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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Somali's against the world huh? If its not the nurses, its the teachers, police, housing officers,welfare officers, social workers, employers, neighbours, communities etc etc. Yaa Salaam! I wonder if Somalis were this rude back home? I know in other parts of Africa you dare be rude to the midwife, wey kuu
  2. Masha'allah ,it's said knowledge is a gateway to success, so thanks for sharing your success with us. I for one have benefited and your knowledge had inspired me to search for more [Alhamdulillah]. Praise be to Allah. Will it be really selfish of me to protest to your self imposed retirement?
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;733445 wrote: Gaw waba saado oo angelina jolie is mooday You could watch that clip and yet utter these ****** words? Subhanallah! .. What was shown there was beyond Sado, if you couldnt comprehend that you should have just shut up...illen incapable of humility baa tahay..uff!
  4. ^Lol - come on do tell. And where is my praise - yacni for how much I pay attention to what you write on these boards..lool
  5. ^ Ngonge, your still holding a grudge, from that time you bumped into him at your work place[building] and he did'nt say hi!. - things one remembers, la illah!
  6. Oodweyne, that was disappointing - it showed your lack of knowledge of the women kind. -what has gudnin have to do with the sex drive? Illen wax baa kama taqaaniin dumarka gudaan..:rolleyes: Baal go back to your drawing board. As for the Khalijii women, there is nothing strange nor odd for a woman to seek marriage so to fulfill their 'animalistic needs' .. - You men do it all the time..Marka naga dayaa this double standards..Okay okay - the slave bit was a bit weird, but again isnt that what wifes are to some? .. - Yeah , especially those who go all the way back home so to find a docile
  7. :D @ the protest iyo
  8. ^It will be an interesting programme to watch and he did waffle about when asked if he was a Muslim - he had to be asked twice. Oh well.
  9. Hi all, I am searching for traditional children Somali games - please share any you know. Found this by the author Jawahir Farah - a popular numeracy game.
  10. ^ - dont laugh too much at him, life has a strange way of teaching people lessons when they say ' never me' @ Ngonge - you will be good at guess the song game..ha ha
  11. , Allahe aduunyo maxaa lagu wareere.., the world is a funny place sometimes. I dont know why this article made me chuckle - it just did.
  12. ^Needed to see the inside to prove a point and also was chasing a targeted group.. - sometimes one has to take extra measures..they were more shocked then I was scared..ha ha Lol@marfish zombie...ha ha astagfirullah.
  13. ^He will forgive her,continue supporting her/children and she will go on having another affair...... 'thats the way life goes' [was this a song? hmm nevermind]
  14. ^Morning my dear - wcs wr wb Oh finally got to see what a mafrish looks like inside- Goodlord!
  15. ^wcs wr wb - lol@fitting in borso. How are things?
  16. Subax kheyr jamiic .. Haye, maxaa cusuub? Anyone for a trip to Zanzibar - let me know, might be able to give you a good deal.
  17. Lol -The Zack - I was thinking along the line, he is lucky -she has't given him a life sentence with AIDS ... But from what I saw on that clip, he looks/sounded like a 'forgiver'..Lool
  18. The poor man, I felt for him...miskinkaa. What a dangerous woman, he better stay away from her - he will be ****** to buy her ' sowie, sowie' cries, what did she think will happen when sleeping around with different men? on top of that unprotected too! How evil she is..I would have slapped her on the mouth, when she is saying sorry - one time is a mistake, two times and possibly more its a game.
  19. Che -Guevara;731230 wrote: Juxa.....Somalis including my own family members have always married non-Somalis and having child with black Muslim is not issue but surely one shouldn't defend the idea of out of wedlock relationships that result in children in the ghetto of all places. I agree with you Somali parents are at fault here! Who is defending the idea of out of wedlock relationships?? Dont confuse the matter I was questioning Aaliyah's comments on, I personally found the comment about having black babies as a sign of erotion of moral/spiritually in the community rather ugly comment.. ps. It was racist comment and I stood by my interpretation of it. I condemn anyone that think they are better then any other race, it matters not if one is living in the Ghetto [as if being Somali means one should automatic live in the surburbs - the same social issues that has imprisoned Blacks in Ghetto are the same as those of Somalis - they are all disadvantage groups - lacking means of getting themselves off those neighbourhoods] Juxa - I agree with you but saying that there are many Somali parents who go out of their way to try giving their children better lives - but alas! sometime the young people make choices that arent right..
  20. ^Oh please! It was the tone, the underlying message was that having black babies meant one has lost all morality/spiritual/culturally and socially - ps. Yes there are moral, spiritual and social issues concerning all of us in regard to our youth - but I would'nt just concetrate on those whom had 'black babies' ..
  21. Lol - dee Aalliyah, you have been talking of marriage/weddings/type of men you like for ever - baal hal mar leh, go aan gar hee, as I said the diric I bought five years ago has been gathering dust..lool [i am teasing you dear, take your time ]
  22. ^If you mean why we are ignoring London2010 comments? - dee he deserves no response, it will be like singing to goat.
  23. ^ Aaliyah, there are different types of ciyaal maamo - waxaa jiiraa kuwaa aan kudihii donaa iska jiir. The ones that are so pathetic, oo waxaad modeysaa ineey islantaa hoyadiis qaabo [ he demands, commands and the old lady provides/delivers] - kaani oo kale illahi yuu saan kuu tusuun. They are the pathetic type.. Then there is the one - that just goes with the flow - whatever the mother says, goes. - This kind have no say in anything, including how to be with their wife ..hmm equally pathetic, as he will get lost between the nagging wife and This type is my favourite ciyaal maamo - he knows how to please his hoyo, whilst making his own mind/decisions in life - including how he will live with his wife etc. He will know how to balance the relationship with his mother and wife - He isnt the pushed around type, but yet kinder, thoughtful etc. Be observant of the guy, your mum has suggested - what category is he falling into.. baal dee diric aan beerigii ibsaade baa weli meel ii tala, just awaiting the go ahead to come to
  24. Malika

    Fatuma Nur

    Taleexi iyo Abwaan - she is a Kenyan Somali, marka dee Nairobi iska soo dibaa.. genius-pauper, you sound almost bitter and might I add, judgemental. Uu soo ducee gabadha hee if you actually care. Whilst busy telling people off, forgot to say - Well done to the girl - let her writing shine the light on the evilness of Alshabab and co.