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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Looool@nuune - it only takes alot of energy if its second
  2. There is a possibility one can be friends with the opposite sex - without any sexual innuendoes.
  3. ^Welcome back. English most of the time - when making dua, my Swahili and some Somali kicks in.
  4. So the picture was posted on tubmir - why be inclined to post in a forum ? @ the poster.
  5. ^Lol..marka iga xishood, waan kuu dali karayaa marka.
  6. ^How are you feeling today dear? Ngonge - you used to finish at 4 - maanta maa over time baa sameynaas?
  7. Ngonge - have you ever seen a reer Somalia/land admit they are older or old? ..Marka Sayid will die arguing he is only 20 - labadan jiir maa dafaan...Loool Any who - so you lot are still at work?
  8. ^Lol - bless. Anyhow - knock yourself with commenting.
  9. BOB - even I a none-footie fan could have done better - what was all that passing then passing and no whuump! they lacked energy and seemed docile.
  10. ^Juxa kuwi aanuu dalnee baa naga daderadheen[sp] - cumri degdeg bee nagu Ngonge -isnt that just the truth. Oh I vowed to be a fit old lady..starting from today..he he
  11. ^W.Aleikum Salaam Wr Wb xajia[waan kuu sadhiinayaah] It sure is - I am not prepared for summer holidays, I want to go somewhere new this year - perhaps Peru [hadhuu illahi ii garsiyo] - time is going too fast - just realised we are mid-feb ..oh no
  12. ^What is the difference - erm when it comes to drug abuse or drug dealing? There is no difference at all. I dont remember reading nor hearing of sins that are prescribed for one sex and not the other.. I didn't see what the poster's point was - it sure isn't anyone one else's business what those women are doing or do.
  13. ^Lol. Sabah kheyr So..this year is like going soooooooooo fast!
  14. ^Lol - sidhiisaa haa iska ahado... Juxa, sorry dear - pleanty of fluids and rest. Sayid - dee iga daa habaryar iyo eedo - suqaa haa igaa xidhiin waa Valantine day Am hungry - so folks waa inoo markale, let me go indulge in some ugali..
  15. ^Do it. Do it. Do it. ..when done, do tell we can respond to them adding to the authenticity of Ngonge - that was an open goal - garteey!
  16. ^Mac mac Juxa - how are you my dear? La illah illa lah! @Ngonge - Nothing to do with the V-day at all...just one of those days, you wish to wish things away...heh Hi Sayid..ii waraan aboowe. Naughty naughty
  17. Jac you want to tell us you actually make a difference or actually do some work?? You work for an NGO right? wakaan adigu SOL kaa damaatii, marka gorma do you make the difference?
  18. ^Lol. If only you knew where my mind took me with your earlier Whom should I be calling??
  19. ^OMG! dont you dare .. Honestly, could do with a magic wand to make a
  20. ^You should have asked Alpha - am sure he would have plenty to say. Afternoon trollers! - Salaam Juxa and Ngonge I wish for a magic wand today!!
  21. Lol@Raamsade, that made my morning...lool On the subject of beauty, I thought the egocentric male always wants a woman they can show off to other male?
  22. W.salaam Juxa... Lool@Jacayl day and box of, the image of a farah coming home with a greasy xalwo packet, spoiled the thought of Valentine day is overated - perhaps am older or have just realised romance/love is all nonsense..loool . Although I remember receiving a red, heart shaped cake when I was 18 and oh boy did I show off!..