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Everything posted by Malika

  1. I do like the Farax Yare, he has such a personality - laakiin maanta he made the wrong move - got himself whooped. Che he stood no chance Val - I await to see him tomorrow, poor thing. Intuu gabadh reer Uganda isku diseyee buu qoftan isku tagee - oh dear, he was doing it for a good cause , i Farax yareyashaan beriyahaan have gone
  2. ^Runta ayaan kugu jeceyl. JB loves Hargeisa, to him its the ultimate destination - masha'allah. Maanta a gangsta wanna be Farax Yare squared himself against a well built Jamaican girl - alla maxaa laa garacee - I hope Farax Yare has learned his lesson. Nag kaa xoog badaan haa isku
  3. War iska soo gaal, wa guuri Somaliyed - balaaq iska dhe! No need for pledges nor polite entrance. Wcs Wr Wb
  4. oh. its their loss. If am ever in those area, Berbera would be on the agenda, after all I have a claim to the
  5. Nah!, I want to wake up, step outside my patio doors into the white sandy beach, whilst soothed by the cool ocean Iga daa! I am home sick. ps. How is the new job? waa adigi yiri interview baan uu socdaa maalin hore.
  6. If Hargeisa had a beach perhaps - am a sea
  7. I cant stand people who want to know about me [asking personal info or whatnot], when I careless if they existed or not.
  8. Lol@A&T's footy, the weather is depressing, its July!!!
  9. Loool @ since your from Burao then you cant understand the value of man! " - masha'allah waa buu isla dacee - Ibti, you dont know what your missing, the guy sounds like he is all that and plus..loool Astagfirullah.
  10. ^Of course your not exactly like Ngonge per say, your in your own right your own man [ mouth ful huh?]
  11. Indeed @ Val. Lool@ men having feeling too - ha ha, subhanallah, indeed they do, waa binaadam dee...lool Maaddeey - whats wrong with Ngonge? You should have taken it as a compliment Juxa - I dont think they know ixsaan - they think you owe them whatever it is you did for them. Swahiligu wexee yiradaan 'fanya wema nenda zako' - kheyr saame, marka na iska tag' [lol hope it makes sense]
  12. ^Well, a chance of getting the cousin employed. :] - Garissa iyo Isiylo kaa soo raadii.
  13. ^ Maaddeey anagu naa wala, am sure he as laid back as Aaaw, thanks sweety - alhamdulillah, not my doing though @ Val Life is what you make of it - do you agree or diagree? [ open to the floor]
  14. ^Looooool.....Am a natural 'raaliyo' waryahee.
  15. ^When was it aired? Val -No chance of that dear - years of indictorated feminism cant be It's just a matter of accepting the part the hubby plays in ones life thus allowing oneself to back off every now and
  16. ^Lol..but he isnt just staying at home watching tv dee- he is caring for his kids. Ngonge, image that!! , wouldn't careless. Imagine, taking off the shoes, throw the bag down - ask hubby to make you a cuppa and join them on the sofa..:]
  17. ^It's a revolutionary concept I tell
  18. ^Yeah, was trying to find Somali written info to help a family - their son has recently been diagnoised with Ms and the family insists its 'ill' iyo 'jinn' - thought more understanding of the illness will help ease the blow perhaps with more knowledge they will be able to have better understanding and acceptance of it.
  19. ^Loool - masha'allah, kids have beautiful minds and a great company. I know..whats up with late night football - hubby had a few mates around the last few matches, I regret the 'raaliyo' wifey respond of 'its okay' I dont mind...blah blah..I sure did mind after the second @ Juxa Subax kheyr Juxa and all.
  20. ^Imagine you have two little ones, in the morning you dont have to do the mad rush around the place trying to get them ready for daycare or childminder , so that you both can get to work on time. Imagine you get up in the morning, having the time to get prepared for work in a much luxury pace as the kids are still in bed, your not worried about them as their Abo, will wake up with them and sort them out. Imagine coming home after a long day, without having to drive miles to go collect the kids from either daycare or the childminder etc feeling rather guiilty - now imagine coming direct from work to your home, to find it tidy[erm] food ready and kids all excited to see you as you take over from Abo whom need a bit of time to himself at the gym[mafrish]..knowing your children have been in their home, with their Abo...In all honest, I would rather have this setting then having both of us rushing around the place making money only to loose out on our children growing up. I am for stay at home Abo's, as long as he doesnt feel inadequate - I dont mind being the bread earner at all.
  21. Rudy, I second you there - what is saxan if isnt a plate? @ Juxa
  22. Heyl - the smell is divine. Food should have some sort of spices - garlic is something I cant do without when cooking - it goes on anything savoury.
  23. ^Lool..just read the first paragraph - will finish it later - it sure do sound like her.
  24. ^Lol - not much makes me wonder - but I have been wondering of recent...lool Pancake for dinner - sounds yammy - with a milky, tea @ Juxa I had fried casava this morning - I shall be full for the What do you say to a lady waiting for a man to decide if she is to get married or not. No matter what you say, she says 'he said this week is the week' - then weeks pass, months pass - she still believes he is about to bring the sheikh....aduunyo maxaa waqtii laa iska lumiyaa!!
  25. ^Juxa, swahiligu wexee yiradaan 'kuishi kwingi kuona mengi - by living long one will witness all sort ' - my crazy time, is just that I have lived longer to see strange things..loool ii waraan abaaye macaan?