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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ She hates them - how is that a blessed family? Umm Maryam - what are the cultural annoying things the mother in law does that seem to get under you skin? ps. For someone that claims to be religious, you should know about the source of anger, trials of life and forgiveness of others and more so should know the rights of mothers...etc. All I can say to you is - rebuke the sheytan and do some soul searching - one cant be in a marriage when resenting it and those involved.
  2. LOL@ Che - you stripped the guy bare
  3. BoldNewSomali;744333 wrote: While the fear of failure grips me in the morning, the hope for success often carries me away; dare I say I become drunk with the excitement it brings to my spirit. . That captured an essence within - indeed, hope shall never die.
  4. ^Does it matter? walle amaa haa kujiraan ama haka baxaan, they will take nothing on Islam waa insignificant! - taa kale naa Illahi kii jeecely buu tosiya.
  5. ^Oh No - we are not on the same pages..Lol. The sister is upset - how is that raaxo[pleasure]..lool. You remind me of a recent incident with someone I know - I couldnt comprehend what the girls family was insisting...She lived in a life of abuse, but the family insisted she stayed with the man just because he if the little plate of bariis she would have eaten at home was going to dent them economically. Umm Maryam - you have got through harder time with the man [jobless to employed] - bare with him, he will mature eventually as you said earlier he can be changed.. You just need to find a way to mould him to your liking...Now stop the crying and start playing the game.
  6. ^Shaqoo laan baa nahay maanta anigu iyo adiga baa..loool Umm Maryam - did his lazyness/selfishness bother you before this recent event? I am only asking, as it seems you accepted him for who he was - why are you suprised he is acting immature now? sorry if am being harsh - its just people accept to be treated a certain way and then get mad...its like, errm...what did you expect? ps.We Somalis dont do flowers dear..Lol
  7. ^Lol. You is a typical Somali man, you think as long as he is caring for his children then his carelessness with the Mrs should be forgiven. The Mrs is crying her eyes out in the next room - he is singing and carrying on as usual - thats not nice dee. XX relationship advice is We shall wait to hear more from the sis.
  8. Malika

    Mogadishu jobs

    ^xasiidsanid - how will he escape the Shabaabs? luuq yashaa rabtaan inna lagu dilo. lol
  9. ^Does it usually take that much for some people? There are folks, even if you put the knife on the wrong draw it makes them mad - Sounds like he is emotionally battering her. I am sure he knows that by being mad, he is going to rattle her cage - so she can frett some more. Sis - be the bigger man here and confront the man on ALL the issues you have with him and his family, after all your an equal partner in this marriage - you deserve an equal share of respect, tolerance and above all care. The outcome might not be what you like - but hey! life is just so.
  10. Wcs wr wb Indeed, easter break was quite and if I add rained and got cold on us.
  11. ^Maa ila aragtee - for people condemning religions seem to be pretty obessed by it...wax laa yab leh.
  12. MMA torchka iska dig nuune - at least wax meel lagu qarxiyee majiriin inta sawiradaan aad soo digtee - unlike some. Istanbul looks good.
  13. ^Depends on your definition of ' educated fella' - it seems he was pretty clued up.
  14. ^He means - atheism feeds on religions - what will it be if it there werent religions? Sharmarke - that was my interpretation of your question..
  15. Dheegta iis qabso - Someone mentioned you not so long ago. Welcome back brother. ps. Might I add, a legend returns. Anticipating, what the wise mind has found whilst wondering in the lands of our ancestrals.
  16. ^Lol. There was a time, I thought possible to go back and contribute but since the passion seems to have faded even though winds of opportunities have been blowing in my inbox/phone...Perhaps, once I visit, I might just change my mind. If I were to go back - it will be in the field of 'rehabilitation of children and young people' - after all they are the future.
  17. Oh Okey@ Shinbir. Waan yaabe!
  18. ^Interesting - miskiin the women have been lied about being equal - how are they to restore order in an gun invested territory without a gun, whilst their counterparts are give weapons?
  19. ^Aye! perfect for catching up on movies, under the duvet sort of a day...I braved it out, only to come back as quick as possible.
  20. ^ Haye. ps. Ninkaan aad maxkamad sartee is dead, maxkamad kaa weyn buu sarnani doona for whatever he has taken with him camaal ahaan. As you were.
  21. ^what did you expect as an outcome of your thread? to educate, argue or ??.
  22. ^Lol Aaaw@Wyre - wax baa mahaan - the future mrs would love you just as you are..bless!
  23. Juxa, I was in town - meel laga burabureyee ayaan uu socdee..another time Insha'allah. Ngonge - safar salama! anticipating your stories from home.