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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^You know nothing about me - ha ha@ remote AIDS ridden villages..ha ha - god lord! your indeed the qasarahaa qurboo joogta, your attitude toward the old lady trully highlights your lack of manners- reminds me of those teens that attack, beat and rape pensioners one reads on newspaper here in UK. anyway - enough of attention to you- wasted my five precious minutes already.
  2. ^ You edited your earlier post huh? -You forgot your medication this morning miya? You sound more like the one suffering from dementia - uff..your attention seeking can be nausiating. Amiiin to the duas of the old lady - she sounded so happy to be home - the sound of the ocean and kids playing was trully soothing.
  3. Juxa;829631 wrote: Salaams all Malika, i actually say malaaig haku soo salaanto when someone visits me unexpectedly:) Aha! so its when its unexpected - I tend to just drop on them, whenever am in the neighbourhoods. Ngonge right!! So the day went so and so - rained most of the day, as if we havent had enough of it!!
  4. I see folks have been slacking here - troll thread on bottom second page aa? Anyways - Morning all! ps. I love when old ladies say ' malaaig haku salanto' after you visit them - its just so sweet. Yall have a nice morning now! Off to slave for the day. Okay am in a bit of good mood, the sun came out yesterday..lool
  5. Malika

    Ma ogtahay

    ^Your funny..they couldnt show interest in today, adigu naa waxaad ledahay for them to think of yester
  6. The never ending obsession with breast! I dont see any controversy here. There is nothing icky about breastfeeding - its natural and serving its purpose..
  7. ^Ikraan looks exceptionally beautiful in this picture!
  8. May the mercy of Allah be with him.. Samir iyo emaan to his family/friends and those of you that knew him.
  9. An opportunity for the brother in law me think! - nevertheless having 4 children under the age of 6 is not an easy job - uu daa hee adeerkoda haa soo koriye. If its halal there is no yuck about it.
  10. AYOUB;828448 wrote: ^ For Sijuwis it's pipiip! For Qawdhans it's dhiidh! Ngonge - there you go the closet 'sijui' has answer your question..Lool. Pipipipppppp...
  11. ^Dee koleybaa Somalia toos uu adii meeysiid hee dee, koleybaa duul kale baa sii marii inta anaad Somalia galin, melahasii kasii qad basaboorkasii. You wont be using the Somali passport on transit nor leaving Canada - ama nuune mid haa kuu soo diro via
  12. ^Hence his suggestion you go to Nairobi to obtain the Somali basaboor for you to enter Somalia with..wax
  13. ^Lol - kii diile iska kaa saqajaan - ciyalku dib badanaa! Now a prison sentence for what??
  14. ^Aaaw bless them - what is their story?
  15. Masa' al-khair! How is everybody on this grey, dull and wet afternoon? taa shaale igu dacdee..hmmm. I got to this neighbourhood, pleanty of Somalis families live I was parking, about 6 Police cars turned up from nowhere all parking around me. Anigu naxaadiin - thinking this is all because you smiled too much at Maadeey..loool. Anyway, got out the car, the police seem to have came to the exact place because of an incident just minute before I got there - labaa will Somali ah will cadaan dileen - smashed his head with a bottle..pheeew!
  16. ^imagine! lol - then again, did someone mention it being for charity? Chimera, I hear you- nevertheless everyone mourns a loss differently.
  17. Local planning should include road side ditches that lead the water away from the villages/towns to a water reservation much to be done..
  18. ^Ngonge is going to be so jealous of
  19. ^Perhaps so, but she is telling her story which is perhaps different to yours, hers seems to consists of trauma, loss and more so threat and it seems very real to her hence the breakdown - now you might disagree with her generalised blame - of holding every SOmali men either directly involved or indirectly involved to allowing what happened in Somalia to happen.... ps.She is mourning, am sure she is allowed to vent out. As for Mogadishu - at least she would have been 'home' - cant underestimate what that is and feels.
  20. ^Perhaps she wasn't laying the blame on the young men - My understanding of her words is that she was trying to say is that if it weren't for the bickering men - she would have been home - among her people protected by her culture/religion/family etc - far away from having to deal with the trauma caused by their bickering, having to deal with being a foreign in a foreign culture, or having to face racism, islamaphobia etc etc..
  21. If only there was a way folks can conserve the water for non rainy days..
  22. I should be asleep over It feels so wrong to start the working week on a Tuesday!
  23. Islam and merciless dont go together at all. I agree with Wadaani, there is no need to slander Islam upon the action of the barberic individuals that arent practicing what they 'believe' - it means nothing to be a Muslim if one ignores the ruling of Allah SWT and the Prophet SAW. The prophet SAW once clarified the right concept of mercy to his companions - he said that it is not by one's kindness to family and friends but it is by showing mercy and compassion to the general public, whether you know them or not.. I dont know how much of Islam is pracitced in these middle eastern countries - atrocities to others seem to be the norm - subhanallah.