale..
  3. Ibti, the good news is ...... soo ducee! Not what you think dear- I am sure I would have posted a whole new thread..Lol. I am taking couple of days off due to a minor car accident - nothing serious just threw me off balance a bit.
  4. ^Looooooooooool@ good news - come to troll.
  5. ^Oh - I need to set ignore on a few people then..Lol I am off today - the backache is much better - just needed a break.
  6. ^:D - is that you Jb?..Loooooooool Morning folks.
  7. ^He does that on purpose - the extent of attention seeking baa iga yabiyee. Morning dear..
  8. Axmed-InaJaad;702438 wrote: mashallah brothar, it seems ur have found urself a desperate somali girl(one of many). good job akhi, and inshallah i wish you luck in your conquest of her(sex). waa bilaahi towfiiq Subhanallah, you have an audacity to speak ill of someone else? Using beautiful Islamic words arent hiding your ugly side - Your are rude - ps. who are you to judge this girl or the intention of this man? Brother DC - you must understand the legitimate concern of the parents, they are thinking of the welfare of their child. What you need to perhaps do is ask those in the Mosque or Dawah circles that you have been involved with to be your character witnesses. The sister needs to take some responsibility to reassure her parents that she is strong enough in her deen - if deen is their concern 0r is it also a cultural concern? Without sounding judgemental of the sister - was her desire to marry you a revert based on your ethnicity[white] or your desire to be on the path of truth -Islam?
  9. ^Loool - I think too. Ragaan doofkodaa ayee batee..
  10. Looool@ MMA. Bilan dont scare the brother..
  11. ^Lol - chicken..Lol Tell me at least you, gave her the look? ..
  12. Mpendwa why sit back and take it? - my fiercy CL would have ripped her apart..:cool:
  13. ^is the promotion falling from the air?..lool Juxa that sounded almost sexy..heh - velvet iyo jallato in bed aa? loool After a stroll the back feels slightly better - CL mpendwa mac mac - posted you one of my favourite classic taraab this morning - scroll two page was for you..
  14. nuune - will try that.. juxa your hot water bottle is doing wonders - only when am sitting I dont like medicine - so am going to ride this pain as the warrior I am..hehe ps. I am off work today - I will be fine by tomorrow insha'allah. The world is so crazy at the moment.
  15. ^a six pack and losing weight is needed, that is for sure.. you were the first person I thought of when I woke up - crawling off the bed with back pain..I trully sympathies with those who have this constant - its torture..Lol..Istagfirullah, its not good to calcal too much. nuune, jimcisii cant be done - its like there is a spear between my shoulder blades - every turn is painful.
  16. ^ -Come on Sheikh Khameez, dont be mean. Ngonge - it seems everyone is an imposter here, especially in the politic section - weird and strange people are there. Our friend has abandoned us by the look of things..Loool
  17. ^ at SOL tradition..hayee, how would you prove the person on the picture is the same person that has posted here? He could easily get someone to pose for him..
  18. ^Insha'allah...Lol at Malikat Jamaal.. Juxa, I have never had back pain - its such a nuisance.
  19. @ nuune, am still laughing..I told you to get here ASAP..waad diidee with your needing at least 100 people..hehe oops trolling.
  20. ^maxaa dacee nuune? Lol. Br DC..They should fear not about the children - they will have a muslimah mother and her family. The mother is very important in a family, she will influence and guard her children. Re assure them that, you will raise your future children as muslims with their support.. ps. Despite of your family's religion, there should be a mutual respect toward them. I am sure they are a credit to raising you. Well good luck - insha'allah kheyr.
  21. Sabax Kheyr trollers! I am early today - avoiding to take responsibility to do any work. Where is Ibti - iyadaa kaa maqlaa back pain - am in pain this morning...what is the lady to do?
  22. ^Alright. Now my opinion is, despite your background or your family's religious background you have found your way to Islam. The family of the sister should not hold your past or your family against you - your a muslim and want to live by Islam - they should embrace you, be your guardians to raising or living in an islamic family. My advice is, be sincere in your quest, dont let all this talk of prejudice, rejection blur your vision and that is to live in Islam - marrying this sister is part of it. Make duas, do Istiqar prayers - and insha'allah kheyr. How religious is this family of hers?
  23. ^Firstly Asalaam Aleikum Br and Welcome to SOL. Secondly I hope you wont be offended by the question am about to ask. What is your ethnicity? Just out of curiosity .. and insha'allah I will try to either share my opinion or advice.
  24. Jb, bila xishood baa tahay, gabadhaa Islameed maad kaa daysiid afxumadada. I bet she can whoop your *** any given time...