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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Lol..its funnier when the kid clam to be not a clannist, whilst accusing 'a whole people to be of no principle' based on one man's action in 1980..., worse was when he claimed that atleast Baidao was known by WHO, UN etc..subhanallah, waxaad modeeysaa baa waa wax laguu fanoo garashadaasu! I dont know which one is worse the accused or the accuser..oh well! go
  2. This thread gets better and better by the day! Here to women folk! finally men are quivering in their boots - oh God what a grand feeling!!..Loool Zack, Mustafe's advice sounded like your going to be those what Malcom X called - yard black men or was it house boys?..When asked to jump they asked how high sir! War just be yourself, do your job and stop acting as if your about to enter slavery. bisinka! Lol.. am still laughing at Mustafe's advice - is sure sounded like the dude has experienced oppression of some sort...
  3. I personally prefer male bosses - its just like being at home,despite his tittle - I rule the roost...I currently have female boss and lets just say, I miss my laid back old boss.
  4. ^Interesting that you too should have 'issue' with female, kinda of confirm what a friend of mine told me of males from a certain Somali area...
  5. ^I am not a counsellor but is interested in knowing how long you have been feeling like this? And how often do you contemplate on these 'sins'?
  6. ^We have been having the opposite, a heatwave in Oct!..Although am not complaining, just worried that the winter might be harsh one..
  7. ^Lol - easy on the Ngonge - lol..indeed, they arent. I think the father of one of my tutees has a crush on me - every time I go to their home, the dude seems to be waiting for me at the door..always with the same questions ' hayee, maxaa heesaa beriyahaan? whilst looking into my eyes..He is so annoying..uff.
  8. ^Lol - it's the adults I tend to want to strangle - just today, after slaving for hours on something that needed presenting on Monday. Missy I know it all comes in and start to mess about with it - waan iis hayee, wanted to go all Somali on her...xagxagashoo iyo inaan qaniinoo baa ii
  9. ^Didn't know you worked for the 'SL' secret
  10. ^Lool - the Porturican on that movie wasnt a looker dee - I can understand why you got slapped. Astagfirullah. Nin-Yaaban, must be in jail..lool.
  11. ^You know the word Uchi means nakedness in Swahili - markasii maa kaa dab aa inaad kaa xanaqdii qof qawaan iskuu yeere?..lool - Anyways, keep doing what your doing - at least the near dull SOL gets a bit of life with you around, unlike some - if they are here or not, makes no difference - nothing to offer, hence tagging along your lime As for the leash and whip - come on agree, you were frustrated with dominant women. You a traditional male must have found that hard to take..iska ogoloow btw Good Morning!
  12. Oh dear, simple psychology will have it - poor A&T is on a leash, the leash holder are women - am assuming the whip holder is also a tredding on thin ice here, May I ask A&T who is the boss at home too? War daayaa wilka haa idhiikaa nefisoo...breath in A&T , exhale!! Whooooooooooooooooooosh! ........Ha Ha..
  13. Any quick buck making schemes out there? Morning all! Maaddeey's must be feeling really good - what a salaam!
  14. ^Not having a good week so far huh? Stay positive - keep hope alive and the clouds shall be lifted..[am smilling at you]
  15. ^ War I saw you baafiin, you didnt see me raising my hand to alert you of my presence....Now you know women tend to over think things hence the panicky sense - unfortunate they have a lot more to prove, insecurity can also be the cause for the panic - what if I mess things up, what if this doesnt work etc..Marka adigu dee Islaantaa laa shaqeysaa deeji hee - reassure her all is going according to plans etc. Ngonge - you see, a man's brain works much simplier, you didnt even notice my dig at Abtigiis.[tongue out - cant figure out how all that work anymore - there, typical] Abtigiis - I trully enjoyed reading your piece - strangely didnt find it offensive, actually found myself agreeing with you on some things. I am a female and many of times, women puzzle me - they can get really petty but that doesnt mean they arent capable of being good and effective managers. Saying that, this morning I was ready to strangle
  16. Aaaw poor you @ Abtigiis. Women are not crazy - we just operate differently to you men, markaa baal isku daay inaad garatiid intaasi. You need to recognise that your collegues approaches to communication and problem-solving is different to you [Oh you mighty man] - baal isku daay baan kuyirii , perhaps you will start to really understand them better and work wont be such a pain. Dee adigaa wrong [], what took you to an enviroment where there are that many women? Wrong career perhaps..Loool.
  17. ^His called 'Mo' - Maxamed isnt cool enough dee. Juxa, maa ila aragtee..biskinka, what was wrong with that guy, waabuu isku deejiyee the poor woman, she looked so uncomfortable! Mo - looked happy and excited - expected, he has done his bit of representing himself and his people.
  18. Oh what a day I had! glad working hours are where is that
  19. ^Lool - kaa daa! Poster - can the Abaaya/Hijaabi wearing girls be asked the same - Who are they dressing for? As it seems, to be a trendy thing to do now days.
  20. ^Or she could take notes and start a training programme for abused women - teaching tactics on places to hit for the maximum KK -Waa runtaa..shiib aan iska I am a food snob, only eat freshly cooked food - so today, opened my fridge to find a few items from the yesterday and day before...wixii baan iska kululeyee - to my suprise they stll tasted from now on, waan iis xoreeneyaa from cooking every day.
  21. ^Lol - luuqkaa laa galayoo waa dangerous - Oh dear, the things that used to happen in luuqyashaa! Acudhubilaha..definetly waa meel ceeb leh..Looool I am having a concotion of leftovers - not bad, the combination taste good.....I should stop being a left over snob.
  22. ^Loooooooool..Your such a bully!
  23. Oh poor Juxa - anigu waan qoslii laha whilst they telling