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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ I wish I was in bed - still not feeling well..Just swamped with paper work whist dripping like a broken tap..urgghh. Lol ii waraan abaaye, it seems your the only one left in London - gabadhii kale waa kuwaan kaa caarareen. ps. Got to run - catch up with you later - insha'allah
  2. ^I could but am choosing to hold my tongue[hand in this case] - and allow the girl to enjoy and bask in her new found happiness. Tempting it is to want to point things out, but lets leave it aye?
  3. Morning all, it is still morning right?
  4. ^Dont be xasiid dee..Lol Amiin to the duas & Masha'allah..May the blessing of your marriage continue for many years to come..Insha'allah. ps. Thats what marriage is supposed to be - your husband should be the pillar to lean on, the mirror to reflect upon, blanket to comfort etc...and vice versa. I say enjoy!
  5. ^ Your consumed with fear dear.! Life has no gurantees - you could marry the 'ideal man' and only for him to turn out to be your worst nightmare...What does one do - walk away and continue living - so it will be the same, if the convert turns back to his old religion or the convict goes back to his old way. Lol.
  6. ^Lool..indeed, the Kenya Somali, especially those from Nairobi somehow assumed they were superior to any other Somali - iska daa kuwaa Kenya NFD degaan, wabaa kaa daraan how they see themselves above the Tanzanian, its actually funny, we Tanzanians see Kenyan Somalis as daad naxariis leheen, stuck up - British wanabee' Abtigiis - The son's of Somalia ayaa uu waacaan Somalia maanta, you guys have managed to bring our Mother land [The land of our hopes and dreams] to its knee's whilst bleeding - violated by anyone whom feels THEY can - if its not its own sons, then its the neighbours sons ..
  7. ^Loooool - They have been like that for years..Lol
  8. Morning all. I think, I must have been a man in my previous life - I cant handle a mere cold. I have been complaining and whinning ...*sniff, sniff*
  9. ^Lol - femme- , when was age of the woman mentioned? [i must have missed] Anyway by the time a woman is in her 30's, she has grasped the reality of life and living, so am sure she will be well adviced ...well we hope.
  10. Jacpher, life is a challenge anyway - either your on the good side of the system or bad side of the system. What matters is how one rise above the challenges without drowning in self pity. I think there is hope for this ex convict, he is at least open about it - has since done what he could do to keep on moving forward. So I say cut him some slack! A second chance is what rehabilitated convicts need, they dont need to be banished from society for the rest of their lives just because at one point in the past live they made a ****** decision.
  11. ^Morning Juxa.:] Ha Ha, sorry am not laughing at your mishap, just the image I am getting...he he... I meant to ask are cyclist allowed on pavements? They can be a nuisance. [i still haven't figure out how to use the new settings]
  12. ^Was the man riding the bike on the pavement? Sabah Kheyr.
  13. I am intrigued, but scared to watch it...
  14. waaw@ Juxa, some weekend it was huh? Jac - i.c...its probably best you dont continue smoking it nuune - you will be suprised at the money Somalis would spare when it comes to wadaads - £100 consoltation fee baan arkee, adigu dont worry just get yourself in
  15. ^If you need a cashier - am your lady...I am not Jac - pass on whatever your smoking.
  16. ^lol..You sacked the most profitable ones? London is booming with Quraan Saar business.. as for the macmacaan, I will pass that. It sounds like inaad ii dishiid baa rabtaa.
  17. Nuune, do you provide service via the phone?..Lol Juxa, what macmacaan did you have this weekend - am currently addicted to apple pie/ice cream..
  18. Lol - it all happens to A&T, such an eventful
  19. Asalaam Aleykum all.. In need of dua@ Sheikh - intee laga hela for some quraan aqris? Juxa - winter is here..hate this time of the year.
  20. nuune - what is kirishoomirish iyo moolto baniikole ? sounds Tamil iyo taliani laa isku Norf, enjoy for all of us, as Alpha reported its grey and gloomy in UK.
  21. ^Afternoon Norf. Oh, that made depressed - beach!!...aaah,the sun, sea and sand!
  22. ^W.aleikum salaam dear. I have croissants , salmon and delicous I honestly over indulged myself this morning..ah one of those days - seeking comfort from
  23. Good morning, Subax kheyr and asubuhi njema trollers!! Hi Juxa *waves* Indulged in a big breakfast, now I want to go sleep.
  24. ^Even the eloquent Togane had to tip toe around the said man - I now understand why this kid couldnt confront the man when he had the chance but choose to come here to calacaal..., rageedi baan oraani lahaa if he came telling us how he has confronted the man..but alas! kulaha I mentioned some Somalia, as for the Baidoa being more known then Las canood - I will give it to you, as I would never want any other town or city in Somalia to have gone through what Baidoa and its residents went through...Now walk with pride.
  25. Aaliyah, once you finish steam cleaning the wooden floor , you will need to polish it - so to get the shinny look.