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Everything posted by Malika

  1. The confidence, generosity and survival skills.
  2. Oh! its nice to see Ibti back home[erm SOL]
  3. Shukran Juxa - alhamdulillah, nafta iska Jac - haye, spill the beans. How was he crossing the roads with the African crazy traffic? Hi Ngonge! see you lurking about..soo dhoowoo
  4. ^Wcs Wr Wb ....Alhamdulillah - am feeling much much better, antibiotics have done their Has Ngonge migrated to SL? tolow has he been kidnapped? We see Jac is back from tour of duty - guarding Ngonge from
  5. Carafat - thanks, will try it next time. Chimera - I was ready to update my will...Loool. Life is so precious!!
  6. ^Thanks Ayoub - I concur that. MMA, posting image of children possing as 'man and wife' or in a suggested 'adult intimate' moment is wrong aboowe, Allah kul xaal, just be mind ful of the images you post of children - the later image is surely not the same as the one you posted at the start of this thread nor is it the same as the one you posted some time ago,.. ps.For your information, I do this as a career - so indeed, I know what am on about. I have seen far too many twisted angles to titalised/manipulate/sexualise images of children - enough to know one. So please, your ego aside, take heed and be mindful. Last post on this.
  7. Somalia - your excused. It seems your still wet behind the ears, aduunyo wax baa kamaa ogiid. Ignorance is bliss -stay blissful
  8. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;820898 wrote: See indhaha iskugu fiirinayaan, iskugu haayaan igu daran. That alone so.... MMA, baal adiga uu firso the quote above ^ How is one to interpret that? You can dogde and accudubileysoo till end of time, I will call upon you anytime you post a picture or image of a child that is sexualised in any form.- taasi igu haale. - At least have the curtesy to accept that images of children that are manipulated or sexualised are wrong. You cant be that naive or not accusing you of anything so get over yourself - I am challenging you on habit of posting sexualised image of children which in my books is wrong and should be not be tolerated at any rate.
  9. ^lol..unfortunately some women have a tendacy to love too much - somehow take over the role of his mother, wabee kaa badbadhiyeen their husbands.
  10. Lol - according to my male relatives whom are married, this is true...Ladies need to
  11. Somalia;821077 wrote: Look at these jihadis, it's harmless fun. And since the picture links to FB, while NOT private, it doesn't do any damage. ^ It has nothing to do with Jihadis or Islam - Your nausiating naitivity is sad - where else do you think compromising photos of children are posted or circulated? Kulaha doesnt do any damage - do you know of how many childrens image are manipulated so some grown *** men can find pleasure from? I am disappointed with Soler's taking this sort of issue so lightly. MMA you didnt only share you made a strange thread - I dont know if you understand the extent that people go to abuse children or get off on image of children in compromising adult posses or clothes or situations.
  12. ^ii waraan abaaye - am nursing a bad bad cold[ naftu macaana!!]
  13. Ah. Another sexualised image of children, worse more - folks are even going as far as transcripting their interpretation of their adult thoughts.. MMA, I have called upon you so many times on this issue - but it seems to fall on deaf ears. What is your fascination with children in 'adult posses' - war yaa illahi yaqaan, this is the stuff that get poor children in trouble with sick people - Sexualisation of children is WRONG in any form or shape ..either its through clothes, pictures, dance etc.. Lol@Ayoub
  14. ^^Afternoon beautiful. This fb post by an 'elderly collegue' made me laugh. "Fact - more money is spent on boobjobs & viagra than Alzheimer research! By 2040 the elderly will have perky boob's, stiff willy's and no effing idea why!!"..Loool astagfirullah..that made me laugh.
  15. Eeew @Taleexi. Congrats Alpha.
  16. ^Lol. One of those days or moments huh?...blissfully, chilled out.
  17. ^The so called artist claims to be speaking for the millions of 'genital mutilated black women of Africa' - what does he know about it - is the question. All he did was act ****** and more so self hating .. Sad to see a black man participating is this abhorrence.
  18. ^Yeah - got up for farj and found myself on SOL - .loool, thats how addicted I am. Oh my! Goodnite sis - May Allah give you shiifa..insha'allah.
  19. ^Oba - tell me more of the Baajuun Islands, did you get the chance to visit them in your last trip?
  20. ^Insha'allah...thus the need to rebuke the sheytan. Sheytan hates halaal union - if one is not careful, sheytan can magnify every little thing in the marriage as an issue and a problem. Marriage isnt easy, but needs to be dealt with care and consideration and mostly calmness. Your suggestion of salat istikar was good - more so the sister can do two rakas every time she feels angry or conflicted and insha'allah Allah will ease her troubles.
  21. Last year my mother went to Hajj, I received a call from her, whilst she was at the ka'aba - asking me what else [she had done all the duas she could think for me and my siblings] do I want her to ask Allah for me..subhanallah! I know, I can never repay her for all she has done for me - all I can do is make sure she can walk with her head held high cause I am her daughter. May Allah preserve her, reward her and mostly grant her Jannat firdows. Insha'allah! Love you mama.
  22. ^I just repeated her words - she said she hates him, hates her etc.