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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Did the cafe owner of troll section die?
  2. ^Why not? This reminds me of a brother I know, his wife's career has taken off whilst his seems to drag a bit at the moment - worse yet she has finished building a dream home for them - he is refusing to move in. Elders got involved, the man is threatening divorce if he is asked again by anyone to move in... I am trying to understand the mentality, weli puzzle beey ii
  3. ^Your welcome sweetie - I am against 'xaflad' - would rather see the funds raised put in good use.
  4. Ogaysiis Xaflad taageerada maamul Goboleedlka Khaatumo State oo lagu qobonayo London. Taariikhda :- 21/01/2012 Maalinta:- Sabti Wakhtiga:- 3pm galabnimo ayay bilaabmaysaa Goobta :- Waa The Dominion Centre 112 The Green, Southall, UB2 4BQ Wixi Faahfaahin ah kala xiriir: Dr Mohamed C/raxmaan 07944383090 Aadan Cali Ducaale (Aadanka Hawada) 07411507098 ama 07877539503 Jirigaan 07949112918 Waxaa lagu soo Galaya Lacag’ aan Waxa Madasha aad ka heli doontaa Cunto
  5. Malika

    How long

    The west has been home for a while now, nevertheless the heart yearns for the highlands of the East African rift valley - the rolling green hills,clear water rivers - the plentiful of fruits and good people so indeed, as soon as one can acquire the means, one shall be off living in simplicity.
  6. Understandable to a certain extent - the poisonous Somali logic iyo xumanteeda maxaa laga faidheystee? ..Nevertheless, him nor his children will never be anything else but Somalis - either they avoid Somalis or they One thing for sure, they aren't missing anything, well apart from the language - the rest about Somalis of current one can do without.
  7. ^Lol. It means 'loved one' for those in love - but women tend to use it with their girlfriends as I and CL have done so on these boards... Maa intaasii leh kaa baratee afswahiligii?..Looool
  8. La illaha illa lah! war mpenzi waa, bisinka bisinka! yaah, war xaal baad bixiin dontaa cidiina kama bixii
  9. My only question is - did you take the meat home? ama waad kaa tagtee? If you did - is it halal? LOL War dont frett too much, as they say stuff happens!
  10. ^Nzuri - tunashukuru Mungu. Is that so? hmm..thought humming,was singing without Usiku mwema?
  11. Waaw, a week away and Sheikh Maaddeey comes in troll singing..loool
  12. Abtigiis - God is just, you cant having all
  13. Afternoon all. Juxa, qoraxdaa africa tends to melt away the fat.. Cameron is on a warpath with those whom he referred to as 'those who get all for nothing' -
  14. Jac, I enjoyed this clip - nicely done. The old houses need renovating, the town reminds me of other coastal towns on the Indian ocean.
  15. Bless them! Student era can rather beautiful - the world is your oyster, all is pink and honky dory... Nevertheless, they are the future of Somalia if only the mad Somalis will allow them to be - In the late 70's most of the educated Somali Kenya/Tanzania/Ugandans embarked on the journey back home - to work/build their motherland only for the mad folks to ruin it all. Marka kuwaani qurboo joogto illahi haa uu sahlo - theirs is a noble cause. Garamgaram? Erm, they barely spoke Somali iska daa Garamgaram..lool
  16. ^No, No, don't give up - then the Somali in him will gloat..Lol -
  17. Lool - I see that argument is still going - I think Ngonge has very little encounters with Somalis, walle salaan buu kaa cabadayaa - lucky he hasnt been asked how much he earns, why he dresses this way or that way or why he only has 3 children - all those questions asked by a total stranger, just because he/she is Somali they can..lool
  18. Thanks Norf, insha'allah kheyr - whom am I not to be tested/shaken[was it in Baqaraah?] solace today. Anyways, let the laughter commence - where is Ngonge? Lol
  19. ^Amiin, dear. W.Salaam - illahi mahadisaa! So what's new in London circles?
  20. Morning trollers! Maxaa lagu bariyee? Sometimes, things can all go wrong at the same time - like tumbling blocks..oh lord have mercy! This is where you all come in and make dua. lol.
  21. Lol, a fish and chip, a sijui and reer cansiir arguing about Somali etiquettes..Lol
  22. Naxar, maskiinkaan wabaa isku xareeya - afxumo iyo aflagaad buu kaa bixii wayee - walle nin baqanayaa buu anigu illa eeg yahay!
  23. ^Lol - war xajiiyo soo reer kumaan dalaniin? - see uu qiironi waayee!..Lol Aside from reer iyo tuulo iyo region - its time, there is organisation of administration and infrastructure to start - marka ha nagu noqoon xasiid
  24. ^Lol..nevertheless, am glad I was born a Somali female.
  25. Xaaji, it matters not, degaa mahaa Sool waa my ancestrol lands - lakiin haa uu biqiin, your tuulo [which ever it is] is too my ancestrol