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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Somalis and Love stories? Apart from Cilmi Boodhari and Hodan - strange love story - dont know any other. . As a kid, I never thought Somalis did the deed too - waxaan moodhii jiiree they found kids under trees..Loool
  2. ^, nice detective work there
  3. BOB;704851 wrote: Ume sikiya ama una sikiza? Peace, Love & Unity. Nime yanywa maneno yako - mpaka kulewa nayo..loool
  4. LOL@Jacpher..indeed Thank God the saviour of western civilazation are there to lend a helping hand to end the barbaric dictatorship and lead the Arabs to freedom, justice and prosperity..erm democracy. Maskiinaduu illah haa uu gargaro - a brave of act.
  5. ^Goodluck with your search, I hope you find the closure your seeking. KK, no matter what the circumstances, I think children should be protected from any form of vengence with an ex. Bad mouthing the ex or his family isnt really going to make the bad experience you shared with them go away - why waste time or energy poisoning your childs heart? I dont see the point of it - shiid happens as they say, why not move on...and allow the children to just be.
  6. ^lol - NI number aa, ninku 20 sano lama arkii hee, maxaa laga ogyahay his NI number?..Lool Poster, as Somalina has suggested. Contact the tol[clan] qof uun baa arkee if not now then perhaps in the past.
  7. There are so many well educated men and women from Finland - most of those I have seen are graduates - phd holders.. I say to them, keep up with what they have been doing, it seems to be paying off.
  8. ^That was a good advice - we need a charismatic man like him in the community, divorce is too high.
  9. ^Looooool - bwana niache @ ma shoga, mwenzio sio mtoto wa mjini kama wewe, niki ambiwa hii ni kalamu nina amini hata kama ni mswaki nilicho onyeshwa..looool
  10. This man is funny - and confirms Ngonge's theory of women being mad..Lool
  11. ^:D , Jb sheekuu keenee..Lool Astagfirullah - caadi baan uu qoslee..
  12. ^ Especially how our people love 'self importancy' - mid kasta ayuu ii suu tagii to give his version of the events..Lool
  13. ^Kuma dabaa socooniin marki horee baa inabtii - I was joking with Liqaye at your expence uun..lool As for the SSC movement, these sort of events arent the making of it nor the breaking of it - there are clear at who their dealing with. Liqaye ,Moving with times dear, waxaa lagaa tagee "waxaa laa yiri iyo wuxuu yiri" to sophisticated ways of getting information direct from the horses to say..Lol This is will be a hit in marfishes - for the next few days..Lool
  14. ^Loooool@ change your voice to someone famous - so the software immitated the likes of Kahin? .. Maa waxaad naa ledahaay that SL officials have very sophisticated technology and they cant be traced nor tapped??
  15. lol- you guys are bullies...lool
  16. Oh well, the Somali embassy is serving its purpose - this time giving shelter to its citizen.
  17. Lol@nuune, adigo qof faneyaa maa
  18. ^Lol@Shefield. From what I have read here she is heading to Hargeysa , the real
  19. ^Hello nuune - tried to understand waxaa soo qortee madaax xanuun baan kaa qate..Lol Where is everybody sakaan? Has Ibti reached Hargeysa?
  20. ^ka fogoow kuwasii, you will get suck in and get Sabah Kheyr yaa Jaamiic!
  21. Br DC - has the girl talked to her mother? Usually mothers are soft spots in a family conflict, she might be able to ease the fathers concerns. I say use all powers available - the mother, aunties, sisters and Imams. She must have a favourite aunty or two who will speak on her behalf if the need be. Insha'allah kheyr - you know it shouldnt be this hard, nevertheless its possibly yours and her trial. Aaliyah and Pucca - What happened to the obsession with the Khamis wearing Korean or white babies? LOL..oh we forgot at some point it was okay to talk about reverts as potentials huh?
  22. ^Hear Hear Hear- Amiin for the dua.
  23. Subhanallah, some of the responses here are just down right wrong - absolutely shocking! So much anger in people, its blinding their logic. Subhanallah.
  24. ^ need the stamina first to lift so mahaa?..Lol Juxa - oh yeah?