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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Lol. Val - there was a presence of female US Solers but they seem to have fanished over time.
  2. ^I am a food snob - only eats fresh food :[...your right, better go find something to just chuck in the oven.
  3. ^Oh yes, kind of forgotten the legend that is LazieGirl..Saying that the US is also well presented by the likes of Che, Xiin, GD, its only they dont seem to have female Aaaw, Rudy is a
  4. ^Well, ofcourse the Canadians are well presented by exceptional characters dee ..e.g KK, LST, MMA..namean?
  5. ^ Share your sentiment, cant bother to cook today - iska baa daa to eat [thats not true, love to eat]..but honestly, no energy to cook!
  6. ^Your spilling the beans dee..XX was being won over, he was just thinking out loud. lol
  7. ^lol.. Dunida waxa ugu liita qof garashoo laheen.
  8. ^Lol..You gotta love the african drum messaging services here, very Mpendwa, niliku miss tuu. Sema, nime ambiwa uko nchini unafundisha watu kuwa civil..lool.
  9. Thanks Khadar - it was a short visit walaal.
  10. ^Hi Lily, you should go. I loved the spongey mattresses - slept like a baby although missed my bathroom - strange...Lol CL - illahi kheyr haa siiyo..Somali situation is really dire, its really tragic. May Allah ease it - amiin
  11. Am yearning for more ...waxaan kuu leyaha a fishermen's wive life seemed very tempting in - perfect life for a day- dreamer like me! Anyone seen CL? I have bones to pick with her..hehe
  12. ^Thanks beautiful!, words cants describe it - the serenity of the ocean breeze, sound of the crushing waves - smells that arouse senses that I thought had The sound of the Adhan, night shops and the food! oh the food and fruits...dee I cant say anymore, I probably will burst in tears..ha ha ha
  13. Juxa - fresh suubag iyo malaab! I am back in body but not in spirit - thanks.
  14. ^Lol - alive and kicking, alhamdulillah! I am back to sunny UK -erm grey, dull and wet baan kaa wadaa..ha ha ps.How are you?
  15. Troll thread on the second page? ..tsk, tsk.. Salaam folks - ii waraama?
  16. Lol@ Oodweyne, Ayoub and I dont need introductions - waanu iis garaneynaa. , but let me bring you down a peg or two - how did you miss the bit that the convoy required 'security' to enter Las canood? this seemed to have fallen on deaf ears amaa waa laa iis deeg/iil tireyaa?..Lol Anyways, as A.Khadar said lets not bring politics and tribalism into this thread - as you probably know that literature is beyond boundries, clanism, tribalism and so forth. Ibti, am impressed and a tad bit jealous [in a good way]
  17. Lol @ Juxa, I think you need a beach holiday...ha ha
  18. ^Evidence of such books? Anyways, am sure the moving library's aim is to promote literacy and literature. Masha'allah Ibti - this sounds exciting, a very good initiative.
  19. ^My daughter says, am rude to people - especially to shop assistants, other drivers.. and am a diluted kinda of Somali..