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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Masha'allah @ LOZ - illen waxaa loo arkii wayee wilkii wadaad buu
  2. ^tsk, tsk - war wilku waa Xaaji - hareeri and mera should only be if there is an all nighter quran reciting Norf - congrats and May Allah accept your Xaaj and that of all those whom performed it this year...amiin Morning Solers! My
  3. A&T, should have definitely been there - he has been holding the place up the last few weeks, with his stimulating, thought provoking political threads. What qualifies Urban or Caawale to have earned a place on the runner ups list? @ Che I agree with A&T, who decided this?..Lol one can smell biased decision. I liked MMA's thread, as I found it engaging.
  4. ^sootanii nuune kolbaa meel uu dulaa yaah! There must be a pay out..loool - acudubillah
  5. Salaam Juxa - walla fican yahay. Jac - lol, if that works dont forget to share it..lool. Horta why aren't those practicing in voodoo ever rich?
  6. ^Keep on chanting 'lacageyeeee' at least 100 times an hour - berito marka soo qacdii barkintaa hostiisaa firii - there will be enough money to last you a life time.
  7. Loooooooooooooool - oh lord! hopeless it is!
  8. LOL@Sayid - have learned the lesson, so prepare for next year insha'allah. Morning all! Maxaa lagu bariyee ?
  9. Two days of Somali events have left me near deaf - boy! we can talk[shout] -ummadu buq iyo qaylo badanaa!
  10. nuune, answer the question. Alderman asked a legit question - baal educate us on how it is everyone else's is to be blamed?
  11. Was that Abdiqadir AJ on the first clip?..Lol
  12. ^Lol Ngonge, wamaa xay qarxiskaasi? Mmanga koko we!
  13. ^Dont encourage him adigu. I am glad they cant use clan names in here - Somalis iyo clan maxaa kala haysaa!
  14. MMA - your version of my name, is rather nice..[it means you have permission to address me with it..lool] Lol@Aaliyah - The guy is an eye candy maxaad uguu We might as well all troll on this thread.
  15. MMA , your right - not flattering look for an older woman... a beautiful dirac nevertheless. Come on! give credit to the atmosphere it was rocking - one could almost feel the energy. Abdi Holland is cute - I can see, why someone got mad at me for not inviting him to function I held. Must make sure he is there to the next one - just to please the young ones..Lol
  16. NGONGE;756640 wrote: The names of these leaders need looking at too. There used to be a time when Somali names used to state the obvious; a disabled man would be called curyaan. A one eyed man, cawar. A blind one, indhoole. Now, the theif is called Sharif . The murderer xasan dhaahir and the one that invites war to his land, Ghandi ! Classic!!..Ha ha, Somalidii hore dad dacaad bee ahayeen , kuwani hadhaa jooga waa dad qiyaani iyo lex lex badaan - so ofcourse even the nick names will be so [misleading]
  17. Shamo on you trollers! The troll thread on the second page and worse still bottom of the second page? tsk.tsk. Morning all! Had the pleasure of telling off a certain Dr -[an expert of Drugs and Alcohol] - it seemed he has spent far too much time with chewers to think and believe khat is okay..urrgghh
  18. Aaliyyah;756267 wrote: I bet you west Africans will take the position of being Somalis. If you notice all those movies with somalis, west africans play somalis. Like Black Hawk Down, acuudubilaah those weren't somalis. salaam Why the 'acuudubillahi' ?
  19. ^I don't know if those that do are either are lacking confidence or have insecurities [there could be other explaination, like programmed/conditioned etc] - all I know is by living ones life without comparing to others, means one has accepted ones weakness, strength, trials, triumphs without ever having to assume other have it easy or hard - to me it means accepting and embracing one-self..
  20. I have learned never to compare my life to someone else's - learned that we are all on our individual journeys through life. So why live under the shadow of someone else's life, when you can live your own. I have learned that earning an honest living is fulfilling. Learned to acknowledge others in their hour of need - a big lesson from my mother.
  21. ^Ha Ha .. I tend not to take work home, it has to be soooooo important for me to ever consider bringing work into my home space - come five o'clock, I wear my hooyo/cook/cleaner/ laundry lady /home-tutor/quraan teacher hat on - and life at home commence.
  22. I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds and forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of our people and all peoples around the globe. Eid Mubarak! ps.Cant wait for the morning.
  23. Oba, safar salama - insha'allah kheyr aan ku rajeneyaa!