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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Allah uu naxarisoo the two boys -I know one of the boys, yesterday I was beyond being sad, today I am pissed off. This is in my door step, believe me folks it hits you hard - seeing the crime scene, hearing the mothers wailing..Illahi yuu naa tusiin taan hoyoo yashaan kuu dacee.. Polanyi your right, what are we going to do?..Insha'allah, we shall work toward preventing brutal deaths of our young men..We shall never accept their deaths like dogs on streets...Insha'allah. ps.I am in disagreement that 'community organisations' should be responsible to look after these young people - anigu waxaan iis weydiyee - hadhee dawladii masuliyaadii reerkii qadatee - interms of skool bilaash aa, daktar bilash aa, guri bilaash aa - maa hadhaa waxanuu lenahay carurtenii naa inee noo koriyaan?? Maxa carurtaan loo dale? pss. The boy I knew was some what special boy - his warm greetings and wide smile shall always be remembered. Illahi janaadii firdows haka warabiyoo labadaa wiil..amiin
  2. Taleexi - that phrased is owned by CL..
  3. Malika

    Dark Girls

    @ Blessing KK - I know, but strangely its acceptable for people to comment on each other in such a manner!. I find it to be rude - even worse those whom feel the need to tell you if you have gained or lost - waan laa yabaa dadku!
  4. Malika

    Dark Girls

    I can relate to these women - I remember these nasty old women asking if I was also my mothers daughter - just cause I was darker than the rest...interesting I still remember that..
  5. Lol - Showqi, your good observer. Irsaapada Subixii hore baa la qeybiyaa - Juxa [her say reminds me of my ayeyo's moto to life]
  6. ^Water or Acid to go with that bitterness? btw you sound like that dude Africanow, you both sound like parrots stuck in an ecoed cave ...
  7. ^Hey Juxa, salaan qali aah iga gudoon [ is that how you say it?], I dont mind helping, lakiin qof alcoholistii aa oo saaq dhexee kuu soo garaceysaa just to tell you - her cat had tuna today and she is looking forward to going to Ibiza ..urrgghh. Taani wey daftee ajar..Lool @ Sayid, taasi wey igu dacdee - am living to regret It's a tricky situation walle.
  8. @ nuune, hadhee iigu walateey, sending her signals would do worse - she might even camp outside my door.
  9. Afternoon folks! Has anyone been terrorised in their home? I made a mistake to be a good samaritan to a neighbour, since then she has assumed am the SAMARITANs..urrgghh.
  10. ^. She sounds like a trooper, just anticipate a few cases of 'she scratched Jenny' ama 'she slapped Tommy' in the next few weeks.. ps.Teach her basic survivor English Language e.g asking for the toilet, water etc. Go through with her the school routines, e.g What to do with her lunch box, P.E kit etc, sitting on the carpet, taking turns /sharing resources etc etc.
  11. How difficult is to understand this simple statement- No PEOPLE and no PART of a people Shall be held against its WILL in a political association it does not want- all these noises and yet no one seem to comprehend this simple fact that it matters not if SSC people are divided or in unity all it matters is there is a majority that are against secession. But ofcourse, as Somalis we see not beyond the clan - and assume if one is for or against a political association it is that they are against or pro a clan, hence all this talk of grazing land, social and economical association - iyo sidhee loo kalaa marmii, this is beyond the point. SL has all the rights to its agenda of secession but it has no right to force others to do so - and if the claim is the so called borders, that were drawn by some dead men, some years ago -then its nor here nor there- fortunately, the earth is for the living, not some dead men whom lived years ago, they died with their agreement - hence new aggrements can be drawn..Just as SL presented it case of withdrawing from its agreement to build a nation of Somali Lands..marka, SL can readjust its borders and go forth, no need for the tag of war. Although saying that, all this will be possible if Somalia agrees to it, secession will only happen when Somalia is ready and in agreement. Meanwhile I urge SL to stop its aggression and impossing nature toward the folks in SSC regions. This is a dangerous move, I believe destablising the region for a mere ambition is silly and worthless in the long run. I am disappointed that SL supporters are for this aggression, no matter how much one believes its their in their right but one must always remember the other ones rights too ,if not this becames an issue of human rights - just to remind the supporters [ well those with sense ofcourse] Allah kuli xal - May the lands of Somalis be lands of Peace ..Ya Rabi!.. As you were folks, am out.
  12. Ha Ha Ha @ Taleexi, Libaan and Khadar idhika igu daraan baa - what a waste of time - arguing with the blind and deaf.
  13. ^Warya gabadhan aad daba socotiid waa gabadh marwoo aah, tafadhal kaa xishood. Loool@ Showqi - troll section and its mac mac kor iyo side ways..loool S*S, nice one! There was a need for people to take a break, subhanallah! Waxaad modeysaa ineey meeshuu sheydaan soo gashee - even people I used to like, I started disliking..erm am guilty. Ha Ha. Anyway its unhealthy to be that mad and hateful - dadkuu think you can do that, just because its cyber world but those negative thoughts /feelings are real - you behind that screen is real, marka sheydankaa hala iska naro.
  14. Lol @Che, habo meeshii aan isku ogeyn nagee. As for Africanow, for years he has repeated the same question about
  15. ^I havent watch the American one for the last few years, marka cant comment. I am usuallly facinated by the ego's of the contestants, very interesting to watch them.
  16. :D @ Val - he does seem genuinely concern. Ameen to the dua for his sake and all our sakes.
  17. ^You got a bit of catching up to do, third person left this Wednesday. It has lost its original appeal - my think. As for Trump, the man is so full of himself - arrogant so and so.
  18. Lol - so this is what Shabel has been up
  19. Ha Ha Ha @ Bashir Needed that little laugh after the day , I have had.. oh boy!
  20. Val, exactly how it is, thats why I love this aspect of being a Somali - the family responsibility to care for its own. Lol@de-stresser, I agree. I dont know how people view marriages but I dont see marriage as a burden, especially when married to someone you choose, love etc. Koleybaa aduun hawl kama damatoo, there is never a time when one will have all at ease, either adigoo cumrii kuu dameystee shaqoo ama caruur ama wax baraashoo - aduun hawlsheduu madamaatoo - waa sidhii Somalidu tiradoo. I am not saying every young woman/man should run off to marry but am saying those whom find themselves in these predicaments - just chill and go with the flow, as long as this is your choose.
  21. Mulugbaadh;720451 wrote: Are you in anyway suggesting that she might be happy for being married to an 80 year old man? You have said it yourself, with your choosen words - 'suggest and might' - the right choices for the issue at hand ,as it narrow it down to assumption, yours and mine. We will leave as it is - assumption. '