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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^You should see my medicine cabinet - full of supplements, I used to laugh at my vegan boss with his never ending suppliments of all sorts - anigi baa isagii kaa daree, alle naftu macanaa..loo. Thanks Sweetheart, will try the tumeric - there is something wonderfully mysterious about eastern spices.. Oh yeah, when the trailer comes, iska daa going away - your whole life turns upside enjoy trailer-less times..ha ha
  2. ^Morning beauties and the beasts. Val - ah, ball, chain and trailer - taasi kaa I too need to get away - since September, I have been ill so many times, my body is rejecting life in
  3. N.O.R.F;761707 wrote: Malika 1980s? Haha - war waanuu kuu dalii kareynaa..just kidding I think Ngonge/A&T and I are from the same era. Late 80's to early 90's was my era of crazyness. intaa kaa hoor, spent most time terrorising my neighbours.
  4. Malika

    Hotel SSC

    A&T, stike my first response, I wasnt well that - waad aragtee maantaa Oodweynee inaabtigayee ba isoo garaab tagnadee adigii naa inaderkaay diniic baa iskaa tagnatee aad ii - See that is what the problem is, very typical Somali problem. War reer SL waa daad tashadhee oo isku hidaan yihiin waad aragtee from Ngonge, to Salaax isku meel bee tagan yihin..Adigu naa koleybaa PL ama SSC ayaa uu soo shiir tagtaa..tsk tsk. Now that is my dose for the day of Somali politics.
  5. Malika

    Hotel SSC

    Nice try @ A&T - It all boils down to how one can control oneself - Perhaps your right, there is an element of conditioning on my part, as I have lived my whole life with all sorts of human race. Marka there are times, am bewildered at how Somalis can be so aggressive or so inhumane with each other. As for the SSC cause - ah. Lets wait for the conference to end - if it will be futile or not. ps. What are you advocating my friend? More Somali blood spillage on the lands of Somalis by Somalis??
  6. Ah. The 'don't touch my shoe' ankle length trousers - I believe that was fashion trend from MJ'S Billie Jean video - I sure did rock that. Oh Oh..Madonna's 'like a virgin' dress code was so in too in my circle..Lol. Break-dancing or trying to during break times at the school hall..Lol Sneaking away to watch the bronzed/tanned and rightly burnt boys trying to sail at the yacht-club on weekends or them playing squash at the Gymkhan was just so exciting...oh youth!! Ofcourse all that was possible, when one has lied to the Macaalim at Madrassas , claiming they were expected home early ..Leaving malcamaa early on Saturdays and sundays so just to go hang out at the Yatch club or the Gymkhana.. I do miss the late 80's - young and full of life.
  7. FatB;760963 wrote: lools malika i thought u were in teh uk? how do u know of soomali baadiyo dagan in some remote area of Oz The world is a small place - erm especially if your a Jinn like me...Lol
  8. Fariid - fariid aa tahay sidhaa kuu waad. Ngonge - Ayoub never qualifies, he is the smarty pants in here..Lool. War inabtigaay wax yar iska
  9. ^Mie mwonga - nime amini baada ya kumwona mama yangu mdogo akipandisha majini. Hello Ngonge :]
  10. ^Lol. They have had more then five minutes of fame - They cant keep away from the little screen. your back in SL?
  11. ^Troll, troll and some more trolling will get you to a nomad status.
  12. ^You agree those parents are kind of dodgy? It's just they seem too calm and media attention seekers.
  13. Masha'allah its good to see , the farm develop over the years..They even produce olive oil too. I believe this is an extension from back home. Lol@ Mustafe - I know the family - miyaan kuu soo weeydiyaa if they can give you free eggs?
  14. Afternoon troller! My evil side cant stand the McCann's..
  15. Oh. Dee wuxuu fahmii wayee tartiib uu socoo. Lol@the thread.
  16. ^The awakening is at a very slow pace - one could even argue that Somali clannish mindset is actually worse then one can ever remember. I
  17. ^Lol. Looooooooooool@A&T's victim of the year award..lool
  18. ^Lol..walle shaqolaantaa maanta ii hayo - I might just vote for the 2nd
  19. ^It would have been better if he had added all his other Sol persona'
  20. ^I think there was a thread started by nuune on Libya - kaasi buu uu jeedee Che. I like how we are being Somali on this - so argumentative, so personal we get..Loool
  21. ^Aaaw! There is something moving about a man crying - especially if he is crying for you. ah! Lol.
  22. ^Now we need a Sol - ladies convoy to Hajj next year - insha'allah. I am so ready for it now...who is with me?
  23. Lol@ Juxa - kuma xagxaganii dee waxaan leyahay we have established that A&T isnt a candidate there was no need for anyone to go on about why they dont think he deserved it. Anigo kuleybaa Che baan laa hadhleyee...rali iga ahao if I scratched you by
  24. Now, Now - A&T isn't one of the runners up - we got it. No need to be mean about it..bisinka!