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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Indeed, didnt know he was a party 'goer'...loool A&T, just wanted to have a chat with you...heh
  2. ^Your entertaining him, by responding dee. Maaddeey baa iguu daraan.
  3. ^Lol - bisinka , you guys are too much. Baal gabdha iska dayaa hee, and deal with the old man and his crew.
  4. Oh please! Check out the Dar, I know about - even NYC has slums and is a concrete
  5. ^soo mahaa! indeed, kaasi oo kale, marwo inaa loo noqdoo waa xaq - not the waste of space Aaliyah - ninkasi oo kale waa miid illahi laga duceystaa dear.. dee mid kheyr leh aan kuu rajeneyaa insha'allah.
  6. ^It was a good watch - nostalgic. I trully liked the geeljire songs and mannerism.
  7. Lol - raula, sista wangu..experience tume maliza nakwambia....asante na compliments, maisha ndio mwalimu wangu.
  8. From the reactions - I wont watch the clip. Knowing myself, I will be sad for ever. Anywho - humans are cruel, just because one pays someone to do their house chores doesn't equate that person to a non-human and thus open to inhumane treatments.
  9. Malika

    Depressed Girl

    ^ erm , maxaa S.H.I.T aa? Lol FB - its very common for children to feel they are to be blamed, as they assume due to the nature of the arguments that they are to be blamed. Some children are very sensitive and somehow connect what is happening to their existance - if he/she wasnt there perhaps daddy and mummy would still be lovey dovey as they were in the past etc. Perhaps the child did something which igninate an argument between the parents - no knowing there are other underlying issues, the parents separate - the child then bares the guilt. Allah kuli xal It is tough times for Sierra - May Allah ease it for her.
  10. ^Indeed, nothing will beat taking 'baby momma and her momma' to hajj...
  11. ^Loool@ Germaphobia - if that is the case, Africa isnt the place for you..too bad. Indeed your missing out! Maaddeey - No Ngonge maantaa ciyal suuq buu noqdee..even though I get his
  12. ^Lol..Hadeey dadkii isku daalayeen- the more reason to reconnect...ten years can have its toll on a marriage, to go for another ten years - rediscovering and reconnecting is vital. ps. The man just wanted advice on what or how to suprise his mrs - he didnt say, they have had enough of each other
  13. Hmmm - maanta tolow maxaad cabteen - its seems ya all high on something.
  14. ^Too much info @ Ngonge Norf, got it. KK - xitaa anaa kudamaa! might venture out to mother land this summer...
  15. ^Too late dee - a family of nearly ten people wanted tickets to Somalia...They finally found some agent in Birmingham. You must tell us your agency name so to direct folks to you next time...Insha'allah
  16. ^Your so last week - Khaatumo is a new region in SOmalia - SSC was a movement...swallow that. Lol
  17. “We are risk takers. We don’t fear new opportunities or new places.” This is indeed, true of us Somalis - love our confidence.
  18. ^Your among the typical Somalis and might I add male - fixated at her age as if that will diminish her qualities as a babe!. She seems like a fun kinda person.
  19. Subax kheyr all! Ngonge, am home too...Lol Norf, I was looking for you last week - a commission job baan kuu hayee.
  20. ^Good day!! KK caadey, long time no see.. ii waraan abaaye? It's grey where I am - but all is sunny in the kitchen, xiliib arii baa ii karkayaa!..ha ha
  21. I am well dear - alhamdulillah. Hope its the same for you @ Val Ngonge - Mr Qardho iska ceeli.
  22. ^wanaagsan lovely. Perhaps nature intended the rii inuu iis nuugo?
  23. Loooool and what a topic to kick start with!
  24. ^Nooooooooooooooooooooo!! stuck in an office all day would drive me crazy! The little run around the school give me hope..ha ha Juxa - waan ku ficanahay dear...hope its the same for you.
  25. You dont say!! - U at the Gurkin? @ Ngonge Sayid - stop the jealousy - typical Somali