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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Ofcourse not dear, perhaps I have very little sympathy for those who accept abuse of any kind - I empathies, as some of them dont know any different.
  2. ^Iistahiil markasaa hee - no pain no gain.
  3. ^That's not being raaliyo nuune, naagtuu wax kale ame kaa heshaa ninku? Waxaan maqlee miid intaa dawr jeer odeyashuu deex galeen after similar beatings, ee uu baan digtee odeyashuu wexee ninkaa kaa heshaa hence tolerating the beatings..subhanallah!.. - the last time anyone got involved. Markaa qof kasta isagaa ama eyadaa oog meshuu oo meshii iis digtoo - there is a saying in Somali along those
  4. ^Define a Geel-Jire? Horta laga maa badbadiyo a human being, very ungrateful bee yihiin. I think mutual love, respect and understanding should be practiced, no point loving someone more then they do you etc. It becomes an obsession or pure *********..This dude, tried too hard or did he? He was getting something from her though, she laughed at his jokes, he gained extra confidence - dee he too was using her..Lol
  5. Wcs Wr Wb @ Juxa Subax Kheyr all.. Abu - it happens, a lesson learned huh? As for family issues- how can we be part of the family if one is not part of the madness Juxa , how can you hate summer? its one of my favourite sessions - I dont like summer in London thought, I was there yesterday, I couldnt wait to get home - to the cool, serenity of the country side.
  6. Taleexi - yup! If your seeking a raaliya miid tima jiliic iska so gursoo..Lol, according to someone I know, the wife wont eat until you eat, wont sleep until you sleep , she wont leave the house, unless your with her- and there wont be a phone call from adeerkedaa at 4 am asking for this nor that.., she is yours and yours alone..
  7. ^You made women sound like cattle - lol I can understand to a certain extent why would these men go all the way there to find a wife - kuwa aan arkee, who have Indian wives seem to lead a serene sort of life compare to those married to xalimos.., xalimo's are drama queens ruunti.
  8. ^Pls do..Lol - I am looking forward to coming to Africa this summer to just eat. I know it sounds strange, but I so look forward to the lobsters iyo fresh fruits..anigi baa hunguri iis geliye..Lool
  9. ^ maa ila aragtee.. - Aaliyah take note of what MMA said there..lool MMA, I drooled seeing that food, reminds me a little place - cant remember what street in Eastleigh that served delicious bariis and fish..oh my!
  10. The pen was intended for him - so he didnt steal Have you guys not being in meetings/conferences where you come back with more then you went in with? e.g pens/note pads?
  11. Nin Yabaan, what is the fixination with convicts? The aim of the thread is to do what exactly?
  12. So Azania is an attempt to Pan Africanise Somalia? is this Gandhi old school?
  13. ^Ofcourse, why else - bombing Libya, killing Saddam etc etc is all for the purpose of 'Protecting the Civilians'..
  14. All this denying the French involvement is very suspicious..Lol. - yeah right!
  15. ^Ja - Enough trolling in here..Lol
  16. ^Lol, Jag vet svenska, men jag har glomde litt. Oba, Jag kan inte visas - legal reason, apparantely it can only be viewed in Sweden.
  17. Oba, det kan bara visas i sverige
  18. Malika

    Garowe town

    Masha'allah - positive images!