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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Abtigis & xiin What are your interests? [in Somalia] Baal aan aragnee if you two share anything common - in terms of interest for Somalia and Somalis. ps. My take on the Kenyan's incursion is that it was unnecessary and clearly it was a strategy to continue the mayhem and chaos that is Somali politics/affairs. Despite what the TFG is, there was some indication that something was moving into the right direction. Al-Shabaab was finally removed from the capital city - life started to go back to normal. Airport and Harbour openings - Aid coming in etc. But ofcourse, that wasnt serving someone's interest somewhere, they had to forward their own/regional/international interests. So yet again, we debate, argue and of course continue in our paths of separate interests, with that prolonging the nation building. pss.xiin, I too still push the peace caravan for Sheikh Sharif - people underestimate him. It took 20yrs to destroy Somalia, surely it will take some time to rebuild it. Chance halaa siiyo wadadka..
  2. ^You only needed to visit any thread where SSC is mention to know, who is from your neck of the woods, as to say. Saying that, soo dhoowoo - tartiib leh uu socoo.
  3. ^Hadhu qof jiiro accidentaly, he needs not to pay any magta - me assumes. Juxa - surely, one should pay charity when they want, not when the clan decides - more so how much one should be paying. You say its £10 for some, alle walla ii Alpha - poor you, you got to change your thinking frame, your no longer in the world were individualism is the norm. Where you are, your money is the clan money, your life is the clan life..Lol
  4. ^You said what needed to be said sis - all the fake bravado displayed by what they call 'politics/history' is just so pathetic and petty, especially as Somalia is still burning, begging and desperate.
  5. Lol. Juxa, I am so capable of being mean - sometimes too mean for my own good..[shame on me]
  6. I woke up mean today. iska jiiraa. Acudubillahi.
  7. ^Second that.. nuune, is such a busy body..Lol
  8. Juxa - I shall be coming to London, as my whole family has abandoned me and moved to
  9. Audhuu bilahi mina sheytani rajiim..I think there is a reason, why Allah have made them invisible - adigu naa waxaad ledahay, am taking her this for Haloween?
  10. ^Lol - there is a saying - Islaan baas innan baasi bee am assuming its the same for the men. Qiyaal suuq weliigii ciyaal suuq buu Dont mind nuune, wabaa kaa qabsadee wilku.
  11. W.Salaam quruxley! @ Juxa Who has upsetted you this morning? nuune, you and your jiin stories..ambaa kuma daamo..Lol
  12. nuune, this reminds me of other similar stories. Waxaa laa yiri the reason there was so many Somali truck drivers dying on a specific mountain road in Tanzania was a jiin woman. Apparently iyagoo 100 uu soocdaa - after chewing for couple of night that is, whilst driving on this road they see a woman in red, with long flowing hair[now we know Somalis and long hair or any hair for that matter] - She waves at them, intee iyaduu egeyeen they miss their turn and drop off the cliffs.. The other one was, this young man was walking through a beach at night after a night out. He sees a woman[beautiful] sitting on the beach..He couldn't help but approach her, as he approach he was overwhelmed by the perfume she was wearing - the closer he gets to her, her incredibly beauty was dazzling him. Alla kuli xaal, he spoke to her, her voice was from another world..well, after short conversation, the guy followed the woman to her house..Dee the next thing he knows is its the morning and he was laying on top of a grave naked. Marka iska jiir this woman..Lol
  13. Morning all. I am avoiding work today. So, whats new folks? ps.Just noticed saa laa ii
  14. ^Wa yahay! baal waan isku daay inaan isku
  15. ^Ha, Ha, Ha only in nuune's world...baal - how does one shout to themselves? ..
  16. Subax wanagsan & Jumaa mubarak! Juxa, take time out and have a good weekend - next week Allah oog. I cant get rid of a cold..urrggh.
  17. Knight of Wisdom;754292 wrote: I agree. I say, SOL should bomb the shit out of these rebels. Repeat 88'. lol Was that necessary? Nin Yabaan, I second that demand - all Snet refugees should be deported back - I actually did ask in Ngonge's thread 'new contributors' that , who ever was responsible for the recruitment of recent newbies need to be sacked ASAP..Lol [Honestly!]
  18. ^ Indeed, nuune and his stories. nuune, you sure do lead a fascinating life - you seem to be where bizarre things happen all the
  19. Ahlan wa sahlan Sayid, no complains - life is good [alhamdulillah] and the event will be in the coming weeks..Insha'allah. Still enjoying Hoyo's company? Qardho adigi iyo KK baa kaa seexaten
  20. Lol@Ngonge's pleads..abaayo iyo walaal baa kaa damaan Juxa, have mercy on him, spare him a ticket or two. The Somali week program looks good this year. I might just force myself to leave my little tuulo to come for one of the events this week.
  21. Lool - serve them right..Lol. I like that.
  22. Oh dear - tolow yaa loo diree to go recruit new contributors? They should resign ASAP..Lol
  23. ^Perhaps the savages needed to be ruled with an iron rod - they showed their true colours. As for him being a tyran and ruthless - is your information through the western media? Ama you know something else...if so baal direct us to the source. The only two Arab leaders with balls - got annexed. They had to humiliate them - just to show the world they can. The Libyan rebels would have not dare get anywhere near Gaddafi it it weren't for NATO and the western allies. Gaddafi, rest in peace - you have left a void in Africa.
  24. Thanks A&T for this thread- I havent managed to even watch the news today - I knew this was coming, but somehow it just seems to shaken me. I am actually disturbed by it. I still remember the Eid day that we watch Saddam's execution - it kind of haunted me for a while. Anyways - Inna Lillah waa inna illahi rajcuun.. I found this clip hilarious, kinda sums up all those ****** that have been regurgitate by Western Media - worse more is listening to the radio callers..Oh my! idiocy to the max.