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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Uu sheeg sis. Honestly, iney horta ragga somaliyeed iis weydiyaa, maxaa kaa sii aa - sootani gabdhii kaacararayaa ee isku barereen rag kale. ps.Br CD, pardon the Somali, we kind of hijacked your thread to discuss sensitive
  2. ^Lol, that's worrying
  3. Norf , Thanks - enjoyed the Oman&Zanzibar documentary - I miss home. - My Brother the Muslimist.
  4. ^Loool, nuune walaal I have no beef with Somalis.. for that matter any human being, mid caad iyo mid madoow iyo mid jaalo they are the same to me.. ps. haye, intee joogta - your a globle trotter on SOL hee - that is my envious me
  5. Erm - juxa, Africans includes Somalis dear..Lool. Africans poor time keeping is a well known phenominal dear - nothing about being a racist..even so, you can eat my shorts sidhuu Bart simpson yiradaa..Lool sigh* ps.If you were not talking to me - raali iga ahao..indeed viva le Somalis! anaga ummada kale kaa ficaan hee..
  6. Africans!!! urgh..I really dont like to wait for someone to take their time to do a simple task - am sitting duck waiting for a phone call, it only takes two minutes to check something and call me back!..ughh.. Anyways - afternoon my Somalis..Lol, that includes Ngonge.
  7. ^Lol - imagine a tall, well buildt Somali sister wearing that outfit -with a hijab to top it!..what a sight that will be..Lool
  8. Ms DD !!!! mac mac kor iyo side ways - nice to see you dear! As for the lands, maxaa sheegana hee, the current topics on SOL alone are an insight to the political makeup of Somalia. Waxaa nagaa damaan wayee - My land, my tuulo, my man, my, my, Welcome back sis - we so missed you here.
  9. Akash, finally huh? All out in the open now.. Interesting developments across Somalia! Lets pray and hope it will bring stability and prosperity..Insha'allah
  10. Nassir -Why continue to give the attention seeker a platform? wax baa haa weydiinin this dude, he is every where like a bad Galka'ayo is one of the cities ,I would like to visit..Insha'allah.
  11. Thanks Buuxo, gave me something to watch this lazy sunday afternoon - ps. I know a few converts whom came into Islam through Somali men, only once they get to know more about Islam, they tend to ditch the Somali men. Hmmm..
  12. Che you made it to Islii.. , you got to get out of there Go coast - better yet, Kenya kaa bax ee and visit my home town in the neighbouring Tanzania..
  13. ^They insulted him and fought - he ran away, they chased him..erm, their intention was to harm him, so that is premeditated murder case. 7yrs is too leanient, life would have been sufficient. ps.Elpunto it seems like your justifying what they did - why assume the victim was a punk? even so, he didnt deserve to be chased, beaten to death. The Mother's wailing comes from somewhere you perhaps have no understanding of - it makes no different to a mother if their child is a saint or devil - regardless they will moan its loss. A mobile phone isnt worth a man's life.
  14. Lol@Duke - bless you, throwing tantrums today huh? This is a minor hick up, expected in these early days of self determination of SSC group, marka dont take it too . As for being misinformed, oh dear..unlike you, some of us dont relay on the net for information on issues that matter to us..maa garataay? I will leave your thread - let you get on with throwing toys off the buggy..lool
  15. ^Interesting - so you were attacking the secessionist on behalf of SSC people Or for the integrity of the Somali nation? lol. war the door is that way - sii socoo hee, you seem deluded.
  16. ^, you sound hurt Duke..but honestly though, PL cant claim to be part of the revolution in ssc regions, waayo deh! When LA fell into the hands of SL, xagee joogen the mighty PL army - erm back in Garowe, claiming they do not want to be between brothers. The recent conflicts in Buuhodhle - where was PL - erm in Garowe..Now why in Gods name do they want to get involved? I think its best, they let the SSC folks sort themselves out - as its not about belonging to either entities. It's about self governing, although am sure relationships shouldnt be cut, just because the political aim isnt a shared one.
  17. Axmed-InaJaad;706918 wrote: this iz not right, yaa dadkaan iga qabta. this is my latest comment i recceive "porn addict, u need to get married and stop lookong for porn videos at sol you pervert!" war ilaahay ka baqa ee iga xishooda, nin mutacalim ah baan ahay. Looooooooool - your response is funnier then what the person said about you..Lool. Horta are you sure your a newbie? something fishy about you.
  18. ^ Am no expert nevertheless, what I have found to be effective approach has been through dialogue - What I practically do is set individual meetings with individual Somali pupil - go through their attainment level, target and their potential future careers. Mostly I found dont have this support at home, thus lacking the knowledge of what is available or what is possible to them. I tend to be quite harsh with my reality with them, some tend to dream - expectations and reality of ability not going hand in hand or just not having any aspirations. It is hard for some, as surrounded by very demotivated group of people. The UK has significant amount of unmotivated young people, there is no competitiveness in them. They are happy to just go through life, dreaming of being My targeted group tend to be yr 9/10 by the time their in yr 11, we are working toward actually securing the required grades for their choosen path in higher education. As I said, I dont know the answer for the general Somali students - but I believe those in position like myself, can and should do more to interact with young Somali students. Just so to offer, a shoulder to lean on, advice and mostly they want is someone to believe in them.
  19. ^Nabad, barwaqoo iyo cafiimad - alhamdulillah. Bashiiroow yaa eheed? a name change ama waxaad tahay a newbie? Horta Geel Jire yaa arkee beriyahan?
  20. Troll thread on the second page? whats with the slacking trollers? Subax wanagsan folks!
  21. ^tsk tsk tsk.. Masha'allah - A positive intitiative - wish them all the best.
  22. ^ JB is clutching on straws, a peculiar cartoon. Am assuming the rather ugly looking woman is SL?..
  23. W'salaam Juxa Sabah Kheyr all.. Its lovely outside - how is it in London?