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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Afternoon all! Its beautiful where I am - strangely when its sunny, one wants to do nothing but sit idle[suppose thats whay Africa is how it]
  2. A somali with a name like Ngonge alone makes the man unique - intaa kale about him goes without a say - rageedi! Lol@sound like one of my
  3. Lol@ Naxar being a script. A beautiful day at the side of my world - lovely, warm weather, looking forward to a long walk. Hello Juxa!! still at work?
  4. Honestly, I dont know how men can go through the day without refreshing - 'our' big bags tend to carry things like 'little make up bag' - perfume, lotion, tissues[wet and dry], diary, umbrella, phone, perhaps a water bottle, purse, sometimes a book or magazine, a small quran or dua booklet...dee thus the need for a big bag. The bag represent the house - intaa gurigaa kaa maqaan some of its contents come with me..lool.
  5. For the good and bad - the man served his nation. Eebe haa uu naxarisee A.Yussuf - samir iyo emaan for the family, friends and followers.
  6. ^cumamadi baa laga ridee hated A.Yusuf for his use of foreign troops but loves Sharif with his foreign
  7. ^Are you willing to 'rock' khamiis iyo cimamad? as to fit in with 'ziyarah'
  8. Naxar, nuune seems to be on an ever lasting 'ziyarah', all the talk of jinns and now slaughtering
  9. LOL - Mr Goth better stick to his other nonsense, wabuu kaa sii daree..lool He sounds soo naive.
  10. Morning Val, Naxar iyo nuune.. nuune, the sun is out and its warm - xagee joogta in UK marka?
  11. Masha'allah - congratulation on the little bundle of joy; may be the coolness of his parents eyes!
  12. ^Ah a restorer of Good for you walaal.
  13. ^You should open an agency dear - your a tough negotiator... walle this new generation of Somali men is worrying, xagee kuu barteen to be so stingy?..ha ha From plastic flowers, to paying my bills, to am I renting her, to is she gold...tsk tsk tsk. Meher is non-negotiatable, its got to be paid - all one needs is to be frank of what he can afford without making false promises. Women to be realistic , no point asking for the moon when you know your farah can barely afford a cloud.
  14. Malika

    Im back

    Oba - welcome back brother. Haye - waa sidhaa ee tirii Somalina 'warka soo daa' - tell us how was Xamar aka Mogadishu - bal throw us a line of
  15. ^War thats too personal Ngonge - let me tell you the story of my grandparents, my granddad was a man of means, every time he travelled he brought back a gold set for my grandmother [this is beside the meher and all] - just to compasate for being away. Whilst he was home, he brought a goat for slaughtering every other day - had guest invited just so to celebrate their lives. Now my grandmother is 90, my granddad died when my mother was little - but the memories of his generousity remains so alive not only to my grandmother but to his children..Now baal ii sheeg how will PLASTIC FLOWERS ever be fond memories?..Lol, despite his dusting them every year to hand them to me, walle isaga iyo plastic flowerkisaa bac madow baan isku xidhii..ha ha ha Honestly, if one can afford its better to not be stingy - pay a good meher on the day of the wedding. As Juxa has said, many women now use the 'I have forgiven you' baal iga tag uun because there are no other means to get rid of the Anyway- poster, do what is right by you and your future Mrs.
  16. Spring is here huh? Ngonge - plastic flower for every occasion? If the meher is paid then and there is worth the hassle of asking for somethng worthy - hadhii kale uu qalee the soon to be hubby and stay realistic. I mean, one knows who their marrying - so why create these false expectation by being high maintanance sorta bride.
  17. ^Ha ha - I know.. 'Haven of Peace' maa iyagaa wax kaa qaadi I found the taraab - choko choko mchokoe pwezwa : Bob, acha tu - roho inauma mtu kutukana where the heart/soul
  18. ^Ha ha - indeed..I am more concern with time as am yet to decide where to go for summer..*stresses of the privilaged*...Looool. astagfirullah!
  19. ^ I know. l know...maxaa kaa aqaan, dee SOL leh laa isku yimadaa and whatever we reveal of ourselves baa loo qataa as its who we are. Anyways, good to know your a fellow 'party goer'...Loool
  20. ^I am not - I accept there are problems in Dar but it being the dirtiest city in Africa, that I disagree with - the author of that article is a civil servant, iisaga haa iis weydiyoo what he has been doing to fix things. Like many African cities trying to cling on to the old colonial system of running their towns are failing to acknowledge that their cities have grown probably 100% since the white man left, thus requiring a revamp of the mucipal system so to cope with such a growth. Mario B - dee xagaa mareeysee? lol
  21. Morning all. Waqtiguu orood badanaa..its already 20th March??? Oh dear.