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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Is it afternoon already for you? Subax kheyr all.
  2. Malika


    ^That my friend is not a good sign - walakiin baa kuu jiraa modern 'relationships'
  3. Malika


    Asalaam Aleikum As far as am aware two or three divorces in one does not exist in Quran, nor such permission given in it states in surah baqarah verse 229 “ a divorce is only permissible twice: after that the parties should either hold together on equitable terms or separate with kindness” – this verse is self explanatory that there is no concept of three divorces in Islam, neither two in one. Talaq should be given once[talaq e-raji], then reconciliation during iddat period, then again if a second talaq [talaq hasan]is given – it is after the second divorce that a man can either retain his wife or get separated. The verse clearly states that there’s only two talaq and that the couple should either reconcile during the iddat or separate therafter. If and when the iddat period has terminated, the talaq –e-raji / hasan will became an irrevocable divorce – in other words the wife is no longer his wife – she is free to marry another man [of course after the three months waiting period]....and if in the future, she is divorce by such a man, the ex husband can marry her. So in summary: No such a thing as two talaq at once and when the iddat [three months waiting] period is over – there is no reconciliation or remarrying.. I hope it made sense, divorce is such a serious topic - I will urge you to seek advice from your local Imam - Insha'allah kheyr.
  4. I have been lately captured by this nature documentary called Earth-flight - perhaps subconsciously, I wish I was these birds - flying away to exotic ps. I also have been tuning in to the African Cup of Nation - rather unusual for me, again - it has to be my desire to be in Africa...
  5. *Brings Khadar a tall glass of cold milk and some timir* Khadaroow, your arguing with selfish ignorants - they assume the right to defend what is important to them is solely theirs forgetting that even those whom they attack have the right to defend and more so to self determination etc. It said, if people dont speak up for others rights - it will come a day they will loose theirs.
  6. ^Yep, yep. I better sleep, I can see my spelling is getting all muddled up...Lool
  7. ^ Women are getting deluded with, there is no equality when it comes to ' ticking cloak' of the reproduction system. MMA -Maa illa aragtee - people forget about the temporariness of time, forget the core reason of marriage - it sure has nothing to do with all the fancy pa lavas - its basically one is human, so in need of companion and also to reproduce - waxaa kale oo dani waa extra distraction on why one would think. MMA - welcome aboard. Waxaan kudihii lahaa simplify life, it gets sweeter. Aaliyah - do not go beyond 25
  8. Abtigi - you sure have an active mind..LOL@Boko Haram of SOL..classic!!
  9. I don't get how a career, money, education got to do with anything with marriage - I have a feeling we are confused on what marriage is all about - to me its basically - companionship, offspring's etc...nothing else, nothing less. Maybe, I simplify life too much - don't see what the fuss is all about. Life is too short yaa uu sheegaa dadkanii.
  10. ^Mac mac kor iyo side ways KK...Long time indeed..hehe@the maah maah - iga daa afsomaliguu mar mar buu iga Juxa - perhaps. I am sure some are born cruel no matter their upbringing..illahi haa uu sahlo reerkasi. No good will come to the girl for being cruel to her mother. KK..your missing nothing much, same old same old here on SOL.
  11. ^I never understand cruel people, maanta I witnessed a cruelty by a child toward her mother...naxariis daradaa ayaa iga yabiyee Juxa!
  12. ^The moral of the story is? :] Welcome to SOL.
  13. Somalidu wexee tiradaa ' adiga dale kume daliin ' some children maa naxaan bisinka! - I feel for for some mothers. Illahi haa uu gargaroo.
  14. Juxa, road trip is just what I need - baal hurry up with the match making
  15. ^Yeah .. You can follow up on the net.
  16. ^Lol,..Your probably Have you been watching the African cup of Nations?
  17. ^Hello dear, Home sweet home..dee, even Ivory coast will do.
  18. Lol@juxa, lazy aah! It was soo cold last night, I feared snow....glad it didn't snow. I am so home sick - I watched the African cup!!
  19. Hello trollers I see new
  20. ^Furihii maqayadaa maa adiiga lagusiyee yaa Sheikh Maaddeey - even Jac has retired from troll beriyahaan. Politic sectionkaa buu fadhiyaa markasta naa bacaaaaaaaaaac buu qayliyaa..lool I am trying to avoid to read pages and pages of stuff..urrgghhh.
  21. ^You will have to translate 'dhako faare' Hehe..the fruits of her labour are plentiful -from bringing in what she earns to keeping the house running smoothly to raising the fruits of your loins..maa sii wadaa? I dont think men should worry if his woman is more educated or has a higher earning career - its actually beneficial for him..
  22. ^Salaanta qaliga iga gudoon[sp?] inadeer.. Walle anigu inuu isyelyelaa bee ila tahay - why not enjoy the fruits of your womans labour? Koleybaa wexee soo shaqeysoo is for the family, women are kind in that nature..