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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Money, Money, Money ...perhaps if I say it as many times as possible - bundles of it will fall on my lap!...
  2. Hello Juxa - mac mac dear. It's one of those things about 'living longer one sees alot'
  3. ^Indeed.. On the concept of 'men dont have hearts' that is so untrue - men do get hurt , so pass over the tissue to Ayoub, koob shah naa soo sii wilka. He needs TLC as much as Lady
  4. ^Lool..could have been a reflection of Ahlan wa salaan @ Sayid.
  5. Loooooooool@Sayid - I know!! Aaaw@Ayoub - two broken could work, both determined to make a go[me think] - honestly, the one that broke your heart isnt going to stand by you tomorrow in akhira - marka let her go. [have been pondering on Alpha's death thread]
  6. ^Aah, lets say 'spooky' sort of interesting.
  7. I dont think its a good idea, marrying someone so to get over a broken heart - it is not fair, as it seems you only got married so to avoid going through the loss of your love. Then again should you have 'fallen in love' whilst unmarried? Nevertheless, if you have already jumped ship - be fair and true, do not punish the 'new guy/girl' for not being what your heart yearns for. Then again should your heart yearn for the love of a mere human being or should that love be purely reserved for loving and yearning for Allah's love? What am trying to say is make sure your marrying for the right reason. :]
  8. Asalaam Aleikum Wr Wb Has interesting couple of days - Allahu Akbar! How is everybody?
  9. ^Lool. Xaji, get off that chair , stand , strech and move around - reduce your portions of food. Eating too much and sitting idle is not only not good for body and mind but also for spirituality. Sidhee uu tukaan adigo calool weyn kaa horeysaa?
  10. ^The Kenyan goverment doesnt care to provide its own citizens basic service, why assume they should do so for the refugees?
  11. ^Long hours you work - goodnight and watch out for the camels - i hear you live in the
  12. ^The rule on troll thread is you dont look back nor ask 'maxaa laa yiri?' .. Wyre - your still at work?
  13. ^His name - Jama! what a name, its is enough to set him aside from General Duke the legend in SOL politics...Lol New comer, Welcome, Welcome!
  14. Walking around London streets yesterday - I felt like I was walking in a parallel world, everybody[Muslim women] almost looked the same - all dressed so similar - so how is one to be individual, whilst keeping modest?
  15. Congratulations Thierry! Welcome to the club - if in needs of tips, just holla! [as the young]
  16. Afternoon all Did a swimathon last night, now I can barely climb the out of shape! :[
  17. Naxar Nugaaleed;847727 wrote: U've reminded me of story about a story of mass murderer and shaikh where the shaikh ends up in hell for telling the murderer that salvation is not possible. From the little I know of u, I believe that should any of us be headed there, your way ahead of me in that path. It is no use for likes of you to concern yourself with militant atheist for the truth is, they don't transgress the God given rights of others but your kind not only do but have the blood of many Muslims and innocents on there hand. God does not need u or anyone to inforce his commondments, if u believe so, u have wrong ideas about god. In short, get life lol Clap, Clap,, that deserved a reputation added.
  18. ^Mogadishu has became a melting pot of Africa [erm African Armies] marka to have a sign in Somali wouldnt be right for business - he is widening his customer scope. Val, indeed walaal - he is better off working - me thinks.
  19. It;s an absolute shame. Erasing historical aspect of an era, Muslims should perhaps look back on - when places like Timbuktu were centres of trade, education and mostly religious knowledge - doesnt deserve mindless vandalism.
  20. Oh dear. baal lower your gaze dee...maxaan kuu dahnaa
  21. Lol..Aaw, habo. If your going to meet her with a friend,baal uu sheeg your friend to nudge you if your ever lost in her smile and
  22. ^ A Nicole Kardashian look alike miya?
  23. ^Indeed, but if the choice is between them carrying a gun or working - its better the later.