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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^really? What did she say so well? All I could hear is generalisations. ps. I like your style - first you bite then blow with pleasantness..
  2. Malika


    Bob, umeona ?
  3. @ Ngonge, well done you! Apart from her behaviour, she is ill and far from her parents - that alone is huge to a child of six. So friend be patience and continue doing what your doing. Loool@Val - reminds me a neighbour, she insists everytime we meet , that I visit often - wax kama ogaa her kids terrify me.
  4. Malika


    ^Xal moyaani wax kale marabnoo - maa gabadh reer Buhodhle ayuu leyahay kaluun baan sinayaa iyo bareyaa...maa reer Kanshale yuu saan maqliin ninkanii hee?..Loool ps.Bob - sharpern the coasty charms on that note, I shall hit the sack!
  5. Malika


    ^Uusheeg! Bob, before you teach her all that, waa inaa wixii wax iisuu tihiin try to fur the xedhaada! - taa labaad maxaa tirii kaluun aa gabadha bareysaa aa? bisinka bisinka..waxaanee geel eheen gabadheni lama sinaayoo - iska baa daa baritanka kaluun kariis..Lol:D Kaluun aa?
  6. ^ , yeah man! how did you know - its time to sack confidants in this place.
  7. Haye maxaa lagu bariyee - getting back to routines is such a nuisance! baal waramaa sidhuu Norf yiradhoo..
  8. @ Ngonge - your here, there is hope still for the place.. Jacaylbaro - lol - noo wad hee, anigu intii hore leh yaqanaa. Horta was this a Sahra Ahmed song?
  9. Naf jaceyl haayo ............halka kaa wada..Lol Good afternoon trollers -
  10. , oh my! Che leading prayers - walle waa aqrii sabaani..Looooooooool. Habo am kidding ..masha'allah!
  11. ^oh my, whats up with the handling this with cotton gloves - is she that fragile? Poster be the change you want to see in your community - be loud, be visible, be daring in challenging the community you feel is letting you down. There are many positive people in the Somali community. I will add, be critical of the media - every thing you read/hear in the media must be taken with a doze of cynicism - its never to be taken literally. Demonising a whole people is a tactic used over and over in the media, marka Boom Boom - take it easy on yourself and make yourself the example of what is good of Somalis.
  12. ^,he has no Che - How am I doing soo far Habo.. - war hedhee, I believe in self determination/ local governing - especially after 21yrs of awaiting for Somalia to get back - The people are desparate for some form of leadership, that will be much about water, food, security, health, education and jobs etc. Lol@ recruitment.., not necessarily Habo although, it wont be a bad thing if I did - rallying up support for the leadership of SSC, is to enable them to bring the much needed organisation of the community, organising it and rallying people to the kind of action which will increase the supply of the goods mentioned above and services to the people - as I said, its about restarting to build Somalia bit by bit.. Are you with me? Aaliyah - back at ya sis..much love!
  13. ^A glimpse of hope dear, there is nothing in life like hope - folks can finally see glimpse of the possibility to be yet again part of a nation. You should have heard the uproar of joy when Sh.Sharif's goverment was mention, the possibility of one day - Somalia to be again a nation among nations and SSC as a region within that nation. Oh never mind sis, perhaps you will be in the next and many ones to come - the journey is just beginning, we are going to need all these involved to be on the push forward..There is a lot to be done, but confident if the will is there - the means will come..Insha'allah
  14. ^Lol, your asking the obvious inadeer. ps. I must add, It is Islamic to mention a wrong - correct a mistake of a Muslim and its a duty that is on all of us. Nevertheless I believe its not appropriet to discuss the mistake or the wrong doing in public - especially if the person involved isnt even present.
  15. ^Are you a share holder in this restaurant.. Lol@ Che, you were expecting what toast,croissant, eggs of all type?
  16. ^Oh yeah, pretty thing she is too - got all the guys screaming - how dare she?..Lol As they say, your born alone and die alone - folks should mind their own business. I am sure we are all human, with many flaws either hidden or public. BOB - waxaad tirii, you never go out with non-Somalis, does that mean you go out with Somalis?..:D tuuff tuuff ceeb tacaal akhii.. [please dont be mad for the qarxiis]
  17. Aye Val! I did my bit dear.. - I was hoping you would grace me with your presence. You would have joined me on the front row seats, just few people away from the men and women of the moment. Africanow relax!
  18. @ Taleexi, welcome aboard..laakiin, its not in the interest of SSC to cut ties with PL - the aim of 'self governance' is to bring its people the much needed security, prosperity and development in the area ilaa intaa Somalia soo kaceysaa - its going to need 'friends' after all, its interest is to be nothing else but a region in Greater Somalia- We know its already has 'foe'- marka inadeer, baal tariib uu socoo hee..Lol.
  19. ^Ka daa, she was there in spirit dee.. Khadar, am only a glimpse - you will need magnifying glass to see me..lool - as for the conference and meeting it met its agenda - it was sucessful in meeting its aim - very positive step forward. There were various representative from all of Somalia [regions and organisations], not only declaring their support but also celebrating the notion of Somalia staying alive - Somalia despite what it has gone through and is going through shall remain Somalia -a Nation. Oh xaji thanks for your concern about fundings - haa uu biqiin - those back home faced with draught are well catered for - crocodile tears kaa iska tirtir, munafiqnimada, Allah majeeclaa hee iska jiir - waa iga talo.
  20. ^You see SSC everywhere - halicinations of SSC means SSC has sipped into your thick skin or should I say thick skull finally! Ha ha ha..
  21. ^I literally got home - after feeling sorry for my feet..Lol. Saado was rocking maa iis tiriid? I am still on a buzz! Amiiiiin @Aaliyah - You should have been there, waxaa meshaa joogte people from all over the world - it was trully a great event - one of many to come ahead.
  22. ^Let him throw his Koala bear punches - wuxuu SSC iyo Somalia kaa qadeyaa baa iska yar.
  23. Guul SSC! Fabulous event - literally just got home. Libaan yaa eheed, which of one of the camera guys baa eheed - Lool, I can see myself lurking in one of the pictures.. Guul SSC! SSC waa Somalia - Somalia Hanoolatooooooooooooooooooo! The haters, sakiin soo liqaa!
  24. ^Nice pictures - it gives an illusion of a serene life/place, shame reality isnt so!
  25. Jummah Mubarak my SOL family! A beautiful sunny morning - subax kheyr to the