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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Oh the gory perversions on this thread! The 'poor Somali woman and what is between her legs' seem to be a tool to score cheap tribal shots at each other... A&T you were out of order and deserved all the 'haar' laguu so ture. Mr Moderator - naga xiidh this thread.
  2. Asalaam Aleikum all. Ibti - are the emails from a certain 'M Issa? .. Ngonge, it was only £2, let it go
  3. Walle 'clan is everything' - wakaa Ngonge deri karkarayaa aag fadistee..lool. Watch out A&T.. I too am intrigued by this woman now..lool
  4. Hello, Hello, Hello.. repeated that ten times pretending , I couldn't hear them - a good strategy for early morning callers. Afternoon trollers! A sunny , cold day.
  5. In a nutshell - You saw or heard Mahinga has got himself a 'Somali' girl/woman - right?...
  6. *got herself a front row seat - awaits in anticipation for the interview [erm fight]- ready on hand is a handkerchief to wipe any spurts of sweat and blood* xiin you got bored huh?
  7. ^No more trips to the camps? Kim's death is big news!
  8. ^Poor you - I cant stand snow or
  9. ^I am so fed up of thinking of what to wear or where to find this or that..urrgh. Yaa nin iga diga, two pair of trousers is Hey Habo! - I can never watch that sort of movies, fuleyaad baan ahay.. Lool@Norf, missing the festive season. Honestly, its fab. It's nice to see folks all excited - the only downfall is the extra pound one gains from all the biscuits, cakes and chocolate at work.
  10. ^Ah, he could be right on this - "freewill and choice" - cant force folks on what's good or bad on them, but we can certainly educate them on its effect on their mental, physical well being and implications to them as Muslims.. I still believe it should be banned, the scarceness of it might help Somali men and women refocus on their lives - perhaps!.
  11. Asalaam Aleikum wr wb Women and clothes, maxaa naa kala heysaa!! Haye, whats new folks?
  12. Dr Osman - nice pictures. What else is good in Puntland?
  13. ^Bless you, that is brushing my ego dear. I cant nor can due to many many reasons..So Abu Salman it is then.
  14. Today SOL revolves around YOU - nuune, congrats!!
  15. These kids are fun..
  16. ^Loooooooooooooool..okay, okay enough of the walalos.
  17. ^Your poll has costed us, the regular jimcsii advice by nuune. The man has disappeared since you put up this poll.
  18. ^You havent given us Salaams, waad noguu qaylisee I am in need of warm clothes - from thermal undergarments to thermal hijab. Its cold outside, work place are saving on energy bills so its cold inside too..urrghh.
  19. ^Salaam Juxa. Norf - I knicked from fb, I agree its a great saying.
  20. ^Lol. GoodLord! Ngonge - your such an Okay, Okay..So what will be the consequences of banning Khat yaa Ngonge? Is it the criminalisation of Somalis you are worried about? Is it the alienation of the young and old men [tense relation with police] a concern? - as if that isn't a case already anyway. Is it the fear of a formation of organised crime groups - trafficking into prohibited countries - we know that has been going on for a while. Or it it that we fear that there will be a diversification of khat traders into other criminal enterprise like cocaine, cannabis..where I live, this is not unsual - you find the pushers at the mafrishes. Lastly but not least - is it the price of Khat going up you worry about?. Now weigh those consequences with the problems Khat has caused on the Somali community - I would say the problems it causes do outweigh the consequences. ps. I believe Khat to be a drug. It is addictive and anything that alters the mind should not be consumed by a MUSLIM. pss. Somalis are vulnerable people to mental disorders due to the nature of our circumstances on top of that we are also a community living with high level of deprivation - Khat then becomes just like how alcohol is to the aborigines in Australia, the Black americans in the projects - saxiib Khat's consumption as it is of now in UK cities is crippling the community, the consequences trully arent what we should worry about. What we should worry about is the rehabilitation of the addicts and also re-educating the community of the substance that is Khat.
  21. Malika

    Beautiful GIrl

    Lool - serve him right.
  22. ^Siesta time for you. When asked about her Hijab by Journalists and how it is not proportionate with her level of intellect and education, she replied: “Man in the early times was almost naked, and as his intellect evolved he started wearing clothes. What I am today and what I’m wearing represents the highest level of thought and civilization that man has achieved, and is not regressive. It’s the removal of clothes again that is regressive back to ancient times” - Noble Laurette from Yemen, Tawakul Karman
  23. ^Amiin. Stoic, poleni. Your aunt sounds strong and determined - am sure she will come out of this stronger -Insha'allah
  24. ^You should be..You should come with a warning sign for the future Mrs Power hunger huh? Hmm, you know there is other way of being powerful without having to terrorise or kill others. Anyway, have a blessed day. I am off to earn my keep, before hubby gets ideas..Lool