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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^If the case is for the child - then the child is better off with the parents despite of conditions. Emphasis should be put to improve and elivate the conditions - rather than taking ones children just because their are poor..Turkey can build orphanages/homes for the children in Somalia - where the children would have a continuity of their culture/religion and identity.
  2. ^So are the brothers on campuses at a better place? How do the brothers escape the clutches of the secular monster ideologies at those institutes?
  3. ^Nope, you didnt miss anything - we just wanted to feel good, is that a crime?..Lol
  4. Lol..It seems there are various issues discussed on this
  5. ^I think Garnaqsi is against the empasis put on clothes , whilst other moral issues are being neglected e.g teaching manners/responsibilities/humility etc - is that right Garnaqsi?
  6. ^Lol. Indeed @ Blessed, as its said 'Allah guides those whom he chooses to guide' - May Allah guide us all. Sharmarke, lower your gaze too!
  7. ^You can read it here.
  8. Just a little story to share - A friend of mine had finally found means of contacting the people that resided in their home after they had to leave Mogadishu. To her suprise an old lady answered the phone, and when she told her who she was the old lady started crying. She was crying with relief, apparently all these years she has been praying for the owners to come back so that she could hand them over their property. She didnt want to die without having given back the owners their property and to seek forgiveness... My friend told her, what has happened has happened and she is grateful that the old lady has stayed all those years in their home - which means at least it was looked after to some extent. Now my friend is only waiting for when its safe enough to go back and relocate other occupants of her fathers many houses/properties. Mogadishu, has been through alot - most of us, dreamt of living and working in that city. I hope we get to live our dreams.
  9. ^Ah! the beauty of youth - one always assumes that life is eternal. I say live and let life be lived...time awaits no man! People take life far too serious.
  10. Lol@Juxa and Chubaka - thats very normal 15yr old boys, lazy so and so' I think anyone who wants to have children should be given teenagers to live with for 6 months..that ought to make them change their minds..lool Jummac Mubarak to you too Jac..
  11. ^You have all the rights to be concern, as a Muslim - any other Muslim is your brother & sister and indeed, one will want for his brother or sister what he wants for himself - and in your case, its awakening others in regards to what is appropriet and what is not. I am sure one can create or find means to be able to address this issue at campus - there ought to be a Muslim student organisation..perhaps organise talks, presentations?? I say , make it your business - with the right intentions.
  12. I dont know why, I have such a mix feeling about the so called revolution in Libya, perhaps my panafricanism is getting the best of me. I am sadden that Gaddafi is outstead, yet am for change. Oh well.
  13. ^Ameen, taasi walaga duceystaa inadeer - thats the ultimate wasted life, I say. May Allah guide us all..amiin
  14. ^Lol..soor iyo caano for suhur? what do you eat for afuur?? I dont do suhur, had to please my mother and eat sareen every night whilst home..but in my own house no suhur..too much hassle me think!
  15. ^Astagfirullaha - dhashuu waa xagaa Illahi waryee..bisinka.
  16. Kulmiye - Welcome back. So far so good. Lol@Faheema..ha ha ha
  17. ^Climb that ladder quick dear, aad adiga naa laa cuntiid the Alpha, is so typical dhaqaan ceelis aa - he doesnt know about xaqaal ciid or the obligation of employeers on such times..
  18. ^Mambo - poa!..reality is to hard to swallow, but wherever there is a will there will be a means -watch this space..loooool
  19. Loooooooooool@accept your return..waa ruunta..lool How is you this fine morning?
  20. Subax wanagsan all! The water in UK is too hard.
  21. The movers and shakers are already predicting the price of oil going down, bids for oil production should start idhinkuu naa waxaad kaa werwerysaan the people who are injured or died..No one cares, they just wanted the oil - used the rebels to gain their means - the best crued oil in the world.
  22. ^Ha ha ha @ feathered Now you will be sitting there twidling with your thumbs whilst looking fab dee, that definetly will require more
  23. Val - I know, my shame..hmmm u say its all in the spices huh? A.Khadar, the day before yesterday baan kaa soo afuuree masajiid - taa iga racee aan kuu shegee. After chit chatting with the women there, a group of Kuwaiti women thought it was appropriet to slip me money!! I could have been offended but didnt, took the money and drop it in the sadaqa box..lool. I agree its nice to share food at the masjid, we do that every weekend of the ramadan in my town.
  24. much do you expect to be paid with a job like that..loool@ waziradha dalxiiska, bilicda iyo Equal pay to the minister of defence would be an insult...loool
  25. ^lol - true, if I could have gone to the market everyday waan tagi Honestly, cant eat froozen food or food that has been in the fridge more than a day. I just cant. There must be a fresh aroma from my