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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Do furniture count? If so...yeah, my sofa...this particular piece that I would be found on, almost every evening, weekends..not that I do I lot of sitting but I just love that chair...Also a particular perfume, and body wash..I dont know if these count but they sure are worth the pennies I spent on them.
  2. ^lol - that is very unlikely, ninku waxaa laa yiri is an ideal
  3. ^Lol - kaa daa! To the newcomer, welcome dear.
  4. ^Ah, a fellow procrastinator..waan
  5. Subax Kheyr all! Horta yaa ii arkee Sayid Somali? Is he around?
  6. ^lol, you cant be that bored?..Lol
  7. ^Lol. Sorry didnt mean to get personal. Iga raali ahao.
  8. Sharmarke -If what you have so much contributed on this discussion is 'enlightement' , I would only say this much..enlightement xaal qaado. ps. I think discussing what encounters Muslim youth in general in secular society would have been more appropriet rather then just targetting the young women - that is what I have a problem with. To just highlights the ills of 'Muslim women' is to me, uncalled for and shows ignorance. As far as I am concern, seeking education, earning a living, owning property, giving charity or even going on Jihad is within a woman's right and equal in Islam. I understand that it concerned you, that 'some' young women seem to have either not got or have neglected their Islamic ways. To those we either do all we can to enlight them through dawah, which is what I urged you to do in my first post. As for the gaalo or non believers - there is much importance that Islam is shown in the lights it deserves, its wisdom and goodly exhortation highlighted in the bid to call others toward it.
  9. No wonder, non- Muslims have this assumption that we Muslim women are oppressed, unrespected and above all unvalued as human beings, ileen they read what our Muslim brothers say about us - How we are good for nothings except if we are serving them, how we dishonour them, if not with what is between our legs its..erm in this case by choosing to dress this or that way..ileen waxaan oo kale bee arkeen. As far as I know , a muslim woman is a human being whom has been given free will by her creator. She like the Muslim man choose how she lives her life, knowingly she will be questioned about it on the day of judgment. All this about how a Muslim woman should be or should not be is really an insult to the Muslim women's intelligence. Waxaa kaa digateen baa ineey xoolo yihiin Any decent, intelligent woman either be Muslim or non Muslim would know the importance of family - and would trive to build/sustain/maintain that stable family, without having to also neglect their own needs to extend their knowledge by seeking Education or by giving back to the community in the means of working. Marka naga daya nacnacdaan.
  10. FB - yeah, they were hunted down for their skin/bones - kulaha the waganga[witchdoctors] has said their skin/bones cures AIDs..subhanallah! Val - Oh I take back my previous mocking of this news - there seem to be some truth to this
  11. ^Amiin..The Tajik child had a beautiful voice - but what stood out to me is their inquisitive minds, clearly very intelligent bunch.
  12. Lol@Ngonge. But as always Africans are still mystified by 'safe' sex - in some part of africa raping very young children or eating flesh of Albinos apparently cures AIDs...
  13. ^Lol - If that does'nt make Ngonge feel guilty nothing else will..Lol
  14. ^Alas! you have missed I am sure the Londoners would have done me proud, hadhaa soo sheegi leheedh your in town..nevermind, next time.
  15. ^Eid Mubarak to you too - Welcome back hun. Long time no see!
  16. ^Yep - we do in my family, bring all the kids together - they organise themselves according to age groups and gender plus what activities they want to do. The little ones ofcourse need supervision, so those with the youngest children in the family end up doing that...Evening is for the ladies of the family, either the party is at one of the homes or out in town- as the men of the family are off to pay visit to their supplier[khat merchants] So yes, Eid tends to be one huge get together, laughter and joy all around! We leave the family bickering out side the gates on that day.
  17. Val, leave Ina Jaad Juxa, is that so - saas ii dhe! Girls should not go to school, boys are shaax Ngonge, 5th page baa laa marayaa - how can you say it was a boring topic? Or were we that bored?
  18. ^ lol, saas ii dhe! there I was thinking you have joined nuune on planet Same here, got back from Eid prayers and thought to take a nap. Only to wake up couple of hours later ..bahaal caajiis naa ii sarnatee, so didnt go out to do my usual Eid greetings[more so eating]
  19. nuune iyo MMA dont live in this planet miya? maxaa ciid idhii kaa dige different from the rest of the Ummah? My Eid today, has been exceptionally quite...tragically
  20. ^Fa inna ma'al usri yusra.
  21. ^ Norf , apparently safeguarding is an indulgency in the circumstances. :[ Naxar, walaal - its a sour pill to swallow perhaps in my part. I know far too well, the well being of the children is paramount, squaring three meals, security, shelter out weight the cultural or even intellectual needs at this stage...I am just heart broken that it had to get to this - today Somali children had to be auctioned as 'available' because we have failed them. ps.There are no gurantees that if adopted their lives will be better, then if they were on the streets of Mogadishu. I know, I know...weak argument under the circumstances...a sour pill to swallow I must say! I believe a child is better with their parents despite their conditions - there is something unique a child feels/gets when they are with their birth amount of pampering from another individual fills that void. I say, help the parents - help their children. Ok, I am mumbling.
  22. Ina Jaad is an attention seeker..Illahi haa uu gargaro. Garnaqsi, baal adiga noo sheeg what should the priority of the ummah be?
  23. ^Insha'allah - Amiin. May Allah answer our duas, accept our fast and prayers...Amiin Eid Mubarak all!