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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Looooool@ cirka ha la wada eego - man! you made my afternoon, that was funny.
  2. W.salaam@ Maaddeey Abu, indeed. I look forward to being in London this ramadan with all the family - its been years since we have all had aftar at one place - its going to be mad, as each sibling with their families all together...ready with my whip! [probably go bankrupt with all the bribing] Hey Ngonge !
  3. ^Lol. it was on 'radicalisation' - cant go more on it, unless I have to charge *Hi Juxa & Maaddeey* Norf, I have decided not to go crazy on food shopping - this ramadan is going to be about devotion, I boycott the extensive cooking/eating
  4. ^There are a few factors that have contributed in fewer women entering science or mathematic fields - non of it had anything to do with their ability, it was purely a social constructed factors. For example, most societies do not educated girls and those that do tend to encourage young girls from a very young age to concentrate in non scientific or mathematical subjects. I see a change - more young women go to universities now to do sciencitific subject and mathematic subject. Only this year, I would say 90% of the young women I have encoutered are pursuing studies in such subjects. So its a matter of time.
  5. ^Lol - with dangerous minds might I add. Attended an interesting training today - left me wondering, what most professionals that were there had gone back with to their work places/families.
  6. Jazaka'allah kheyr for sharing.
  7. Afternoon all. The place seem to have been over taken by 'empty barrels', so much noise little essence.
  8. African goverments rarely have any consideration to the citizens it serve - they sign contracts , take their share and to h.ell with the rest. I was somewhere, where the ministry of fishery had accepted an import of fish from 'nuclear effected shores of Japan' - its obvious the minister that ok'ed that contract isnt going to eat that fish, but it was flocked into the market at a very cheap price - for the gulliable African consumer.. tsk, tsk..
  9. Malika

    Love is....?

    Che -Guevara;850924 wrote: Love is what turns intelligent rational women into obsessed irrational insane creatures. Please! we have seen men go ga-ga over so called 'love' - this madness has no gender dear. Narniah - a word of advice, dont loose yourself over this love.
  10. ^Why?, hadhaa ilka jaalle rabta, jaad kuu dar sigarka, you will achieve the look in no time - black, broken teeth with green tongue to
  11. Malika


    ^I'A - wishing you the same and more I'A. This ramadan, insha'allah - I shall be off work through out, looking forward to taking much advantage of that..
  12. Lol@Ngonge What a topic! - Alpha a thought provocking thread. Despite death being inevetable, it scares the hell out of me. I obsess on how tidy my house is almost every night, have I sorted my paper work - have I left enough information to what should happen for my child, if I dont wake up or dont get to make it home that evening etc. these thoughts frequent my mind, so how do I cope? I console myself with the notion of whatever is meant to be will be, this life is temporary and am a mere guardian of my child - her future either with me or without me is definetly not mine to determine, so meanwhile - I go about living, smilling and hoping.
  13. Malika


    ^Jazaka'allah kheyr dada yangu...
  14. ^ uu sheeg - he only need to secure a good source for his milk, generator, some chairs/benches under some trees, a mobile ice cream van - voila! A good source of income, just there!
  15. ^Lol..You need to open an Ice cream palour or a bugger joint - forget about NGO work, there is money to be made from the 'foreigners' that come in every commercial ice cream machines are just over a £1000 - this is affordable.
  16. ^ Nah, she is brushing him off, isaga garan waaye - am sure that conversation would have ended with her suggesting they can be like 'brother & sister'
  17. ^We in UK have tea at any time for any Marka, I dont mind if you made me one to go with my So, how are things in H town?
  18. Morning all! Who's turn is it to make the morning cuppa today? Energy level are running out as days drag into the summer holidays - schools should end by end of June!
  19. ^It's just fear walaal, nothing more. Koleybaa dul Somaliyed bee weligeedi noqoon , so dont fear.
  20. ^Insha'allah, don't you think it will be good to have a mix of people in Somalia being a 'homogenous society' doesn't seem to have worked.
  21. oba hiloowlow;849866 wrote: SOMALIA=LAND OF SOMALIS, Somalia hadey nabad noqoto Kikuyo,Oromo iyo balaayo fil daran ayaa somali nala sheegan doono isirkeena iyo dhaqankeena baa bedelmi doono lineage keena baa bedelmaayo bantu iyo balaayo aa noqon doona Haa, whilst you enjoy the privilage of being a citizen in someone else's