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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Lol - xasiid saniid. Lady Juxa said it all. Make it a possibility that you go away together - spend that time rediscovering each other, after ten years, with gets pretty mandane and folks take each other for granted.- time alone to remind yourselves why ' you or her'.. ps. Congratulations! You two have survived the 'seven year itch'..well done.
  2. ^Your over heated 'cabin'..erm - was that yesterday?
  3. Hi all! I survived one heck of a morning!!! Pheeeeeeew! Alhamdulillah. So whats cooking - apart from Ngonge's oven
  4. ^Take on the offer - I hear Somalia isnt as folks on cyber world are - friendly and welcoming.
  5. nuune - thanks for busting my little bubble..ha ha.. I cant compete with big business. Saying that, I already have links with perhaps in advantage. Arch - do that - go on a wild trip across Somalia, a close friend did that and has come back a transformed man. He is even planning on going back to live in some places he never thought in his wildest dreams he would want to live at. All you need is contacts in every city or town you go. His trip started from Mogadishu , went a bit south[not too south -al shabaab ruined it for him] and then back up all the way to Djibouti..
  6. ^Insha'allah Kheyr walaal - I think a little escape would be good. To Dar by any chance?
  7. nuune - told the lady, but Somali waad iska garaneysaa. Indeed, Xaafuun is captivating - a fisherman's wife baan iska noqoon laha...also would have created a little paradise on earth resort, targetting the 'green' sort of clients..No big hotels - just nature as it was intended..
  8. ^Haye nuune soo diib hee the agency numbers .. Hello Arch - how are things going? - the only video I could find on youtube of Xaafuun is this one - pardon the noisy Che - yes it was one of the areas really effected by the tsunami.
  9. ^The only things is they have been qouted all sorts - thus asking if anyone knows a reasonable agent erm...with reasonable prices. nuune - thus my liking Xaafuun - waa meel qataar aa for ocean obsessed like me.
  10. ^Hello Habo - ii waraan. hmmm - reerku mar horee ayee jiidkasii raceen - they go on transit to Dubai first time and spend a week on return in Dubai - magaac bee kuu shegeysee dayuurad oo Bosaso tageysoo...
  11. ^Waxaan uu radineyee dee. I am not heading to Somalia yet ,xaafuun would have been a good place to visit....- but someone else is and its a good deal. A family of seven - wexee rabaan from Lnd to Dubai to Bosaso...
  12. Salaams Norf around?? Baal ii sheegaa a good agent - for flights to Somalia.
  13. tutu - sasa maswali yako naona yana enda kubaya, tuya achiye hapo hapo.
  14. ^Lol - Karibu..umejieleza vya kutosha, tulikuwa tuna kukaribisha wasonjo style.
  15. ^ I think things are changing now in Somalia - I know a few people that have gone back to work. Insha'allah, when the time is right - some of us will also venture out there. Nuune, geesii nimadii aan kuguu ogah medeey? No need for metal detector - jinnkagii uu diir to check him
  16. Arch - aren't they just!!! still I prefer them to adults..ha ha ha Juxa - the lives of these young women are so complicated - some are caught in the web of deceit, living double lives! and boy! that is tiresome - illahi haa uu uufududeeyo. Ngonge - hmmm, dont think you will last a Habo - time has flown this year, its spring in two weeks time!!
  17. ^And all Kenyans do is complain about 'Wasomali' pains to see the amount of investments by Somalis in East Africa and yet they command little respect!
  18. ^That's it! like the confidence...keep it up. Che - am good, habo. How is you and things in Bean town?
  19. ^Loooooooool@ no qarxis us all...fuleysaniid nuune? War sijui maa ihii anigu - wasonjodaa kama baqoo unlike our new resident tutu, he doesnt go beyong a certain points just so to avoid the likes of you..ha ha
  20. ^I wouldnt be doing what I do, if I didnt care dear... I know, its all about ' did you see so and so on fb yesterday - omg! she looked minger!'...I work with 12 -18yr olds - they are fascinating creatures.
  21. ^Ah the sijui syndrome of 'wasonjo phobia' - war there is alot one can benefit from the wasonjo hee, haa uu
  22. ^ Hello Habo! *waves back - sending air kisses too* @ Juxa - ii waraan abaaye? Had a brief session this morning with a group of girls - sharing with them statics about 'women of today'....I was left in despair after discussions...oh lord!..Lol - most think as long as your pretty your sorted...argggg!!!