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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Axmed Gurey ma uu dhimaan, maa goblaani Darwishitii..indeed! Insha'allah Kheyr - let progress come to the land of my ancestors.
  2. ^Sheikh waa kuu sidee? I believe both are equally wrong, hypocrisy and rudeness aren't what we should at any time engage in.. Good manners and noble characteristics are one of the most important aspects of a Muslim's life it is for him/her to have high standards of morals. From the beginning of Islam, our Prophet Muhammed [s.A.W] was mainly concern with the teaching and disciplining Muslims to have best manners and the best personal characters. To have best manners is to be in consideration of others, tact, diplomacy and hospitality. It is reported by Imaam Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet Muhammed [s.A.W] mentioned that : "The best of you is the best among you in conduct" reported by Bukhari and Muslim Ps. Ina Jaad, illahi haa kuu sahlo.
  3. ^I have been told on several occasion by Somali parents, to tell off your child for misbehaving is to erode the child's confidence. Now if you don't discipline your child - who will teach the next generation manners hee? If his or her mother tells her its okay to be as rude as you want, because that is a sign of fariidnimo iyo geesinimo - only forgetting the child will need to know how to live/work/associate with the rest of the human race. Norf, I dont attend the Somali mosque, after an incident - whilst praying someone made their business to come and shovel us around ordering us on how to stand - I was so angry,never went back. We also pray Eid with the rest of the Ummah,for some reason the women section tends to be packed with Somali women whom have assumed the Eid prayers was a social gathering to catch up on their never ending chit chats - every Eid the Imman has to make special plea to them to keep quite - to respect the khutba etc. It does gets embarrassing, when everyone else has shuushh them every two minutes. I agree, the wadaads or those on the know how need to educate the people - constant talking about women, this or that isnt the only aspect of Islam [okay that was my dig at the]
  4. ^Dont mind the kid above, uu soo ducee wax baa kaa sii ah..Lol. Impressing stuff..
  5. I think it stems from the upbringing - if a man can call his mother 'eeyahee', can curse the prophet - maa laga sugeyaa to order tea in politeness? One thing about growing up in other societies one learns from others - especially the other Africans. The Swahilis will not pass you by without greeting you. Children must greet their elders every morning, including strangers on the streets. Treating one other with respect and humbleness is a must. When buying stuff, they would use humbled words like 'naomba' - 'I plea can you sell me this or that' - their mannerism has nothing to do with being educated or not, its part of who they are and how they choose to be. I have notice the opposite when it comes to how somalis behave - waxaad modeeysaa ineey dagaal kujiraan all the time, they have very little respect for others, which means they have very little respect for themselves. Norf you talk of maqayaad - you should see them in mosques, subhanallah! Tarbiyah is missing in our community.
  6. “Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true.” ~Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850 Well, another day, another month and another year! Happy New Year Soler's!!!!
  7. ^Well said. I have noticed that about Somalis, kii wax garaneyniin baa uguu qaylo
  8. ^Bal ku noqo suashaa aad ii weydineysa - again I ask - what is or who is a Muslim? Horta kala sara what Al-Shabaab is doing in Somalia and all others nuts that say they represent Islam whilst causing havoc - lets go back to the core of the teachings of Islam - what defines a Muslim? Declairing one is a Muslim, means one has submitted to the will of Allah and to whorship him alone - by doing so is to adhere to the obligation to which creates an islamic structure - marka maa waxaad naa ledhii hiin, one can choose what to do and when to do and yet still claim to be a servant of Allah? Naga daya dee
  9. ^What defines a Muslim to you? ps. Can you also show us where in the Quran or Sunnah that says one cant be questioned about ones claim to Islam, whilst engaging in all that is forbidden in Islam? Nin Yaban is right - One cant claim to be a Muslim, whist going against the rules and principles of Islam.
  10. Cribo came and gone.. drunk drivers driving so slow on the roads - if I were a police patrol, maantaa dowr baan istajiin laha - they were so obvious.
  11. ^Lol. Here, Bi Shakila is another legend. Enjoy! This one is my fav ;
  12. Bi-Kidude is a legend, its said she is over 100yrs old. The arabs making fun of her were so gay!! ps.The correct term is 'Waswahili' not sijui - sijui term is reserved for Ethnic Somalis born in Tanzanian/Kenya/
  13. ^Maxaa laa qosleysaa - your the captain of 'my house is bigger than yours crew' MMA, predicated reaction - aadba dab yar
  14. ^Your bored, adna miya kuu darsantee 'my house is bigger then yours' .crew..lool
  15. ^It's been a while huh @ Polanyi Jac, are you waiting for father Christmas miya? It's kind late for you..
  16. ^Hello Habo, there was? Jac, haye! maa xaflad Christmas baad ka timid?
  17. ^It's late in Hargeysa - lets leave at that..Loool. Horta waa ruunta - either we have keligi Muslims or Atheists - we are yet to have seen the Christian/Jew/Buddhist Somalis yet on
  18. ^Would Mo Farah's winning have helped to change policies that would have effected hundreds of people - does his running highlight the needs of the thousands of Somalis wherever he lives? - dont let tribal mindsets cloud your logic.
  19. ^Did you display the ones given to you last year? I bet they found their cards in the bin - waxeey kusin wayee this year.
  20. ^Masha'allah - illahi haa kuu siyadiyo kheyrkisa. 2011 has gone too fast and it has been most stressful - nevertheless, alhamdulillah.
  21. ^Ah. thanks sweety. I would say, waxaa la qaatee maangaab atleast she aint going to be spewing venom..You know the saying ' stones and sticks break bones, but words dont' ah that was nonsense - words actually do hurt. Marka qof hadal xun wa qof xun hee despite her marwo
  22. ^Lol - haa dee, wuu uu shaqeystee, it takes a certain skill to sell a fictitious story, which Ngonge bought it.